Snacks to take on the road?

danamariers Posts: 155 Member
Hi All,

So I've been following paleo for a few weeks and where I get myself in to trouble is when I have to be on the road for my job (it's only a few days but when I think about it, 3 days out of a week is still 43% of the time I'm not making great choices) and I paid for it dearly when I stepped on the scale at the gym and saw my pounds go up.

Mind you my inches have gone down which is more important to me but when I look back on how many non-paleo cheats I had I know this gain is not a matter of more muscle. It's also from poor decisions.

I'm looking for ideas for snacks to take with me- I'm getting bored of beef jerky and almonds and am not guaranteed a hotel room with a fridge in it. Also my meetings go on for about 8 hours straight so when I'm done all I want to do is go back to my hotel, have a brief but intense workout, eat and relax (ie- I am not interested in going to a grocer to buy snacks each night)

What would you bring?

Thanks all!


  • strychnine7
    strychnine7 Posts: 210 Member
    There was a thread about just this sort of thing not too long ago:

    Two things I'd probably take, that I don't think were mentioned in that previous thread, would be Larabars and pork rinds. Also, I suppose a jar of almond butter is pretty transportable and you can usually find an apple or something at a local store to eat it with.
  • Brieshon
    Brieshon Posts: 17 Member
    I keep a stash of apples, oranges, larabars, almonds, almond butter, and avocado at my my work. The cafeteria has almost nothing I can eat on Whole 30 (basically salad and fruit). I usually bring a bit of leftover meat and veg from the night before.

    You can eat out - most places have salad and/or grilled chicken, steak, or fish and you can get salad or steamed veg on the side. Oh, and of course an egg/veg omelet for breakfast! :)
  • Melany502
    Melany502 Posts: 77 Member
    I am photographing a wedding tonight and I am bringing a larabar, banana, grapes and baby carrots. I am apparently getting filet for dinner so I will probably only eat that and not the starchy stuff.
  • greenmeena
    greenmeena Posts: 118 Member
    learn to make jerky. It's not difficult and is very rewarding. If done correctly it keeps very very well!
  • iamstarstuff
    Can you pack an esky? That way you can have some perishables like apples on hand without them getting overheated... Don't need to keep it super cold. Just enough that the fruit and other contents won't be spoiled. I know my husband has a big one that lasts a few days without the ice bricks needing changing and he keeps it on the back of his ute in the Australian summer:-)