COMMITMENT - 4/21/2013



  • Shushu68
    Shushu68 Posts: 14 Member
    Hi everyone, succes with your commitments and goals.
    I'm cleaning my system today. Using 25gr Epsom salt deluted in 100 cc warm water, I'm gonna drink water, fresh herbal tea, fresh fruit juices and vegetable bouillon the whole day.
    I did 60 min spinning this morning
  • warriorprincessdi
    warriorprincessdi Posts: 617 Member
    My plan for today is a huuuuge change for me! This is day#1 of eating no dairy/gluten as per my doctors request.... Added to that; i am bartending 11am-9pm so i will be on my feet ALL DAY :)
  • Unaisha8
    Unaisha8 Posts: 247 Member
    My plan was to go to gym and spend one and half hour working out. I've done it :laugh:
  • sophieburningham
    sophieburningham Posts: 56 Member
    Well I reached my plan and more, I did a 60 minute walk about 3.5 miles an hour speed wise, and then this evening I did 20 minutes worth of Tiffany Rothe youtube video's, one aerobic style and the other boxing which I found and really enjoyed. My plan is to kick up the boxing to play it 3 times as she recommends on the video, but I'll work up to that!
  • katymc226
    katymc226 Posts: 24 Member
    Went for a 30 minute swim at 9am UK time. Then followed the quick exercise in the Daily Mini Challenge group. Lost 5lbs last week which has spurred me on with this. Good luck Guys!
  • My fitness plan was to walk around the Phoenix Botanical Gardens with my honey and enjoy the sun and cactus and flowers while I walk, walk, walk. Goal is to hit 5000 steps while I'm there!

    UPDATE: 8,264 steps for 2.70 miles and 220 calories burned! WOO HOO!!!! : )
  • Soccer_Chick
    Soccer_Chick Posts: 204 Member
    Let the blubber melting commence! Just got back from the gym: 30 min-Elliptical + 30 min-Stair Master + 30 min-Bike + 400 Crunches + 30 Push-Ups.

    My goal for the rest of the day is to eat healthy, lots of protein, and control myself tonight! I coach a kids indoor soccer team and this afternoon we will play our final game of the season. We are having a pizza party afterwards and there will be lots of food and cold beer! Yikes!!

    Hope everyone meets their goals for the day!!
  • cindylu1962
    cindylu1962 Posts: 322 Member
    Off to the gym to use the elliptical and work on arms at the same time (without weights).
    Shooting for 3 extra minutes of cardio. So that would be 48 minutes. I'm sure I can do it.
  • nicf76
    nicf76 Posts: 50 Member
    Today I went to the gym and lifted weights for about 20 min and ran on the treadmill for 45 min. Good start! :flowerforyou:

    Also I am trying to stay within my 1600 cal. budget for the day. So far so good!
  • curses7
    curses7 Posts: 32 Member
    I got most of my commitment done. The 4 mile walk happened, the yardwork didn't. That's the joy of working from home I guess. People assume that you're always AT work because you're always home. It's not unusual for a client to say "Sorry I forgot to tell you last week but I need this by Monday..." on a Sunday afternoon. Setting limits are hard if nobody else adheres to them.
  • mamakeke22
    mamakeke22 Posts: 95 Member
    Today I am doing some deep cleaning which requires going up and down stairs carrying heavy totes. so other then that my goal for today is doing 100 steps on my stair climber without taking a break.
  • smittygirl
    smittygirl Posts: 36 Member
    Restarting insanity, finished it last month, and elliptical for a total of 60 minutes altogether.
  • TrinaGoss
    TrinaGoss Posts: 198 Member
    Well, I stuck to the commitment to run 4 miles on the treadmill, and did it in 47 minutes! Yay! I didn't have time for any strength training today, but I DID end up helping coach my daughter's 6 and under softball practice this evening since only one coach was able to make it to practice, and that gave me LOADS of energy for the rest of the night, which is when I work out. Somehow I ate way under my calorie goal, which wasn't intentional and I never felt hungry, I was just too busy today to mindlessly munch and when I ate my meals it was healthy and I didn't over do it. So all in all today was a good day!
  • TDABMama0617
    TDABMama0617 Posts: 29 Member
    Forgot to post anything...we went camping but my goal was to go on a little nature hike with my kiddos and it turned into quite a trek! Had to carry the 30 pound 2 year old for quite a while - got a good little but of exercise doing that!
  • angieshubin
    angieshubin Posts: 99 Member
    Meal Plan for the week

    Schedule walk times this week w/friends and do it even if they bale out on me!!
  • warriorprincessdi
    warriorprincessdi Posts: 617 Member
    My plan for today is a huuuuge change for me! This is day#1 of eating no dairy/gluten as per my doctors request.... Added to that; i am bartending 11am-9pm so i will be on my feet ALL DAY :)

    I had a great day yesterday! Stuck to my diet plan 100% and I was run off my feet at the bar - It was a very busy day for me and my feet are still sore!!! :)
  • charlibets
    charlibets Posts: 83 Member
    Yesterday I spent 2.5 hours shoveling, hauling and spreading mulch in my garden.