

  • Frickin_Kat
    So happy to have met my commitment to meet Soccer_Chick at the gym at 5 this AM and got in about 40 minutes on the elliptical.

    For the rest if the day: soccer skills practice right after work. Then I want to see about getting new batteries for my HRM (before it dies - ack!!) and figure out a weight workout for tomorrow.

    Let's bring it everyone!!
  • Soccer_Chick
    Soccer_Chick Posts: 204 Member
    Burned 494 cals with some cardio and crunches at the gym this morning bright and early! Awesome job Frickin' Kat!! I have packed a tasty and healthy lunch and snacks and have an indoor soccer game tonight at 7:00. Hoping to burn another 500 or so cals. If I'm lucky perhaps it will be a 1000+ day today!

    Other goals for the day are to drink lots of water and get to be at a reasonable hour (before 11:30 would be nice).

    Happy Monday fellow 20/75'ers!!
  • sgouti1
    sgouti1 Posts: 98 Member
    My goal today is to keep my head in the game!

    For me, this is totally mental. I know that I control what I eat, I know that I control when and how long I exercise, so my goal today is to hold myself accountable and give up on crafting excuses for my own behavior.

    I held myself accountable and did not drink any alcohol this weekend, and today I feel like I really accomplished something! (Especially when I think of all the empty calories I saved..ick!) So, I’ll use that as motivation to move my *kitten* after work, and accomplish something even better… BURNING calories! :happy:

    Good luck everyone - we are taking control!!
  • rde8jr
    rde8jr Posts: 34
    I am right there with you sgouti1. It is mental with me too, I had a mental lapse last week I gained 4 lbs but luckily it must have been a bad water weight gain with that time that lined up with weigh in because today I weighed and it all fell back off. I need to be more accountable for the type of food I eat vs how much. Need to make more fruit and veggies available than snack stuff.
  • TDABMama0617
    TDABMama0617 Posts: 29 Member
    I want to take a good brisk walk with the kids (finally nice again today - southwest Kansas is bipolar when switching seasons) and start 30 Day Shred again...or just do a workout with Jillian Michaels. :-)

    They'll be psyched; I just don't know how psyched Mom will be by the end of THIS particularly difficult Monday.

    Good luck to all and congrats for sticking with it til Day #2! We've made it this far, why not keep going til Day #3?!! (And #4...and #75! We can do this!)
  • cmurphy252
    cmurphy252 Posts: 279 Member
    I'll be doing 45 minutes on the elliptical after work and challenging myself by increasing the resistance/incline. I'd LOVE to be able to wake up early enough to work out BEFORE work; however, I barely get up in enough time to get to work ON TIME :yawn:
  • curses7
    curses7 Posts: 32 Member
    Today is light cardio, probably 30 mins on the recumbent bike, followed by my arm routine. I hope I can get that gardening in today that I missed yesterday. My yard is a mess!
  • TheFabTam
    TheFabTam Posts: 88 Member
    I wanted to ditch the car and walk to work today. AND I DID! Now I just want to avoid the urge to call for a ride home and walk back home today. Its only a 20 min walk. Adding just the walk in the morning and the walk in the afternoon will increase my daily steps taken by 4,000!
  • Em2je05
    Em2je05 Posts: 215 Member
    My goal today is to just get up and MOVE! Did not sleep much last night (up from 12:00 until 3:30ish) and then slept in late and came into work late. goal today is just to go home and move and not fall asleep until 9:00! I know, sounds easy but today I am sluggish and not feeling well.

  • junkintrunk5
    junkintrunk5 Posts: 93 Member
    I wanted to ditch the car and walk to work today. AND I DID! Now I just want to avoid the urge to call for a ride home and walk back home today. Its only a 20 min walk. Adding just the walk in the morning and the walk in the afternoon will increase my daily steps taken by 4,000!

    Great Job!!! That would be 40 min. of extra calorie burn!! Woop.
  • abikinibyjuly
    abikinibyjuly Posts: 330 Member
    Today I am committed to drink more water. 8 glasses today! I never drink enough. Going for a hike to burn some calories.
  • krk5235
    krk5235 Posts: 220 Member
    I live on a hill which is .3 mile high. I've made up and down 3 times, my goal is to my is at least 3.5 ( i live in the middle of it) or a whole 4th round trip up and down the stupid thing.
  • crystalball24
    Today I was able to wake up early and do my strength training in the morning before work, although I am very sore and may have pulled a muscle....I was very active this weekend including cleaning, yoga, hiking/running a little over 2 hours and eliptical for 45 mins! But I did indulge in a few beers and pizza oops! So my goal this afternoon is to take it easy and eat very healthy and not to drink, shouldn't be so hard right? I am hoping not to have any drinks all week!

    Good luck to all and have a great week!
  • PinkNinjaLaura
    PinkNinjaLaura Posts: 3,202 Member
    I am sick today, so unfortunately I can't set any great goals.
  • crystalball24
    Thats my goal to, good luck and stay strong!
  • missharleychick
    I wanted to ditch the car and walk to work today. AND I DID! Now I just want to avoid the urge to call for a ride home and walk back home today. Its only a 20 min walk. Adding just the walk in the morning and the walk in the afternoon will increase my daily steps taken by 4,000!

    That is awesome, way to go! Don't you feel great about it! Do not get a ride home, you can do it!!!
  • frugalafterfifty
    frugalafterfifty Posts: 240 Member
    Back to the work week and walking at lunch. Walked only 30 minutes. Tonight I'm either going to cut the grass with my push mower or do an exercise video.
  • charlibets
    charlibets Posts: 83 Member
    Today I plan to re-start C25K. Walking just isn't enough.
  • katymc226
    katymc226 Posts: 24 Member
    Hi already evening here. Got to the Gym and had a good walk, as day off today for Sat working. Back to work tomorrow but hoping for swim or gym after.
  • Frickin_Kat
    I am sick today, so unfortunately I can't set any great goals.

    Get as much rest as possible!! That is the best thing you can do for your health and well being right now!!
    Hope you feel better soon!