April September Biggest Loser chat room

marcelka77 Posts: 476 Member
I am getting messages from different teams that they are not getting supports in their team.
So I have decided to open main house chat room where everyone can meet ;) ... Everyone can say what is on their minds :)


  • marcelka77
    marcelka77 Posts: 476 Member
    Do you like our challenges??? Is it just me or anyone else can't feel their legs from squats ;)

    Did you picked up good habit with water intake - I got used to have a small glass of water after I wash my hands ... please keep drinking 8 glasses of water - its good for you :-))
  • GrandmaJackie
    GrandmaJackie Posts: 36,612 Member
    I soo love the challenges since they are the basic's! We need to remember to drink OUR water, throughout the day! Plus increase your moved, remember, move, move, move,
  • ltrevino2007
    ltrevino2007 Posts: 27 Member
    Good idea making a chat room for everyone. I know I can't be on daily because of my crazy life but I do try to check in at least every other day. I have members on my team though that do help if someone needs it and I am grateful to them.
  • Tired of sitting at your desk? Need to stretch/relax your muscles? Try "desktop yoga" (i.e., you can do it at your desk).

    I just did one that is posted on my work's website. Here is the link if you want to try it out: http://wellness.mcmaster.ca/wellness-education/my-yoga-online.html. There are also similar type videos on youtube as well.
  • Hi all,

    Hope you all doing well and off to a great week 1 start. I have not been one in the past to join or really contribute to online groups/message boards but I am really dedicated to this challenge and finding that I want to share, motivate and inspire others.I know that the more I put into this and dedicate myself to this challenge the more I will get out of it. I thank you all in advance for your contributions so far and your future contributions.

    I wanted to share with you something that I am doing to keep me motivated and to see my contributions to my progress: My Motivation Boards. I have a workout area in my basement and have posted these on the wall so I am always looking at them when I am working out.

    Photo Motivation Board:
    I created a photo sheet (12x12 - I used digital scrapbook software to create it) that reminds me of what is important in my life and why I am trying to be a healthier me in mind, body, spirit. For me it is about being the best I can be for my family, being able to play and run around with my kids, having balance in my life, being a true martial artist inside and out, and more.

    Workout Motivation Board:
    I also used a big pieceof bristol board to create a calendar to write down my workouts. As you will see, I give myself a star for every day that I am active. (Yes, similar to giving my 3 year old a star every morning for sleeping in his own bed for the entire night). It is satisfying to see my progress and I find the more I workout out, the more I want to continue to workout. There are weeks I know that I am not as active (being sick last week for example) but I at least try to do something.

    I know that there are a lot of different ways to keep ourselves motivated. I hope that by sharing one of my ways will help to inspire some of you. Another version of the photo motivation board is to create a vision board of pictures (can be digital like I've done, pictures tacked to a cork board, etc) that reflect your goals (e.g. you finishing a 5K race and envisioning that will be you finishing a 10K race; a slimmer version of yourself, etc).
  • I gained 4 pounds this week (thankfully, I guess, before the official start) but I was chatting with a friend of mine and she suggested it might be because I'm eating too few calories. I do an hour of cardio 5 days a week, plus strength 3 days a week, and a good chunk of time, my calories are a couple hundred away from fulfilling the daily requirements, netting me about 1000 cals. I might be off a little bit with my tracking, but I do try hard to log EVERYTHING. Also, if I eat a whole bunch (read: way too much) at lunch time, I am much less eager to eat at dinner time...

    Any suggestions? I will seriously cry if this gain keeps happening.
  • marcelka77
    marcelka77 Posts: 476 Member
    is in TOM on its way ??? ... try to weight yourself tomorrow

    or did you eat lots of salt? or salty food? (holding water)

    I do eat at least 4 times a day (aiming for 5)

    Karate girl I LOVE YOUR MOTIVATION BOARD!!!! I was thinking about similar idea - maybe just write it in calendar to see what I've done
  • No, TOM was 2 weeks ago. And yes, my salt intake was pretty high last week, and I tried to counter act it by drinking more water to flush it out, but that might have just made it worse. I feel like it's really hard to avoid sodium these days! You can see by my food diary last week that I was REALLY naughty, but still worked out every day. I even burned 1300 calories on Saturday with a 1hr bout on the elliptical and a 2 hour walk (scouring my town for a public park with bbqs...and all that work for no luck) but have still gained! How can I avoid sodium? Feels like it's really hard :(
  • tirrelogston
    tirrelogston Posts: 39 Member
    Oh salt is such a weakness for me. I seem to crave sweet and then immediate crave something salty. Wish I had some solutions for you. I just stay away and drink more water!
  • dparent01
    dparent01 Posts: 35 Member
    Okay, so I messed up. My sister invited me to this challenge and I was excited about it ... however I did not pay attention to when it started and now I am behind and not listed on any of the teams. Can I still get into this?
  • Hi all,

    I posted the note below to my team thread but thought I would share it will you all as well.

    I wanted to encourage you all to try the challenges if you have not already been doing so. I find it has been helping me stick to my exercise plan, try new things (exercise and food included), and probably most important for me at the moment - increase my water intake. I'm a diet coke addict and I've been working on decreasing the d.c. and increasing the water. I'm drinking 8-9 glasses of water a day now and I can tell already that I am feeling more clear minded and focused. Also have been sleeping better which is probably a combination of everything.

    Today I'm making my fish recipe - Tom Yum Soup with shrimp. For those who "salt" seems to be an enemy (or definitely not a friend) I'm making the soup stalk from scratch and without salt (there will be salt already from the fish sauce that gets added to the base) so it will be more "friendly".

    Keep up the great work you are all doing!
  • Hi all,

    Here is one more post I wanted to share with you.

    I know when we have lots of weight to remove and toning up our bodies to do, it can be hard to envision what we might look like at our goal weight. I came across a weight loss visualizer tool that lets you upload your photo, input your current weight and height, select your goal weight (e.g. amount to lose) and it will re-image your photo to give you an idea of what you might look like at your goal weight. Keep in mind it is a virtual tool and it may not be exactly what you will look like at your goal weight.

    Here is the link: http://makeovr.com/weightmirror/

    I tried mine out and saved the images. I'm going to compare the "virtual" after image with my "real" after image once I reach my goal weight. I'm curious to see how close (or not) the 2 images will be.
  • BadAtitude
    BadAtitude Posts: 167 Member
    Hi all,

    Here is one more post I wanted to share with you.

    I know when we have lots of weight to remove and toning up our bodies to do, it can be hard to envision what we might look like at our goal weight. I came across a weight loss visualizer tool that lets you upload your photo, input your current weight and height, select your goal weight (e.g. amount to lose) and it will re-image your photo to give you an idea of what you might look like at your goal weight. Keep in mind it is a virtual tool and it may not be exactly what you will look like at your goal weight.

    Here is the link: http://makeovr.com/weightmirror/

    I tried mine out and saved the images. I'm going to compare the "virtual" after image with my "real" after image once I reach my goal weight. I'm curious to see how close (or not) the 2 images will be.

    That is so much fun to play with....I also took it the opposite direction so I could see what it though I looked like with a weight gain...it unfortunately was much more flattering then reality but still fun to play with. :laugh:
  • marcelka77
    marcelka77 Posts: 476 Member
    Okay, so I messed up. My sister invited me to this challenge and I was excited about it ... however I did not pay attention to when it started and now I am behind and not listed on any of the teams. Can I still get into this?

    I could squize you in but I need your details in sign in ... We do have challenges I hope you could finish some of them so you don't loose on all extra lbs
  • marcelka77
    marcelka77 Posts: 476 Member
    I have seen - it use it - lived it - recommend !!!!
  • marcelka77
    marcelka77 Posts: 476 Member
    No, TOM was 2 weeks ago. And yes, my salt intake was pretty high last week, and I tried to counter act it by drinking more water to flush it out, but that might have just made it worse. I feel like it's really hard to avoid sodium these days! You can see by my food diary last week that I was REALLY naughty, but still worked out every day. I even burned 1300 calories on Saturday with a 1hr bout on the elliptical and a 2 hour walk (scouring my town for a public park with bbqs...and all that work for no luck) but have still gained! How can I avoid sodium? Feels like it's really hard :(

    You are small so any difference in sodium can effect you try to find healthier substitute
  • Ugh. I am down with the virus. I heard you're not supposed to exercise? I am so annoyed. What do you all think? And there's zumbathon tomorrow morning!!! :frown:
  • tirrelogston
    tirrelogston Posts: 39 Member
    Ugh. I am down with the virus. I heard you're not supposed to exercise? I am so annoyed. What do you all think? And there's zumbathon tomorrow morning!!! :frown:


    This says as long as your symptoms are above the neck you are good to go.
  • Thanks!
  • marcelka77
    marcelka77 Posts: 476 Member
    I hope you will feel better