Official Week 4 end weigh-in! (Up to Mon April 22nd)



  • sfgiants122
    sfgiants122 Posts: 13 Member
    Overall SW: 233.5
    Challenge SW: 204

    April 1: 202
    April 8: 202
    April 15: 202
    April 22: 200

    Challenge weight loss: 4 pounds

    Challenge Goal weight: 180
  • NyteMirage
    NyteMirage Posts: 315 Member
    Another great week! I lost 1.2 pounds. WoOt!

    Starting weight for challenge: 181.8
    Week 1: 180.0
    Week 2: 179.0
    Week 3: 177.6
    Week 4: 176.4

    Total loss so far: 5.4 lbs
  • kjjm08
    kjjm08 Posts: 217 Member
    Starting weight for challenge: 200.00
    Week 1: 199.5
    Week 2: 198.5
    Week 3: 198.5
    Week 4: 197

    Total loss so far: 3 lbs
  • McAmber84
    McAmber84 Posts: 29 Member
    Congrats to everyone for all the AMAZING losses this week.

    It wasn't such a good week for me, but I'm thankful that as crazy as I went food wise, i still worked out 3 days last week, and only gained 2.2 pounds. For someone my size, that's REALLY easy to lose, considering the majority of it is bloat and water weight. Here's hoping to rediscovering my drive in the next week!

    Everyone keep up the good work!!
  • adancer59
    adancer59 Posts: 302 Member
    SW: 208.6
    Start of Challenge: 205.6
    Week 1: 203.0
    Week 2: 202.2
    Week 3: 199.6
    Week 4: 197.2
    Goal Weight: 192.6

    Great work, everyone!
  • masdec7
    masdec7 Posts: 166 Member
    Had a rough eating week. A lot going on: the death of a friend, TOM, and a festival. So, up a half pound. Looking for a great loss this week though.
  • Barrettmomof3
    Barrettmomof3 Posts: 140 Member
    SW: 247
    Start of Challenge: 223
    Week 1: 218
    Week 2: 216
    Week 3: 210
    Week 4: 209
    Goal Weight: 198

    Down 14 lbs so far and 5 inches gone for good. Keep up the good work everyone!!
  • psalm23strong
    psalm23strong Posts: 21 Member
    Week 1: 160.0
    Week 2: 159.4
    Week 3: 153.6
    Week 4: 154.6

    +1 pounds, but I'm totally okay with that! I've been doing a lot of strength training.
  • Rckabllykttn
    Rckabllykttn Posts: 3 Member
    I gained this week, almost 4 pounds, but I'm okay with it. I stopped doing Bikram yoga and started lifting weights/running again. I've been working to muscle fatigue and struggling with drinking enough water. I know if I stay on track the number will go down again soon.
  • nicarey19
    nicarey19 Posts: 126 Member
    I am up 1 pound from last week. But I know what it is...TOM. Oh well, it is only one pound. And I just gotta push through it. Happy week all!
  • SW 168
    GW 146
    Week 1 166.5
    Week 2 164
    Week 3. 164
    Week 4. 161

    WOO HOO.!!! No loss last week but 3 lbs this week. I'm very pleased. Good Luck everyone. We can do this.
  • Kaylao7i987
    Kaylao7i987 Posts: 33 Member
    No gain or loss this week but I did maintain so woo hoo!!!!!!! Kind of up set about it since I've worked my but off running extra all week but then I measured and I have lost inches so I'm happy again :-D this week we are going to rock this lets do this !!!!!!!!

    Oh yeah and my NSV ......when I was running tonight some old guy driving by pretty much jumped out his window and yellow ok ed that I could stop running cuz I looked fantastic but if I was going keep going then I was doing great !!!!! Made my day :-)
  • bwnorton
    bwnorton Posts: 100 Member
    181.2. Down 2 lbs
  • melodypender
    melodypender Posts: 18 Member
    hey not doing this weeks weight in week I have a feeling I gained and I don't want to be disappointed. haven't been myself lately been really stressed. been going thru it with my husband but I know everything id going to be okay in the end
  • PandraBear
    PandraBear Posts: 49 Member
    CHECK-IN WEIGHT: 208.6 (although this morning I was 206.6)
    ULTIMATE GOAL WEIGHT: 170 or less
    POUNDS LOST IN CHALLENGE: 2.8 (or, counting Monday as a fluke, 4.8)

    My personal check-ins are on Wednesday mornings, but for both of the challenges I've participated in, the check-ins are on Monday. Given what I have seen not just this week but also in occasions previous, I am inclined to use my regular check-in day as my only check-in day, even for challenges. The weekend seems to fluctuate things far too much to be considered fair to me. I will check myself in tomorrow and update my spot on the spreadsheet accordingly based on this change.
  • melissalanggin
    melissalanggin Posts: 46 Member
    Sorry for the late post..

    SW: 255.0
    W1: 251.4
    W2: 253.8
    W3: 250.8
    W4: 249.0 (Yay... Finally out of the 250's)

    So far I am already down .4 on the scale and plan on staying strong..

    Have an awesome rest of the week everyone
  • rosiereally2
    rosiereally2 Posts: 539 Member
    SW: 202.4
    W1: 199.2
    W2: 200.2
    W3: 200.6
    W4: 201.6

    Up a pound. I think I'm doing it wrong...
  • lizp114
    lizp114 Posts: 202 Member
    I'm 190 now but I couldn't add it to the spreadsheet due to my computer being down and it wouldn't work on my phone.
  • bwnorton
    bwnorton Posts: 100 Member
    Monday's weight: 181.2
  • KirstenTheFamilyCoach
    KirstenTheFamilyCoach Posts: 327 Member
    :sad: SOOOOOoooooo not wanting to do this!

    Start Weight: 146.6 lbs
    Current Weight: 147.0 lbs
    Weight :noway: GAIN so far: .4 lbs

    Start Fat Mass: 43.7 lbs
    Current Fat Mass: 42.8 lbs
    Fat Mass loss so far: .9 lbs :grumble:

    Start Lean Muscle Mass: 102.9 lbs
    Current Lean Muscle Mass: 104.2 lbs
    Lean Muscle gain so far: 1.3 lbs:ohwell:

    Huh…I’m not doing as poorly as I thought. I’m glad we have these weekly weigh ins! :flowerforyou: