What is going well? What are you struggling with?

Julie_Donahue Posts: 394 Member
Let's sound off! What is going well for you? What are you struggling with?

Exercise is going pretty well for me. 4 girls from my office, but about 7 others (family members, staff from other sites) joined a gym almost 2 weeks ago. I've been to 4 Zumba classes (I don't think I'll make it to any this week due to scheduling conflicts :( ). I've run on the treadmill and used the weight machines.

My food hasn't been terrible, but it's not the best either. I need to do a better job of pre planning.


  • moonlitdreams2
    I've really been struggling with a snack after dinner. I know I don't need it, but I just cannot help it.

    Otherwise, everything is going fantastic. I keep challenging myself at the gym and it's paying off.
  • xX_PhoenixRising_Xx
    xX_PhoenixRising_Xx Posts: 623 Member

    The gym is going well for me. I've incorporated a proper strength routine now, and I've pushed myself to running on the treadmill. Eating is going okay, my weight hadn't moved much and I briefly considered cutting back carbs a bit to what I ate when I was pregnant with my twins and had gestational diabetes, but reality is I need the carbs because I'm doing so much exercise. I've settled for trying to limit my carbs later in the day and also cut back on sugar (that's hard!). I realised that even though the scales haven't moved much, I've lost 3cm from my waist in 7 days so something is going right. I struggle the most when I work hard but don't see much progress, but I just keep going because eventually there will be progress! I've also just this morning hit the goal that I set myself in November 2011 but I don't feel as excited about it as I thought I would - don't know what's up with that!
  • beckimj
    beckimj Posts: 186 Member
    I am in the middle of a plateau right now. I am putting in the time in the gym and watching my food, but the scale is just not budging. I am hoping to see it coming through soon because it is starting to be a mind game for me.
  • Afura
    Afura Posts: 2,054 Member
    Struggling not to eat too far under my points while still eating food that is good for me. Trying to lay off sugar (not counting fruits) is also a struggle.
    What's going well, I've kept up on my exercise, though my thighs are killing me today. Keeeeeling meeeeeee.
  • Aellyn
    Aellyn Posts: 75 Member
    What's going well - last week I didn't track and didn't plan mealls and still was able to lose half a pound by making somewhat good choices.

    What's not going so well - exercise: I haven't been to yoga in awhile because of issues with my foot and knee. I am going tonite and will do the best I can even if I have to sit out half the kneeling exercises.
  • ireallylikemuffins
    ireallylikemuffins Posts: 72 Member
    Since I just moved out of my parent's (just yesterday), I've been able to identify what a few future struggles of mine might be...

    Struggles: Mostly my roommate. She's much thinner than me, but she's been gaining weight since she's been out of her parent's (much more than one day, haha). She's used to a weird eating schedule because she works odd shifts at Sprint and then moonlights as a bartender on the weekends (sometimes right after being at Sprint). So I have to resist the peer-pressure and stick to my regular meal times, otherwise I might lose all my progress.

    And also, not having a scale will drive me nuts, so I'm going to buy myself a nice one as soon as possible so I know if I'm gaining weight.

    Well-goings: Buying healthy choices for food. Also, the townhouse we're in has a walking path right in our backyard, and it's also down the street from a park. And since it's a pretty alright area (according to my friend's dad, the home-inspector and crime reports), I plan on doing daily or nightly walks. It will also allow me some time to take out the roomie's dog for pee time and exercise.

    I hope everyone else slowly overcomes their struggles, as well!
  • DisappearingTwinkie
    DisappearingTwinkie Posts: 109 Member
    What is going well - Energy levels are up, and I have been making myself take in protein within the hour of waking up. Even if it is chocolate protein in my decaf! It has help to get my metabolism going in the morning. This week is the first in YEARS that I have felt hungry before I was starving! That means my body is starting to adjust in a positive way, so that is exciting. I also sucked it up...well opposite, let it all hang out in accountability photos. It was hard, but freeing at the same time.

    Things going not so well - Weekends! breakfasts and dinners are decent, but lunch not so well. We end up out and usually I am at the point when we go for lunch that it is like holding floods back with straw walls. Last weekend I did better than I usually do but still far from great. We ended up at Burger King. I had a Jr. Whopper no mayo/cheese, small fries, diet coke, and 6 loaded tots. I came in exactly at my calorie goal, but I know there was some bad choices in there. The hubby and I are suckers for new foods and had to try the tots...just not the large batch!

    Julie – Wow you have been a powerhouse!  I hope your planning works out better for you!

    Moonlite – It is good to hear you are challenging yourself at the gym! What are your snacks? Sometimes they are a good thing for your metabolism I am told if the choices are good and they are truly snacks. My husband is the same way. A few raisins satisfies him. He has lost 9 lbs still 

    525600 (Rent Chickadee)  - Looks like you are doing well in my opinion. With added strength you are toning now and muscle building so I would think the scale is being a terd to you because of muscle! You are being so hard on yourself. I want to give you a giant hug and say you are doing amazeballs!!

    Beck – I hope you get over the plateau and are stronger for it. Those mental games are the worst. If you need venting do it! When you don’t let out those frustrations they eat you up. I learned that the hard way with plateaus. (hugs)

    Afura – Under the calories I get that struggle! I have done well this week fighting that. I started planning out my day of food on here, and I would stick to it. So far so good.

    Aellyn – It is good that you know you can make those choices without tracking, but get back to it woman!  Do you have access to a pool lower impact on your foot and knee? Also have you tried Kinesiology Tape? My Mother in law’s PT swears by it for her patients, and now my mother in-law does to! I was thinking about getting some myself.

    Ireallylike – That is a hard position to be in. It becomes a real mind game at that point. Just remember that you are fighting for the life you want. It is way easier said than done, but I am sure you can do it.
  • Aellyn
    Aellyn Posts: 75 Member

    Aellyn – It is good that you know you can make those choices without tracking, but get back to it woman!  Do you have access to a pool lower impact on your foot and knee? Also have you tried Kinesiology Tape? My Mother in law’s PT swears by it for her patients, and now my mother in-law does to! I was thinking about getting some myself.

    I haven't heard of Kinesiology Tape. I'll have to try it out. I bought a knee brace but I haven't used it yet. I'm going to use it tonite at yoga and take some ibueprofin about an hour before my class.
  • deprek
    deprek Posts: 101 Member
    What's going well: I guess overall my "lifestyle change" is going well. I've lost about 20 pounds since joining MFP (about 10 prior to that) and my clothes are starting to feel a little loose.

    What's not going well: I'm probably not exercising as much as I should be or as much as I can. I'm definitely more active than I've been in a long time though.

    For me, most important, it's a state of mind and that's in a good place right now. And instead of feeling bad when I don't exercise, I've come to appreciate when I do fit something in and know that anything I'm doing is better than before.
  • DisappearingTwinkie
    DisappearingTwinkie Posts: 109 Member
    Dep - That is a great state of mind hun, very positive!! I love the 20lb so far loss!
  • Tansy98
    Tansy98 Posts: 45 Member
    What's going well: I think I have made real lifestyle changes to what I eat in that I eat regular meals, I really think about what I'm going to eat (and if I really need to be eating that - often not) rather than just doing what I want when I want, also cutting out junk food, soft drinks and sweets. Last week I went out for dinner at a restaurant for the first time since starting mfp and not only did I not eat the chips that came with the meal (I tasted about 5 but then I'd had enough), but also turned down dessert - before I would have demolished the whole meal and had cake after - and not really because I was trying to be good, but because I really just didn't want it.

    Struggling with: getting that regular exercise time in - I try to at least get out for walks nearly every day but I can be inconsistent. I've also had some personal struggles lately as I lost my job suddenly about a month ago, It's been a pretty upsetting time for me and my family and it's been really hard to not turn to food for comfort like I would have done before.
  • DisappearingTwinkie
    DisappearingTwinkie Posts: 109 Member
    Tansy - I am sorry that you are facing other stresses outside of the toll changing years of habits with food and exercise (hugs). Do you have access to a punching bag? Putting those frustration just into punching is great cardio and therapeutic! That is amazing what you did when you went out to eat. I did the same with my birthday burger meal, I LOVE fries, I had a couple and that was it. It felt good to have that control :)
  • Aellyn
    Aellyn Posts: 75 Member
    For me, most important, it's a state of mind and that's in a good place right now. And instead of feeling bad when I don't exercise, I've come to appreciate when I do fit something in and know that anything I'm doing is better than before.

    Dep - Great state of mind! I'm getting to that point too with eating and exercising. It's important to treat ourselves gently since we want these changes to be permanent and lifelong.

    Tansy - I'm sorry you have so much going on in your life. That your trying your best on this journey while dealing with extra stress is amazing! I'm praying for you and your family. Hang in there.
  • Tansy98
    Tansy98 Posts: 45 Member
    Thanks so much ladies, I really appreciate your kind words and thoughts x x
  • emilym820
    emilym820 Posts: 992 Member
    Good: I am loving exercise again. My mom has been going to the gym with me and it's been great bonding time as well. I have much more energy that I've had in a long time and I feel like I am finally on track mentally.

    Bad: I do a terrible job planning ahead and not eating as well as I could. I also am not doing the best drinking water and eating breakfast. I am really not a fan of breakfast food and I am not that hungry in the mornings. I know I should make myself eat a little something.

    I'm loving all the positive reinforcement on the board. I don't check in as often as I should because of my crazy chaotic life. If only they would make it so you could check the boards on the app I would be set.

    Have a great weekend!
  • PrincessYorga
    What's going well for me is I have finally gotten into a rhythm with my food. I've been pre-planning meals and pre-packing food every night to take to work. I'm doing well eating just under my calorie goal (try to keep it to less than 50 calories under) AND eating back exercise calories (when I have them). I've been losing weight steadily and just hit a big goal a week and a half ago (finally got under 300 lbs).

    I'm struggling with getting enough exercise and establishing an exercise routine. I keep telling myself I'm going to make a schedule and put it on the wall each week and check off what I am able to do. I work best with a schedule so I thought this might work. If I do all the exercises on my schedule then I get a small reward. Once I do that, I increase intensity or something every week. I have a great plan all laid out in my head. I'm just having a hard time getting said plan off the ground. :-)
  • deprek
    deprek Posts: 101 Member
    I wish I could come up with a more consistent exercise routine. I enjoy walking and now that the weather is nicer I'm hoping I'll be inspired to walk 3 days a week at a minimum.