Why do I put myself through it?



  • MissingMinnesota
    MissingMinnesota Posts: 7,486 Member
    When I paid and logged in, I had 2 e-mails (same person) and it was from someone missing some teeth and much older then me.
    I think I'm a decent looking person, I'm no supermodel but I'm not butt ugly either, I'm nice, smart and I have good personality.

    I thought this was a golden nugget. What if he had a good personality?

    Missing teeth = bad hygine and no mater how good a personality a guy has he will never make up for that.
  • christine24t
    christine24t Posts: 6,063 Member
    Re: online dating... I wish they wouldn't show me just how many people have viewed my profile. I'd rather not know that 'x' guys visited my profile and none even said hello.

    If you see a guy has viewed, but not emailed, do you send a message? If not, why not try? I don't initiate the emails often, but if there's someone I really think I'd have a good connection with, why not reach out and say something?

    I do like to see who's viewed me. It helps to see if my profile is attracting the men I'm looking for. If not, I'll change the profile picture, tweak my profile and move on. Don't dwell on it. :)

    If you use the feature that picks your best matches, it might count as a page view when in fact the guy just came across you in his matches to say "yes" or "no" and chose no.
  • JanieJack
    JanieJack Posts: 3,831 Member
    I had poor results from eH. The ONE guy in all of Shreveport it gave me was a guy who was interested in my friend (and also on her matches but we already knew each other from church). When I expanded my search to try and get SOME interest I got some very weird guys from either end of the country- none of which had any inclination to actually meet.

    I had very good response on Match.com. Like others have said, my profile was short and sweet. If you want, you can post yours or PM it to me and we'll edit. We've done that for a couple folks here in the forum.
  • 2stepz
    2stepz Posts: 814 Member
    Re: online dating... I wish they wouldn't show me just how many people have viewed my profile. I'd rather not know that 'x' guys visited my profile and none even said hello.

    If you see a guy has viewed, but not emailed, do you send a message? If not, why not try? I don't initiate the emails often, but if there's someone I really think I'd have a good connection with, why not reach out and say something?

    I do like to see who's viewed me. It helps to see if my profile is attracting the men I'm looking for. If not, I'll change the profile picture, tweak my profile and move on. Don't dwell on it. :)

    About half the time I'll say something... and only a fraction of those respond. I'm not afraid of making a 'first' move, but I am tired of being the only one making moves.
  • JanieJack
    JanieJack Posts: 3,831 Member
    I do like to see who's viewed me. It helps to see if my profile is attracting the men I'm looking for. If not, I'll change the profile picture, tweak my profile and move on. Don't dwell on it. :)

    About half the time I'll say something... and only a fraction of those respond. I'm not afraid of making a 'first' move, but I am tired of being the only one making moves.

    I've never approached a guy online and had it turn into a date. Never. In the initial days, I did reach out to some and I did the "look at his profile and hope he'll look at mine" thing.

    The best trick for me was, like Run said, tweak my profile until it started getting attention. That meant better pictures and shortening the text. The 2 top text changes were taking out "I want to get my PhD in 5 years" and also, thanks to a guy I used to date, I took out the "I'm looking for marriage" and replaced it with "I'm not in a rush, let's just see what develops." Stuff like that scares away the "good guys."
  • JanieJack
    JanieJack Posts: 3,831 Member
    Before anyone lectures that you "have to be yourself," remember you also have to play the game.

    If you put on there you wanna get married, most (not all but most) guys will assume you are gonna rush them into marriage whether or not you are compatible and no one really wants that over their head right now. No guy wants to be the "random man you check the marriage block" with, just like no woman wants to be the random woman he gets off with that night. A guy who is looking for marriage often won't even write "marriage" in his profile. He'll write that he's looking for a relationship or put he's "not in a rush." Those are relationship codewords.

    And with the PhD thing, if you're totally academic and that's what you are looking for, fine (but a lot of those guys aren't necessarily looking for an academic girl either). But "get my PhD" instantly communicates "she's no fun" so you have to think about things like that. How is your good trait, the one you're proud of, coming across to these guys (or gals). Does your long page on why your cat is amazing communicate your passion for animals (a good thing) or does it tell him you are going to be too much for him to handle (not true but that’s what he sees) so he moves on to find a woman who will be less needy.

    Last example, one I made with my first profile: If you put on there “no sex before marriage” even guys who believe that won’t approach you (or, at least, they didn’t approach ME) because they figure you’re that aggressive up front without even getting to know them you’re already laying down the law. They don’t want that- they already have a mother and a boss. They’re looking for a girlfriend. I didn’t realize I was coming across that way. I was just trying to save him time if he wasn’t cool with waiting for sex. Hint hint: saying you won’t rush into anything is also codeword for no sex on the first date.
  • TheKitsune6
    TheKitsune6 Posts: 5,798 Member
    I would like to add that all of Janie's advice is spot on - if that's the kind of relationship you are looking for.

    I follow almost none of that advice, but my desires and compatibility levels are completely different from hers. I think games and codewords are stressful, I prefer to be straight up and blunt and there are also guys that function with that mindset as well.

    Edit: Just to clarify, as it has been pointed out to me that I sometimes come across negatively, I say all this with full respect for Janie and I think she's an incredible lady who has found success following her own advice :) I just wanted to further elaborate that there are other methods with which to find a match if you don't want to do games and rules and whatnot.
  • poncho33
    poncho33 Posts: 1,511
    Before anyone lectures that you "have to be yourself," remember you also have to play the game.

    If you put on there you wanna get married, most (not all but most) guys will assume you are gonna rush them into marriage whether or not you are compatible and no one really wants that over their head right now. No guy wants to be the "random man you check the marriage block" with, just like no woman wants to be the random woman he gets off with that night. A guy who is looking for marriage often won't even write "marriage" in his profile. He'll write that he's looking for a relationship or put he's "not in a rush." Those are relationship codewords.

    And with the PhD thing, if you're totally academic and that's what you are looking for, fine (but a lot of those guys aren't necessarily looking for an academic girl either). But "get my PhD" instantly communicates "she's no fun" so you have to think about things like that. How is your good trait, the one you're proud of, coming across to these guys (or gals). Does your long page on why your cat is amazing communicate your passion for animals (a good thing) or does it tell him you are going to be too much for him to handle (not true but that’s what he sees) so he moves on to find a woman who will be less needy.

    Last example, one I made with my first profile: If you put on there “no sex before marriage” even guys who believe that won’t approach you (or, at least, they didn’t approach ME) because they figure you’re that aggressive up front without even getting to know them you’re already laying down the law. They don’t want that- they already have a mother and a boss. They’re looking for a girlfriend. I didn’t realize I was coming across that way. I was just trying to save him time if he wasn’t cool with waiting for sex. Hint hint: saying you won’t rush into anything is also codeword for no sex on the first date.

    I think this is all pretty good advice. I think you should always be yourself above all else but I don't see this advice as games. The profile is a snapshot of you, not your deepest darkest secrets or whatever, so leaving some stuff for later conversation is perfectly ok.
  • FitnessPalWorks
    FitnessPalWorks Posts: 1,128 Member
    I have found on sites like POF for instance, if you are female, the less you type the better. We women are chatty creatures by nature and truth be told, the men really just look at the pictures. Men are visual.

    I get more action on my POF page now that it's 6 sentences long than I ever did with my four witty and descriptive paragraphs about myself.....
  • RunIntheMud
    RunIntheMud Posts: 2,645 Member
    Agreed, everyone has different styles in how to write, how to date and basically how to live.

    I won't "code" my profile, but I don't see what Janie wrote as code either. I may tone down some of the things. One day I'd like to get married again, but that's not a conversation for early in the dating stages, so I leave it out of my profile. I will leave out anything work or school related and try to let my personality come out. I don't want to blend in with the others. I'll put in a little joke sometimes, mention activities I enjoy, favorite local spots, etc. This gives him an idea of who I am, as well as opportunities for opening an email.

    I've had good results when I've emailed a man, good results when he's emailed. And, if not, oh well....it's dating. Nothing is ever guaranteed, but better to try than sit back and wait.
  • RunIntheMud
    RunIntheMud Posts: 2,645 Member
    I have found on sites like POF for instance, if you are female, the less you type the better. We women are chatty creatures by nature and truth be told, the men really just look at the pictures. Men are visual.

    I get more action on my POF page now that it's 6 sentences long than I ever did with my four witty and descriptive paragraphs about myself.....

    ^^^ And, this. You all know I talk. But, make the profile brief and to the point. Men are looking for a quick overview of who you are. There's plenty of time for him to learn more about you later.
  • JanieJack
    JanieJack Posts: 3,831 Member
    Just to clarify, as it has been pointed out to me that I sometimes come across negatively, I say all this with full respect for Janie and I think she's an incredible lady who has found success following her own advice :) I just wanted to further elaborate that there are other methods with which to find a match if you don't want to do games and rules and whatnot.

    Thanks for that... but to be honest... my cool profile had nothing to do with why BB initially asked me out. He only asked me out because he thought I was hot. He kept coming back, however, because he found me intriguing and amazing. But that had nothing to do with why he initially emailed my Match profile. It was all about looks. Which is funny because after years of being told I'm fat and ugly by my dad and ex husband this is my #1 insecurity.

    Now what tweaking my profile DID do is get me more dates- many more dates - which increased my confidence and I believe made me a generally more happier person to be around so that by time BB did ask me out I had dealt with a lot of the old baggage and stopped taking myself so seriously (well, ok, I got better about not taking myself so seriously, lol!)
  • TheKitsune6
    TheKitsune6 Posts: 5,798 Member
    I have found on sites like POF for instance, if you are female, the less you type the better. We women are chatty creatures by nature and truth be told, the men really just look at the pictures. Men are visual.

    I get more action on my POF page now that it's 6 sentences long than I ever did with my four witty and descriptive paragraphs about myself.....

    ^^^ And, this. You all know I talk. But, make the profile brief and to the point. Men are looking for a quick overview of who you are. There's plenty of time for him to learn more about you later.

    Dude, anyone that writes a novel is most likely going to get skimmed. AIN'T NOBODY GOT TIME FO' DAT!

    It was one of the mistakes I made early on, then I realized when I saw a guys profile like that I would just... skip most of it. So I edited mine to be something that I would find interesting and it worked better.
  • TheKitsune6
    TheKitsune6 Posts: 5,798 Member
    Just to clarify, as it has been pointed out to me that I sometimes come across negatively, I say all this with full respect for Janie and I think she's an incredible lady who has found success following her own advice :) I just wanted to further elaborate that there are other methods with which to find a match if you don't want to do games and rules and whatnot.

    Thanks for that... but to be honest... my cool profile had nothing to do with why BB initially asked me out. He only asked me out because he thought I was hot. He kept coming back, however, because he found me intriguing and amazing. But that had nothing to do with why he initially emailed my Match profile. It was all about looks. Which is funny because after years of being told I'm fat and ugly by my dad and ex husband this is my #1 insecurity.

    Now what tweaking my profile DID do is get me more dates- many more dates - which increased my confidence and I believe made me a generally more happier person to be around so that by time BB did ask me out I had dealt with a lot of the old baggage and stopped taking myself so seriously (well, ok, I got better about not taking myself so seriously, lol!)

    Guurrrrrrl that's cause you are FINE. :wink:
  • RunIntheMud
    RunIntheMud Posts: 2,645 Member
    I have found on sites like POF for instance, if you are female, the less you type the better. We women are chatty creatures by nature and truth be told, the men really just look at the pictures. Men are visual.

    I get more action on my POF page now that it's 6 sentences long than I ever did with my four witty and descriptive paragraphs about myself.....

    ^^^ And, this. You all know I talk. But, make the profile brief and to the point. Men are looking for a quick overview of who you are. There's plenty of time for him to learn more about you later.

    Dude, anyone that writes a novel is most likely going to get skimmed. AIN'T NOBODY GOT TIME FO' DAT!

    It was one of the mistakes I made early on, then I realized when I saw a guys profile like that I would just... skip most of it. So I edited mine to be something that I would find interesting and it worked better.

    hahaha! Exactly.... :)
  • fullofwhimsy
    I write a novel...every time. I like to think I am pretty funny and interesting...lol. To their credit....a good percentage of men did read or at least skim what I wrote. It is a good filter for me...to see who is paying attention and puts in a little effort.
  • MissingMinnesota
    MissingMinnesota Posts: 7,486 Member
    I write a novel...every time. I like to think I am pretty funny and interesting...lol. To their credit....a good percentage of men did read or at least skim what I wrote. It is a good filter for me...to see who is paying attention and puts in a little effort.

    When I see a long "about me" I think "Ugh this person is needy. Next"
  • Penny_Lane_
    Penny_Lane_ Posts: 163
    I write a novel...every time. I like to think I am pretty funny and interesting...lol. To their credit....a good percentage of men did read or at least skim what I wrote. It is a good filter for me...to see who is paying attention and puts in a little effort.

    When I see a long "about me" I think "Ugh this person is needy. Next"

    When I see nothing in "about me" I pass immediately. If people don't have two seconds to describe anything interesting about themselves then all I think is ...................snooze fest.....
  • UrbanLotus
    UrbanLotus Posts: 1,163 Member
    I write a novel...every time. I like to think I am pretty funny and interesting...lol. To their credit....a good percentage of men did read or at least skim what I wrote. It is a good filter for me...to see who is paying attention and puts in a little effort.

    When I see a long "about me" I think "Ugh this person is needy. Next"

    When I see nothing in "about me" I pass immediately. If people don't have two seconds to describe anything interesting about themselves then all I think is ...................snooze fest.....

    I agree! If you can't put any effort into this then I get the impression that you aren't serious about a relationship, or you have no self awareness or are boring. Either way, next!
  • MissingMinnesota
    MissingMinnesota Posts: 7,486 Member
    I write a novel...every time. I like to think I am pretty funny and interesting...lol. To their credit....a good percentage of men did read or at least skim what I wrote. It is a good filter for me...to see who is paying attention and puts in a little effort.

    When I see a long "about me" I think "Ugh this person is needy. Next"

    When I see nothing in "about me" I pass immediately. If people don't have two seconds to describe anything interesting about themselves then all I think is ...................snooze fest.....

    I agree! If you can't put any effort into this then I get the impression that you aren't serious about a relationship, or you have no self awareness or are boring. Either way, next!

    See there is a medium ground between nothing and long. If I bring the profile up on my phone and the about me section is so long I have to scroll I will pass it by.
