The Yellow Team Loft !



  • adancer59
    adancer59 Posts: 302 Member
    Yesterday was a bad day for my food and water intake...

    1. Strength training for an hour
    2. Nothing new (yet!)
    3. 100 squats so far
    4. No fish (yet!)
  • navywifeandmomof4
    navywifeandmomof4 Posts: 958 Member

    !. 2/4 days of 30 min.of cardio
    2. nothing new yet
    3.squats 375/350 rest today..
    5.1/2 fish

    8 glasses of water
  • adancer59
    adancer59 Posts: 302 Member
    I teach dance to earn a little extra money while in grad school, so on the days that I teach I have to wear athletic clothing. On the days that I don't have time to go home and change in between classes and dance, I have to wear said clothing to school. Normally I feel like I shouldn't be wearing tight-fitting clothes in public, but today a girl in my class told me my outfit looked cute and that I looked cute in it! Yay, self esteem!!
  • yangi1
    yangi1 Posts: 91 Member
    This week is going well so far for me but today will be a challenge as we are going over to a friends house for dinner. Hoping not to overindulge but i have been saving some calories. I have volunteered to drive so at least now wine. Today is also rest day for me.
    Yesterday 23/04/13 I did:

    1. 1hr 30mins of power walking
    2. I'm enjoying the challenge of new things. I did 30 sit ups ( i don't do strength training at all normally)
    3. 70 squats rest today
    5.I had tinned mackerel fillets as a snack

    Hope everyone is coping well with the challenges
  • yangi1
    yangi1 Posts: 91 Member
    Its nice when you get complements it keeps you going. x
    I teach dance to earn a little extra money while in grad school, so on the days that I teach I have to wear athletic clothing. On the days that I don't have time to go home and change in between classes and dance, I have to wear said clothing to school. Normally I feel like I shouldn't be wearing tight-fitting clothes in public, but today a girl in my class told me my outfit looked cute and that I looked cute in it! Yay, self esteem!!
  • TayPat24
    TayPat24 Posts: 131

    I walked for 2 hours yesterday (wasn't extreme but it was something!)
    I haven't tried anything new, any suggestions ?!
    I had baked haddock and boiled perogies for dinner last night. YAY FISH!!!!!
    I did 35 squats.

    7 glasses of water
  • ReDeCook
    ReDeCook Posts: 23 Member
    4/23/13 -
    I took a rest day, and then ended up eating too much. Kinda bummed.
  • still_a_caterpillar
    i'm having a bummer day, just feeling kind of sad. and i'm eager to get to the gym after work and remind myself of the positive things in life.
  • adancer59
    adancer59 Posts: 302 Member
    Yesterday was another not so good food day for me.... I'm hoping that despite the bummer day I'm having, I'll be able to at least keep my food in check.

    1. Still only 1 day with exercise
    2. Skimble Workout Trainer app, I downloaded this Monday and used it. It has all kinds of exercises ranging from short to long, casual to intense, etc. It was really convenient!
    3. I did 50 more squats for a current total of 150
    4. I cooked flounder for dinner last night, and I'm having shrimp with my lunch :)
  • TayPat24
    TayPat24 Posts: 131
    I worked with weights today. Worked my shoulders, arms and chest (and obviously my squats lol)
    I had grilled chicken quesadillas and garden salad (was really yummy)
    However....My boyfriend took me to the movies and I ate a bag of movie theater popcorn.

    I did 100 squats putting me at 175 total

    and I drank 7 cups of water today
  • navywifeandmomof4
    navywifeandmomof4 Posts: 958 Member

    !. 3/4 days of 30 min.of cardio
    2. nothing new yet
    3.squats 375/350 rest today..
    5.1/2 fish

    8 glasses of water

    be back later today with today info.
  • adancer59
    adancer59 Posts: 302 Member
    So Monday and Tuesday were really bad days for me. I binged on fast food as a way of trying to make myself feel better about the disheartening things that had happened those days. According to the scale, I gained 4 pounds... And I have to say, none of that made me feel better. It made me feel worse. However, instead of spiraling out of control like I normally do and losing all this hard work I've done, I decided to make yesterday the best day I'd ever had. And I did! I had almost a gallon of water throughout the day, I did 100 squats, and I had a nice calorie deficit :) Also, no fast food! Anyway, this morning the scale said I'd lost 3 of those 4 pounds I gained! Now to keep it up today!

    My challenge results so far:
    1. Still only one day (Mon) of cardio
    2. Something New: Skimble Workout Trainer app
    3. 100 more squats for a total of 250
    4. Both fish meals complete! As well as a recipe posted!

    Also, I have been putting any challenge results that people have posted here on the "1st week challenge" tab of the spreadsheet. I want to make sure we are all up to date and get as many advantages as possible. If anyone doesn't want me to do this, just let me know. I'm only trying to help :)

    Go yellow team!

    Created by - Free Weight Loss Tools
  • yangi1
    yangi1 Posts: 91 Member
    That's great that you are filling in the challenges on the spreadsheet. I wasn't sure if I was supposed to do it or the captain.

    Yesterday (24/04/13) I had a rest day but I managed to eat a smoked salmon sandwich which completes the challenge. I'm going to have the left over salmon as a snack today. My challenge update so far is as follows:

    1. 1/4
    2. 2/1
    3. 140/350
    4.1 rest day
    5. 2/2

    My main challenge is getting the extra 3 days of cardio. I went back to work today but really feel tired but hopefully I will pull myself together and do 30mins tonight. I got a complement from my friend that I had lost weight today and that has given me a boost.

    Lets all keep going we can do this.
  • navywifeandmomof4
    navywifeandmomof4 Posts: 958 Member

    !. 4/4 days of 30 min.of cardio
    2. run 3.5 miles(haven't done that in a long time)
    3.squats 595/350 rest today..
    5.1/2 fish
  • yangi1
    yangi1 Posts: 91 Member

    1. 40mins running
    2. nothing new
    3. 70 squats rest today
    5. smoked salmon steak
  • adancer59
    adancer59 Posts: 302 Member
    Another good day for my food intake yesterday (April 25). I drank 12 cups of waters :) I really need to get a move on for these days of exercise though. I need at least 30 minutes for each of the next 3 days!

    1. 1/4: Monday
    2. 1/1: Something New: Skimble Workout Trainer app
    3. 250/350
    4. 2/2: And a recipe posted!
  • still_a_caterpillar
    You girls are really on top of things!! I'm wondering if one of you would be willing to take over as captain in May? I'm going on vacation for 2 weeks and I have no clue what sort of internet access I'll have...I'll be working out while on said vacation, but my check ins will be sort of sporadic...

    Also, I got my 2 fish done in one day...on Wednesday I had sushi for lunch and tunafish for dinner. :) (the same day I spent 60 minutes on the stationary bike and I remembered how much that seat makes your butt hurt lol)
  • adancer59
    adancer59 Posts: 302 Member
    I can take over as captain while you're gone if you like. That wouldn't be a problem at all :)
  • still_a_caterpillar
    Awesome, thanks! I leave on May 10 and come back on May 27, but will likely be jet-lagged as all hell, as my whole family is going to Europe. (I am really bad at getting back on track after jet lag. Like really bad lol)
  • navywifeandmomof4
    navywifeandmomof4 Posts: 958 Member

    !. 4/4 days of 30 min.of cardio
    2. already done
    3.squats 820/350 rest today..(rest day will be Sunday)
    5.2/2 fish
    (i add the recipe to the other thread )