Typical day of eating

Hi girls. I'm on here because I gained a lot with baby #1. I got pregnant with baby #2 (on purpose) after only 5 months. I still had half my baby weight and I really need to be smart with this pregnancy. I'm 10 weeks in. What is a typical day of food for you? I'll take all the suggestions I can get. One stipulation, I don't eat fish. Help please :)


  • Rubyayn
    Rubyayn Posts: 433 Member
    You are more than welcome to FR me and check my diary. :)

    I usually have oatmeal with coconut, pineapple, flax and hemp seeds in the morning. A wrap (today was egg salad) for lunch with carrots and grape tomatoes. For a snack I eat almonds, apples and oranges typically. My dinner varies, but today is garlic shrimp pasta with veggies. I then usually eat a pretty large snack before bed, too. Tonight I will have two homamde chocolate bars, a fig cookie and a bowl of popcorn.

    I was eating maintenence (2150) before I got preggo and am up to 2250 now, so I have plenty to work with, though I would like more!!!
  • _ylime_
    _ylime_ Posts: 661 Member
    Not sure it will help... but this is what a typical day looks like for me... I snack all day long... so it is not always broken into "meals"...

    Egg and cheese breakfast sandwich
    Assorted Fruit
    Nuts, and cheese, dried fruit
    Pretzels and Almond butter
    Big salad with grilled chicken (lots of veggies) or a burger or sandwich with sweet potato fries (yummmm)
    Assorted fruit
    Steamed Veggies, some type of protein (chicken, fish, steak) and cheese (always cheese)
    Either ice cream, or cereal (with almond milk)

    I also like to eat lots of veggies and hummus...

    basically I "graze" all day on "healthy-ish" snacks and then toss in a meal when I can stomach it / am really hungry - I have had a lot of trouble with nausea and big meals seem to turn my stomach... so I stick to the snacking... I am always sure to get enough protein and lots of fruit and veg. I also let myself have a treat each night... I think it helps me from going crazy and overeating.

    Sorry not sure if that is super helpful or not... Good luck and congrats!!!
  • lk27
    lk27 Posts: 257 Member
    My day is not perfect and I get side tracked by foods that are too temting to pass up, but here is what I PLAN on for most days:
    Breakfast: Eggwhites on a whole wheat english muffin with skinny cow cheese and a little ketchup. Option if I'm in a hurry- I get the Special K breakfast sandwiches they are really yummy and much faster, although have more fat and sodium.
    Snack: Fruit
    Lunch: usually a salad with spinach, tomato, cucumber, Ken's light italian dressing, grilled chicken breast (I have my husband grill a whole package at the begining of the week), a couple of crutons (to satisfy my carb craving), avocado, raddishes, shredded carrots. Just whatever looks good. But the chicken is key to keep me full until my afternoon snack.
    Snack options: Reduced fat Triscuits & sharp cheddar cheese, fruit, veggies & dip, pistachios or almonds, beef jerkey, special k cracker chips (sometimes I do the salted ones with salsa), greek yogurt.
    Dinner: I usually have grilled chicken and some steamed veggies with rice if I'm being good. But IF I've worked out, I eat pretty much whatever I want, but pay attention to portion size.
    After dinner sweet: I usually have to have something sweet after dinner. If I'm being good, I have a homemade popcicle (frozen raspberries, greek yogurt, and juice all mixed together then put in popcicle molds and freeze), but if I'm not I have a few jelly beans or a piece of chocolate.
  • laurab1217
    laurab1217 Posts: 123 Member
    My advice would be two things 1. to eat a well-rounded diet.....for me that means mostly healthy foods but I do allow myself to indulge occasionally....meaning I have a portion of whatever I'm craving instead of a ton of it, and then I just eat healthy the rest of the day. I eat a lot of grilled chicken from the George foreman grill (8-12 oz of skinless chicken breast on there is only 220-330 calories and it really fills you up, plus you can experiment with different seasonings, just watch the sodium). I eat a lot of whole grain cereal and milk, a ton of fruits and veggies....fruit seems to really help me with swelling which will reduce weight gain from water retention. I also eat a lot of cheese on whole grain crackers for calcium and protein. And salads....so then I don't feel bad when I want French fries or a donut :-). One change I have made is that I eat fewer sweets than I did pre-pregnancy. Also, make sure you are also eating enough calories for you and baby.

    I'm about to be 37 weeks and I've gained 22 lbs so far (prepregnancy BMI is 20)....eating about 2300 calories a day right now, sometimes a little less, sometimes a little more.

    2. Exercise! It makes all the difference. It is good for you and the baby and it will make you feel better too. Just check with your doctor to get approval of your workout routine. Even just walking and some light strengthening exercises will help....
  • manit1117
    manit1117 Posts: 54 Member
    A typical day for me looks like this...

    breakfast: 1c. Honey Nut Cheerios w. 1c. FF milk
    snack: orange
    lunch: 1c. stonyfield FF french vanilla yogurt w. 2Tbsp Skippy Natural PB or a garden sald w. feta or mozzarella and 1Tbsp(ea) EVOO & Balsamic Vinegar
    snack: Luna Bar or the yogurt/PB (if I didn't have it for lunch)
    dinner: anything from pizza, tuna sandwich, BLT to a healthy protein, vegetable and starch

    I'm 30wks now and have gained about 20lbs...I swear it all went to my chest!!!
  • Amandajp79
    Amandajp79 Posts: 165 Member
    I think its really important to balance your carbs with your protein. I aim for 35 carbs in main meals and 15 carbs in snacks. I eat ALL day long too :) Typical day for me looks like...

    whole wheat thin bagel
    one whole egg
    one egg white
    2 cherry tomatoes
    3 slices of turkey
    one slice fat free cheese

    handful of walnuts
    mixed fruit
    cheese stick

    carb balance wrap (13grams of fiber!)
    chicken or turkey

    peanut butter (one tbs)
    whole wheat crackers (four)

    Grilled chicken (half breast)
    over salad or pasta with lots of veggies

    I am never hungry and normally save about 400 calories to eat my ice cream!!! :)

    I average 1800 calories per day. At 31w 5d I have gained 17lbs. :D
    Walking 30 minutes a day and lifting 3lb weights 10 minute circuits 2x a day