30 Day Shred - Level 3, Day 1

Just finished day 1, level 3 and omg, that was hard!!

Rockstar jumps?? My body just didnt want to do them!

Felt like I was going to die... again!

Hopefully it'll get easier, just as the other levels have :)


  • twinkychops
    twinkychops Posts: 228 Member
    never made it to level 3, knees gave out during level 2 and doc recommended I stop!
  • I am stalled mid-level 2. I have done it about 4-5 times now, but afterwards my anterior hips and my knees have been sore, and not in the good, muscle-sore kind of way. My joints are sore. My husband thinks I must be doing one of the exercises wrong. I do all the "beginner" versions of the exercises except the walk-out pushups, even though I could do the hard versions in level 1. Any suggestions? Also, I NEVER got sick of level 1 and didn't move up to level 2 until I felt I could completely handle it. I probably did level 1 30 times, but I am sick of level 2 already. I don't want to turn the DVD on. Idk if it's because of the pain associated with it or what. Any suggestions? I'd appreciate it! Thank you! :smile:
  • AddyMaeMomma
    AddyMaeMomma Posts: 84 Member
    I like level 3 waaaaay better than level 2, though! I'm on day 3. I love it!
  • I like level 3 waaaaay better than level 2, though! I'm on day 3. I love it!

    Well that is definitely good to hear! Maybe I'll just have to move up to level 3 sooner then!
  • SO I did Level 3 today and I DID like it better! I didn't know if I'd ever get to level 3. Thanks for your encouragement! You're right about those rockstar jumps though! Sheesh!
  • jack1925
    jack1925 Posts: 186 Member
    I just finished Day 7 of Level 3... I hate the ab pulls at the beginning... My body just doesn't seem to want to move like that, lol. And those stupid mountain climbers! Ugh.
  • Just completed Day 1 of Level 3 and OMG. Those rockstar jumps.....No way I'm kicking all the way up to my butt. Had my hubby try it out with me and he couldn't keep up. Told him to start at the beginning and maybe lose that beer gut of his.
  • Finished the 30 day shred!!! Lost 12 pounds and I know I gained some muscle.
  • Yecats1990
    Yecats1990 Posts: 18 Member
    I find level 3 less challenging so I usually go back to level 2 for a better work out.