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  • jcbatson
    jcbatson Posts: 1
    Hello. I am Jamie and I am a recent cancer survivor. Between surgeries, chemotherapy, and radiation, my body is now ready for a rebuild which I have been starting on myfitnesspal. I hope and plan to follow in the wonderful footsteps of my big sister, Alice! She has set a shining example and provided this wonderful forum for help and support. Thanks for inviting me in, Alice!
  • RobynUnfiltered
    RobynUnfiltered Posts: 62 Member
    Hello all. My name is Robyn I live in Southern New England, married 3 kids who are 14, 10 and 10 (yup twins!). I am looking to be healthy and to lose around 50 pounds safely. My main goal is to eliminate as many super processed foods as possible, this is not easy when you work full time and have to get dinner on the table in a hurry.

    Also i have been looking for other parents who have children on the Autism Spectrum, if you are out there let me know.

    Good luck with your goals everyone!
  • Lodesca
    Lodesca Posts: 1
    Hi. My name is Leeann, I live in a small town in Northern Ca. Called Benicia. We were the first State Capitol in Ca., anyway, I am 69 years old, mother to 4 adult children, Grandmother to 7 grandchildren. I started on MFP in June 2012 and have lost 31 pounds so far. I have gone from a size XL to 12-14. What a thrill. I did this by being faithful to posting on MFP, and changing bad eating and drinking habits. I use a replacement protein shake twice a day and eat 1 regular meal in the mid afternoon . Lucky for me my husband is following the same plan, which makes it much easier. I just got my Fitbit, after hearing Dr. Nancy Snyderman, talk about it at a conference we were attending. I want to loose about 10 more pounds, but have been traveling extensively so it's going to be hard, any suggestions how to handle this would be greatly appreciated.
  • lindaw66
    lindaw66 Posts: 258 Member
    Hi. My name is Leeann, I live in a small town in Northern Ca. Called Benicia. We were the first State Capitol in Ca., anyway, I am 69 years old, mother to 4 adult children, Grandmother to 7 grandchildren. I started on MFP in June 2012 and have lost 31 pounds so far. I have gone from a size XL to 12-14. What a thrill. I did this by being faithful to posting on MFP, and changing bad eating and drinking habits. I use a replacement protein shake twice a day and eat 1 regular meal in the mid afternoon . Lucky for me my husband is following the same plan, which makes it much easier. I just got my Fitbit, after hearing Dr. Nancy Snyderman, talk about it at a conference we were attending. I want to loose about 10 more pounds, but have been traveling extensively so it's going to be hard, any suggestions how to handle this would be greatly appreciated.

    I grew up in San Francisco and then moved to Vallejo for a while as an adult. Currently I live in Sellersburg Indiana, which is about 20 minutes from Louisville, KY. I'm 46 years, married for 16 years and we have 4 children total, ages 26, 25, 21, and 14. I've always struggled with my weight growing up (10-20 pounds) but once I turned 40 and quit smoking and quit my job and moved to Indiana, I gained another 30 pounds. I'm currently working as a switchboard operator for 7 hospitals in Louisville, KY so I sit all day and I work from 5:30 am to 2pm. Getting enough sleep is an issue for me because I can't go to sleep at 8pm. I've been struggling to get this weight off for 6 years now. Doing what I did in my 20's and 30's isn't working! Currently I'm doing Jillian Michael's 30 Day shred and I'm on Levevl 1, day 7 and I'm trying to stick to 1500 cal. I want to get a fitbit, so hopefully I will get my wish on Mothers Day :) I want to lose 50 pounds and I want to connect with women that are my age because I feel that I'm heading into menopause and that may be why I'm having a difficult time. Can't wait to share our journey together:flowerforyou:
  • glizzie23
    glizzie23 Posts: 6 Member
    My name is Lizzie. I live in Tennessee. I need support. Even though I am a member of a weight loss group we only meet once a week. I have tried for at least 2 yrs to get rid of weight I put on in one year. So discouragement is setting in. At least I have stablized at 3 or 4 lbs less than my highest I still have 7 or 8 to go. Also I need to get down because of diabetes in my family history. Thanks for any help.
  • wannchef
    wannchef Posts: 8
    Greetings All,

    My name is Leona I live in rural eastern NE. I am 56 and going through some health issues right now. Just starting my weight loss/lifestyle change again. I am recovering from one surgery and will have another at the end of the month. After a recovery period I will be able to get back to being active.

    My interests are: gardening, sewing, crafting and soap making. I am on hiatus from being a personal party chef. I also sell soaps and other toiletries at fairs and boutiques also on hold for now.

    Occasionally I need a good swift kick in the butt to get motivated. Most of the time I stay on track though. I do not call what I am doing here a diet. I am changing my life.

    As you can guess food is my passion and I am learning soooo much right now about nutrition. It's fun to try new things.

    Glad to be here.
  • leeannewgeorge
    leeannewgeorge Posts: 92 Member
    Hi Y'all,

    My name is Leeanne. I'm 54 years young and live in small town Alabama. I joined MFP about 3 months ago and have lost 12 lbs. My goal is to lose 25 more.

    I have yo-yo dieted my entire life. My last really successful diet was Atkins. I stayed at my goal weight for several years. Then my DD left to go to college, i lost my job, life happened and I put the weight back on.

    I have started back going to the gym. I found one this time that I really like. It offers a great variety of classes and all the coaches and participants seem genuinely glad to be there.

    So glad I found this group!
  • chcograd
    chcograd Posts: 1
    Hello from gorgeous Sonoma County, Northern Cali...heart of wine country, I think this is kismet! I've been off and on with MFP since the first of the year. My sister and mom have been incredibly dedicated and successful using this site so I'm back. I just turned 44 and am newly engaged! My body doesn't react to life the way it did 20 years so it's time that I give myself 10% each day for my wellness. I work at a YMCA, with a free membership and yet I still don't fact, I hate exercise. I can do the healthy eating but it's the moving around that I struggle with but I'm working on it! I discovered yoga last year and love it!! I'm just looking for that kick in the rear that I need and this sounds like a fun group! I'm looking forward to "lunching" with you all.
  • Hi everyone! My name is Barb and I live in eastern West Virginia, originally from the Maryland suburbs of DC. I'm 52 years old, married and have 2 grown sons. My husband and I love to garden and I'm so excited that spring has finally sprung here! We're trying to grow some different veggies this year and hope to have success.

    My weight became a real struggle after age 40, and seems to get worse every year. Last year I started working as a dispatcher so I'm stuck behind a desk for 8 hours a day. Now I'm the heaviest I've ever been in my life. What's more frustrating is while I have great insurance that has a weight management program that I participate in, I have continued to gain weight. The program includes a membership to the local gym and I work out 5 days a week for an hour a day, twice a week in water classes and 3 times a week in the gym. I also meet with a dietician. After 8 months of not losing anything, I found MFP. I've been on here 55 days and have only lost 2 lbs. Still very frustrating! But the incouragement and friendships that I've found here are awesome! I'm continuing to keep up the fight! Thanks so much for the invitation :heart:
  • Leesel66
    Leesel66 Posts: 67 Member
    Hi, my name is Lisa, I'm 47 from The Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia. I'm married and have 1 son aged 14yrs old. Originally from NZ, left to explore when I was 21.

    Just joined MFP on the weekend to help motivate me to getting my life back again.

    I attended a friends wedding a couple of weeks ago and that was my big wake up call. I knew i was putting the weight on, just wasnt in the right head space. I am now!

    I'm currently waiting, 2 weeks today, for spinal surgery so I'm going to need all the help in staying focused to get through not only surgery, recovery period which can take between 3-6 months, but to keep my spirits up, to push me and help reach my target goal of 15kg...20kgs not sure what that is these days in lbs. Strange as arrived here 8 1/2 years ago from the UK where it was lbs, think its like 2.2lbs to kgs? So I'm not very active which is part of my weight gain, the other, bad food choices. Time to chance the food and attitude!

    So menu plans, fitness regimes, great friendships is right up my ally, thanks for the invite ladies xox
  • FitToBeKim
    FitToBeKim Posts: 85 Member
    I'm Kim. I'm a wife of 26 yrs, Mother to two wonderful grown daughters and Mawmaw to one 6yr old Granddaughter and another on the way any time now.
    I have 2 dogs and 2 cats.
    I love to cook and do it every day (like most everyone else) LOL
    Right now I am a stay at home Mawmaw (on days they need me to watch her).
    I started my Journey in January and joined Mfp shortly after. I lost a little weight before joining then have lost since so I am down 37 lbs right now. I'm 163lbs now.
    I am 5'8 and my (best guess) goal is 140... or until I feel healthy and able to do the things I want to do.
    I just started the C25K App on my phone and not doing so well with that. My knees give me fits.
    I do like to walk and be outdoors and spend time with my family !!

    We live in Ky but originally are from Illinois.
  • lisagregory01
    lisagregory01 Posts: 35 Member
    Hi! My name is Lisa. I will turn 50 next month. I absolutely love life right now but not the way I look. This middle age spread is not my friend! I am looking for support and tips to help me and encourage me to attain a weight/figure that I am happy with. I completed two triathlons last year but still didn't seem to loose the weight. But I have fallen in love with exercise as a result and really improved my endurance. In the last few months I have started to take advantage of MFP to the fullest by recording everything (most of the time) I eat/drink. Wow! What an eye opener! Now I know why I haven't lost weight. SO, here I go, painfully learning that in my younger years I could eat whatever I wanted but that is no longer. In the last few months I have had success in dropping a few pounds and inches and changing my shape. I take spin, yoga and power classes. I work out 7-10 hours per week. I love it and the way it makes me feel. I look forward to being in this group to encourage and be encouraged!
  • Hi everyone! I'm Blanche. I turned 51 earlier in the year, married 28 years and have 2 kids, 25 and19. I'm (finally) just getting started with my journey and discovered MFP a few days ago! I'm looking forward to learning and sharing with all of you!
  • indianarose2
    indianarose2 Posts: 469 Member
    Hi! I'm new to the group and mfp. I'm 43, married and mom to three. I'm trying to get fit and and healthy for myself and my family. I look forward to being a member of the is group and checking in whenever I can!
  • Cherp18
    Cherp18 Posts: 224 Member
    Hi everyone! I'm Cheryl from the Interior of BC, Canada. I'm 55 yrs old, 5;8" and have been on MFP for apx 1 year.

    I've always been 'a little heavy' but thought everything was going ok. Then there was a diet contest at work. I thought "no, I can't lose weight" (I've never dieted) but when sign-up day came I thought "who are you kidding?? you're FAT!!!!" So I took part & came in 2nd! All thanks to MFP, getting up & moving and watching what I eat. Who knew I could lose weight! It's a miracle!

    I still have 15-20 lbs to lose, then we'll re-assess. Things are going slower now, I've been up & down within 5 lbs but I'm still motivated to carry on.

    On a personal note, I'm married with 2 grown children. One child is married, lives 3 hours away & trying for a family. One still at home and attending university. I work full time and also have another part time job. I guess I work alot :wink: I enjoy driving, gym, travel, music and reading (Diana Gabaldon & Paullina Simons are favorites).

    Looking forward to meeting some new online friends, sharing ideas & encouragement! :drinker:

  • phieaglefan
    phieaglefan Posts: 107 Member
    Hi all,

    My name is Heidi and I live in central Oklahoma. I'm 52, and was feeling more like 82. So I decided to do something about it. I've been using MFP since the beginning, but mostly on my phone and ipad. I hadn't found the forums or groups til recently.

    I've had many bouts of weight loss before, only to re-gain eventually. Usually with an extra 5 to 10 pounds each time. I think the key for me will be continuing to use MFP when I reach my goal, which is just a few pounds away.

    I liked the sound of this group, and thought I might just fit in perfectly!

    I look forward to taking part in the discussions,
  • SewBethy
    SewBethy Posts: 16
    Hi Ladies, I'm Beth from Mesa, AZ, and I'll turn 50 in August. Although I joined MFP last year, I've only been logging in for the last several days. I've lost and regained the same 10 to 15 pounds just about every year for the last several years. This time is different...I have MFP and its resources! I'm looking forward to some friendly accountablility and am eager to meet women around my age-group. I'd love to exchange recipes and tips! -Glad to have found this group.
  • gracetillman
    gracetillman Posts: 190 Member
    Hello, my name is Grace. I just turned 42 and have made a decision to finally do something once and for all about my weight. I have gone up and down the scale over the years and now start at the highest weight ever!! I have three children (ages 13, 11, and 9) and live in the Metro Atlanta area. I love food, but for the first time ever in my life I have decided to love me more.
  • scorpio61
    scorpio61 Posts: 46 Member
    Hi Ladies, my name is Lisa, I'll be 52 this year. I'm sorry to say I'm beginning the journey yet again. I gained back what I'd lost due to eating all the wonderful treats I was making for everyone else. I have a beautiful daughter whose 33 & two amazing grandchildren ages 6 & 2. My home is Florida, my workouts although I have done several things. I have settled into lifting weights & spinning in which I take to the streets on the weekends. I have two furry friends I love dearly (cats). I have also found a new addiction pinterest. Oh I can't forget the husband he's loved too. Anyway I've had to make changes to my working out as well as my eating doctors orders. Working out to the mornings & more gluten free foods wonderful. I'm excited to join you:)
  • raingalgene
    raingalgene Posts: 4 Member
    Hello there! I'm Janey, from Sussex in the UK. I'm a Nifty Fifty who still feels 25 on the inside!
    Mum to one teen and one pre-pre-teen - you know, 10 going on 16! - with a lovely dh who's really encouraging me with this and is a whizz at working out my calories when the numbers make my eyes water! One daft dog and two pretty kitties complete the household. Oh, and my daughter's Chinese hamster counts too!
    My weight has crept up over the years, and I've had a couple of half-hearted attempts at doing something about it, but this time, I'm going to succeed. Oh yes, I am!
    I love food, (possibly part of my downfall??) good wine, cooking for friends and family, so am keen to hear everyone's ideas and tips. Horribly hopeless at gym-style exercise so am sticking to my dog walking and gardening, and any other carb-crushing techniques I can lay my hands on. ; -)) Tips welcome!
    Looking forward to meeting everyone, and hopefully making some new friends along the way.