The Weekly Male Stop (4/19/13 - 4/25/13)



  • dad040859
    dad040859 Posts: 66
    Nah113 and Alexfro - first and foremost, you have to tattoo this in your brain; you didn't get to where you are overnight, you won't reach your goal overnight, either. Patience is the key; everything you do, anything you do, is more than what you were doing before MFP. Don't beat yourself up if you don't see any progress after the first couple of weeks; your body is adjusting. It will start up again, believe me. But you have to keep at it. You are doing this for yourselves; it's not selfish, it's lifesaving. If it's nothing more than a walk around the block, it's something positive. Celebrate your victories, small and large. One thing I learned was an attitude adjustment; I don't look at all the favorite things I used to eat as things I can't have - I look at them as things I don't want. Perspective...

    When you wake up in the morning, say to yourself "Today is the day." Don't think about yesterday, you can't change that. Don't think about tomorrow, that's just borrowing trouble. Deal with today, today. Once you begin to like yourself, you'll start to make good decisions and be happy with them, and it will happen. We're with you, guys...
  • thadius65
    thadius65 Posts: 36 Member

    I have been on a 4 month journey with more to come. If I may, I would highly recommend not only this MyFitnessPal tool, but also getting yourself a BodyMedia Fit Link (BMF) . The two paired together give you all the tools you need. I have gone from 299lbs on Dec 29th to 228lbs this morning. If you have the drive, these tools WILL allow you to succeed. Knowing what you eat is great, but unless you know your 24 hour burn, it is all guessing (just my .02 cents).

    If you are interested, watch BMF facebook page for 30% sale days, or just jump on Amazon for about $119, plus the $60 or so per year fee.

    Good luck!

  • CJDaniel7
    CJDaniel7 Posts: 149 Member

    If you are interested, watch BMF facebook page for 30% sale days, or just jump on Amazon for about $119, plus the $60 or so per year fee.

    Good luck!


    Great review, It is at Costco for $99 includes 12 months, i am thinking about it, wish it were smaller.
    Thinking about it.
    24 Hour fitness also on sale for $99 with 6 months subscription.
  • thadius65
    thadius65 Posts: 36 Member
    If that is for the Link model (bluetooth to phone), then that is a good deal. Probably dropping prices due to upcoming August release of new product. About size of a quarter and waterproof with HR capabilites.
  • kobrien65
    kobrien65 Posts: 24 Member
    Totally agree with thadius. I wear the thing 23/7 (have to recharge 1hr per day). I tell MFP what I ate, MFP tells Bodymedia automatically, and BodyMedia tells me what I've burned today even if I was just sitting at my desk. I go for 1000k cal deficit per day and I am right on track at 2lbs per week. Great for factoring in those beer days! I agree as well on the price for the Link. At $99 pick it up.