If you could change one movie scene...

mruntidy Posts: 1,015 Member
What would it be and how would you change it...


  • Susan_fessler
    Susan_fessler Posts: 56 Member
    I would change Uncle Ben's death in the new Spiderman reboot to how it actually happened not the stupid convenience store robbery, I would also have him say the line "with great power comes great responsibility". Still would not like the movie but it would make it a little better.
  • TeamEdwardJenn
    TeamEdwardJenn Posts: 400 Member
    Hmmmm Have to be the Lion King when Mufasa dies :( that part always gets me...Why couldent Mufasa have been in a coma and Simba think he was dead and when he enters the pride his papa awakens! :)
  • j_bark
    j_bark Posts: 1,274 Member
    Wash in Serenity. You know what I am talking about.
  • chm2616
    chm2616 Posts: 434 Member
    Ummmm HAN shot first!!!! :bigsmile:
  • jenbit
    jenbit Posts: 4,289 Member
    Wash in Serenity. You know what I am talking about.

    x22222222 gazillion...it hurt so much :sad:
  • GasnotGas
    GasnotGas Posts: 54 Member
    The scene where Brandon Lee is plying the guitar on the roof in the film "The Crow" If were up to me I'd have him marching about that roof with a Tuba. A really huge tuba.
  • ScottyNoHotty
    ScottyNoHotty Posts: 1,955 Member
    Darth Maul would have killed Qui-gon on Tattooine, boarded the cruiser, massacred the entire crew and Anakin......BOOM!!! No more prequels....
  • SavvyCake
    SavvyCake Posts: 150 Member
    It would be the ending of Hannibal. The movie was great, but I freaking LOVED the book, and anyone else who read the book knows just how different the movie went. Le sigh...
  • jenbit
    jenbit Posts: 4,289 Member
    Darth Maul would have killed Qui-gon on Tattooine, boarded the cruiser, massacred the entire crew and Anakin......BOOM!!! No more prequels....

    But no original series either if Anikan and Obi-one die......... other then that sound plan
  • ChristieNJFitnessAddict
    Wash in Serenity. You know what I am talking about.

    I would have to agree. I don't think there's any ending worth changing more than this...
  • j_bark
    j_bark Posts: 1,274 Member
    Yay to all my Browncoats.

    A close second is when a new Anakin ghost shows up in the new "special edition" Return of the Jedi.
  • soldier4242
    soldier4242 Posts: 1,368 Member
    I can't believe this topic made it so far down on the list. I just noticed it today. This is a fantastic topic.

    There are tons of scenes from tons of movies I would change. In fact there are some entire movies and in some cases entire trilogies that I would change but If I were to only choose one scene from one movie. It would actually be to change back that scene in "A New Hope" where Han Solo shoots Greedo. Since I only get to change one scene from one movie I had to change a movie that was otherwise good except for the one scene that I am changing. I could fix a worse scene from a horrible movie but it would not have as much impact because the weight of the rest of the movie would still bring it down.

    In case you lived your life in a cave up to this point and you don't know what I am talking about. In Star Wars Episode IV A New Hope, Han Solo is confronted by a bounty hunter named Greedo. Han Solo gets the jump on him and shoots him under the table. Then he pays the barkeep for the damages and walks out like a boss.

    Later in life George Lucas goes a little bit crazy and decides that he needs to change his movies to make them "better" One of the changes was to have Gredo shoot at Han from across the table first and just have Greedo miss. This subtle change completely ruins the scene because it make Han Solo lucky rather than cunning or it makes Greedo incompetent because it makes no sense for a bounty hunter working for Jaba to miss such an easy shot.
  • CrazyTrackLady
    CrazyTrackLady Posts: 1,337 Member
    I'd change the scene in The Green Mile where Michael Clarke Duncan dies. I LOVED his character and bawled like a big old baby, pleading with him "NO NO NO!!! NOT THE GENTLE GIANT!!! NOOOOOOOO!!!!" I was inconsolable.

    And hello, everyone, thanks for letting me join the group!
  • potatocar
    potatocar Posts: 250 Member
    Wash in Serenity. You know what I am talking about.

    Shhhhhh, too soon, too soon! My heart bleeds.

  • soldier4242
    soldier4242 Posts: 1,368 Member
    The scene where Brandon Lee is plying the guitar on the roof in the film "The Crow" If were up to me I'd have him marching about that roof with a Tuba. A really huge tuba.

    This comment makes me laugh every time I picture Brandon Lee doing that. The movie just cuts to him playing that guitar and people think of him as this tortured soul expressing his sorrow through music. Now contrast that with this proposed change.

    The movie cuts to Brandon Lee marching around on the roof top playing that tuba and then goes right to the next scene as if that was normal. You know the audience would be all like "What the hell was that."

    No offense to anyone who plays a tuba but even if he was playing the exact same song the seriousness of that scene would be ruined.

    Making this proposed change the funniest comment in the thread. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • ltgarrow
    ltgarrow Posts: 342 Member
    Alright everyone here's the kicker in my opinion. The closing scene in Back to the Future. Get Jennifer out of the damn car! That's it. That would eliminate having to write her into the second movie and creating the time paradox of leaving her unconscious body in the alternate Biff controlled 1985 (probably to be raped and murdered, very irresponsible) and then having her magically move to the newly created timeline after the return from 1885 at the end of BTTF 3. If she hadn't been in the car, none of this nonsense would have had to happen and the story would still have unfolded in the same manner, but better.

    If we're going geek, go all the way.