Just joined today

GreenBayDiva Posts: 33 Member
I see today is a rest day. I want to join you with the 220 squats tomorrow. How ar eyou ladies doing that? All at once, breaking them up all during the day?
Ten sets of 22?

Let me know.


  • Romey5
    Romey5 Posts: 157 Member
    Tomorrow (Thursday) is day 13 - 130 squats! Every day is different how I fit them in. Some days I am doing squats in the kitchen waiting for water to boil, 20 here and 20 there, 20 in my cube at work, just trying to get them all in. Yesterday I did them all at once at the gym. Every day is different for me. This is a great challenge, glad you are joining in - welcome to the house of pain!
  • LadyD524
    LadyD524 Posts: 2
    Hi Ladies

    I just joined today will be starting tomorrow :smile:
  • theresakasel
    theresakasel Posts: 2 Member
    I technically started on Tuesday this week -- but forgot on Wednesday, so even though today should be my rest day, I'm going to do Day 3 (which I believe is 70 squats.)

    I've been doing them all at once, but I see that it's okay to do them throughout the day -- which will be good when I hit that triple-digits.