30 day shred?

hon3yd0g Posts: 52 Member
hi i was just wondering has done the 30 day shred??and if so any good?thank you!x


  • jaz050465
    jaz050465 Posts: 3,508 Member
    If you do a search you'll find loads of posts on it. Everybody seems to love it.
  • lauraellie10
    lauraellie10 Posts: 273 Member
    I've heard really good things about it.
    I've just finished level 1 but did a really modified version cos it is tough and had a busy so took me almost a month to do level 1 lol.
    Starting level 2 or Friday and hopefully do that in a couple of weeks.

    Give it a go its free on YouTube. Save u buying it!! xxx
  • hon3yd0g
    hon3yd0g Posts: 52 Member
    brill thanks ive heard afew things about it.but wanted some opinions.thank you!:wink:
  • cristino1985
    cristino1985 Posts: 63 Member
    I did it in September/oct and lost 4 inches on my waist and between 7-10 pounds, my fitness level was absolutely zero when I started and I found it manageable and did enjoy it.
  • crowesnest16
    crowesnest16 Posts: 58 Member
    I've got the DVD and got to level 2 about 6 months ago - did love it but dark nights and mornings put me off - now the sun is shining at a reasonable hour I am planning on starting it from Monday.....
  • squinz
    squinz Posts: 136
    I've done it. Its brilliant! Everybody can manage 25 minutes in their day to do it. I have a much better figure since doing it.
  • Therealobi1
    Therealobi1 Posts: 3,262 Member
    i think its a good place to start and i saw results. its free on you tube so u can watch and see what u think. i i found it hard but u will get stronger each day
  • ThatCatholicGirl
    ThatCatholicGirl Posts: 209 Member
    Whether you loved it or loathed it, or only got halfway through, you WILL get results from it.
    As someone before me has said, it requires just 25 minutes of your time - anyone can pull through it.
    You can view it on YouTube but the DVD isn't very expensive anyway. It is tough and your legs will ache for the first few days but it's amazing how quickly your body adapts and how your endurance increases is very noticeable.
    I would urge everyone to have a shot at it.
  • kendrafallon
    kendrafallon Posts: 1,030 Member
    I've got it, but for me it's just doing the DVD on a regular basis - I get bored of DVD workouts very easily.

    Saying that, it does work and you do feel a noticeable difference after the very 1st time.
  • ms_leanne
    ms_leanne Posts: 523 Member
    Do people count this as their exercise or do it on top of existing exercise? I assume this is done every day?
  • cat_s85
    cat_s85 Posts: 24 Member
    I've just started doing this again, I'm on day 2. I'm currently in agony, but I have seen great results when I've done it in the past. I'm doing it because it's quick, I don't really have time to stick to anything more.
  • rainghirl
    rainghirl Posts: 203 Member
    I got good results from it, but I've had to stop due to injury. I wasn't trying to lose weight, just tone up and it was certainly helping with that.
  • SRH7
    SRH7 Posts: 2,037 Member
    Do people count this as their exercise or do it on top of existing exercise? I assume this is done every day?

    Jillian Michael's advice is five days on, two days off.

    I did it a few years ago but always struggled to move up from Level 1 to Level 2. Never made it to Level 3 as I just wasn't fit enough. Planks and push-ups were my downfall!

    It's a very quick workout (25 mins) and I used to do it first thing, before breakfast and shower, so only had to set the alarm 30 minutes early. I lost three inches from my waist in two weeks before a holiday in Greece a few years ago, so it definitely firms everything up!

    I only do it very occasionally now as I have osteoarthritis in my knees and the speed of the moves in 30DS left me in agony (I'm fine with squats and lunges but do them slowly - Jillian was just too fast for me to keep good form). I also got bored with it after a while.

    Try it out on YouTube first and also keep a look out for her other DVDs. I really like No More Trouble Zones.

    I also now run three times a week (I used the NHS C25k programme/podcasts to get started) and weight train, as well as hiking in the Lake District and Peak District.
  • Cherryripple
    Cherryripple Posts: 27 Member
    I found out about it today and I'm giving it a go as from tomorrow :bigsmile:
  • labtech666
    labtech666 Posts: 66 Member
    Yesterday was day 3 on level 1 for me. I'm already feeling fitter and stronger and I can really notice an improvement in my stamina.
    I was slightly dubious to begin with, but I'm converted!
  • ctinawilson
    ctinawilson Posts: 127 Member
    I'm on Day 8 of Level 1 today!

    I love it, what everyone says is so true. Had a sneaky peak at Level 2 and it looks hard, but i'm excited to move on.

    I tend to get bored of workout dvds so have been doing Zumba and Yoga at weekends to keep things interesting.

    I would absolutely recommend it, have fun!
  • Dieting_Jen23
    Dieting_Jen23 Posts: 29 Member
    I bought the DVD based on the reviews on here. Started it on Saturday and I've done 2 days of level 1 so far and it's certainly a work out! Everyone is busy these days, so 30 mins is perfect to fit in with most people's lifestyle. I'm doing Body Combat and Body Attack once each a week too, so I won't be doing the DVD on those days. Fingers crossed it works!
  • ChristyJade
    ChristyJade Posts: 186 Member
    Ive had this DVD for 2 years now!! Still not done it....maybe today is the day....
  • herebeeri
    herebeeri Posts: 39 Member
    I did it earlier this year. Started a couple of weeks after starting MFP and really glad I did. Lost lbs and inches and could really see a difference which was amazing motivation (top tip: make sure you take 'before' photos to compare!). I actually started it again today but just going to do 3 days a week instead of every day like last time because I do plenty of other exercise during the week.
  • georgiancreative
    georgiancreative Posts: 34 Member
    Am on day 2 level 2 and have gone from not being able to do any push ups to doing 20 albeit girls ones but my upper body strength has improved amazingly and also think it is helping my general fitness levels with running. I like the fact it can be fitted into my daily routine, at home and is free. I too tend to do it on the days I am not running so usually 4 or 5 times a week.

    Good luck and hope it goes well.