
lin7604 Posts: 2,951 Member
what have most of you done with your cals when doing this program? I was normally eating 1400-1600 a day and maintaining my weight for the last 3 months. Should i be fine if i stay within that range? i just started week 2 of burn.


  • Mom2M_and_O
    Mom2M_and_O Posts: 214 Member
    It depends on what your TDEE is. My BMF is right on with the Scooby calculator for moderately active (3-5 hrs exercise/week). Generally 15-20% lower than TDEE is the sweet spot for losing. Some of us have figured out for sure what our sweet spot is; others of us (like me!) are still figuring out how to get the right deficit when eating habits are just not consistent from day-to-day.

    I am 5'3", 159-ish lbs (depending on water retention). I have a BMF that indicates my average TDEE is 2270 which means 1800-1900 is about right for me. But since some days I tend to eat closer to TDEE, I'm experimenting with letting some days be a higher deficit day to compensate, as long as I'm not hungry -- if I'm hungry, I'm gonna eat! For the last several weeks, my average deficit has been 5-10%, which is awfully close to full on maintenance given likely margin of error for logged foods in my MFP diary as well as the BMF calorie burns. I've definitely gotten stronger and more toned but haven't lost inches in the last 8 weeks.

    I seriously doubt anyone should do any kind of exercise program and regularly eat less than what you are eating now unless they're just super short and skinny, and even then I bet that wouldn't be their maintenance level. Depending on your TDEE, you may need more.
  • lin7604
    lin7604 Posts: 2,951 Member
    thx. i am 5.2 ft and 118 right now. i have maintained my weight for almost 4 full months now eating 1400-1600. my tdee on lightly active is 1765, with 10% off is 1588 bmr 1283.
  • LisaGirlfriend
    LisaGirlfriend Posts: 493 Member
    I'm 5'3, 155 and eat 1700 ish calories a day based on a 2100 TDEE (17% deficit). Seems to work very well for me and I'm never hungry.
  • eileenmetz
    eileenmetz Posts: 19 Member
    im 5'7" 130lbs. tdee is about 1800-1900 ish with daily my workout. (according to my fitbit)

    i have been trying to eat about 1600-1700 cals a day.... to be honest, its difficult for me to eat that much. i get full pretty fast.

    ive been trying to add peanut butter to vanilla greek yogurt and to my daily protein shake just to add on calories. ive also been bulking up my breakfast as well. whole grain waffles or bread with peanut butter or greek yogurt or a big bowl of oatmeal.

    ive made progress in terms of muscle growth and have lost a few inches but nothing crazy as im not trying to lose weight, just trying to tone up and drop my BMI to 18%... im on my last week of burn. you can add me and see my progress picture from day one to yesterday (about 300 days)
  • lin7604
    lin7604 Posts: 2,951 Member
    thx added you :) ya i would love to be 5 lbs lighter but i won't bang my head over it my main goal is body fat. i want to be around 20 % or so, maybe 21... i am i guess between 23-24% now????? i just don't want to eat too much and gain weight and think it's from muscle but it's actually from over eating... and not to little where i am sabotaging my routine in making me slimmer...
  • eileenmetz
    eileenmetz Posts: 19 Member
    i think the main thing is what you eat. make sure you eat alot of protein, healthy fats and healthy carbs. recently i feel like ive been overeating but im not. it just seems like im eating more bc i eat often (every 2-3 hours) and smaller meals versus 2 giant greasy meals a day. ive noticed alot of positive changes over the past month (mainly in the past week) dont stress, youll do fine! if you need anything just shoot me a message !
  • agata44
    agata44 Posts: 14 Member
    Hi. Since I started counting calories I'm trying to increase slowly my daily uptake. I have never realised that I eat so small amount of them and not enough protein. Right now I'm trying to eat 1600-1800 calories per day. I'm 5'8 and 132 lbs so I don't need to loose weight but would like tone up my body and gain some muscles cause I was always the fat skinny type. It's hard but I'm getting there and already see small results. :)