Weight gain/duration of metabolism reset?

Good morning! I am a newbie but so thankful that I found this group! I know everyone is different and there are no hard set answers, but for those of you who have successfully gone through a metabolism reset, how long did it take you and about how much weigh did you gain? Fear of the unknown and not knowing what to expect or if what I am seeing is "normal" is terrifying! Thanks in advance!


  • aliciab307
    aliciab307 Posts: 370 Member
    The sticky on resetting has a lot of info. I'm still in my reset so I'm not much help but I've fluctuated 2/3 lbs from my lowest and I'm in my 3rd week
  • Thank you! You will have to forgive my newbie question, but what is a sticky and how do I find it? :smile:
  • aliciab307
    aliciab307 Posts: 370 Member
    When you enter the group there are all these posts with a pin on them which makes them a sticky.
  • Thank you!
  • SweetHarmony81
    SweetHarmony81 Posts: 123 Member
    6 weeks in and have gained 12lbs! Quite a lot but not everyone gains that much...
  • andrea_kohlman
    andrea_kohlman Posts: 47 Member
    Welcome! I had a lot of questions too and thankfully everyone has been really helpful. I am in my 8th week of a 12 week reset and I am itching to start cutting, so I can drop some weight...which probably means I'm not ready to cut yet. I think my body is still mad at me for years of abuse. :)

    So far I have gained about 8 pounds, although according to the wii board (that I grudgingly got on to start a new program), I have gained 17!!! Granted it was in the afternoon, after eating all day, a lot of sodium the day before, etc. The best part about that (after my eyes went back into their sockets) was I thought to myself "Meh, its just a number and it is only temporary" and I went on with my workout.

    As much as this program is about losing weight for good; it also helps to get your head in the right place. I used to let the scale dictate how I felt about myself and was obsessed with it. Not anymore. I realized that it IS just a number and it doesn't make me any less awesome. :) Good luck!
  • I'm just over four weeks in. I've gained maybe 5lbs but I quickly plateaued there which was good. I'm thinking I will reset for six weeks since I've not gained any more weight. In addition, I'm sleeping better and no longer need my afternoon coffee to get me through the day. It's awesome!

    It is hard at first to see the scale go up but feeling better has been a blessing. Just knowing I will be able to lose eating 1800 plus cals a day is so exciting to me.
  • kitka82
    kitka82 Posts: 350 Member
    I reset for 8 weeks and gained 11 pounds. A few of those pounds were put on after 2 weeks of eating in surplus (whoopsie lol). I still fit in my clothes, so it wasn't too big a deal. Everyone gets scared of the gain, but believe me when I tell you it's mostly water. I lost the bloating within 2 weeks after I began my cut.

    Tips for a successful reset:

    1) Do your best to stick with your macros (mine are 40 carb/30 protein/30 fat). Keep tracking your food. Eat well, and don't fill up your calories with junk and alcohol. Sometimes is okay, but not every day. Ideally you want to eat more clean foods.
    2) Lift. Continue your strength training. Don't worry too much about cardio, or at least cut back some or just walk. One of my biggest regrets is that I stopped working out consistently after only 3 weeks. If you continue strength training, you know that those "extra calories" will be put to good use.
    3) Decide that your reset is intentional (because it is), and that you are in control of this process. If you expect to gain weight, it's not quite as frightening. Weigh yourself no more than once a week.

    I can only tell you that my clothes fit better now, much like they did before. My fitted pants are still snug in the hip/glute area, but I'm okay with that for now. I haven't yet stepped on a scale because I did not want to drive myself crazy. I'll weigh in after I've cut for 4 weeks and re-assess.

    You can do it. Good luck. :)
  • holleysings
    holleysings Posts: 664 Member
    My first reset was 8 weeks long. I didn't gain anything during it. I gained on my cut right after that, so I decided to reset again from October 2012-mid April 2013. I started a cut on April 15th! (And have dropped 1.8lbs in 9 days like it was nothing...) All in all I gained 23lbs, BUT my measurements didn't change much, my LBM majorly increased, and my BF% dropped by 4%. My best recommendation would be to not limit your reset to 8 weeks. If your body isn't ready to cut, it will tell you. Either by gaining weight or making you so hungry that you can't handle eating less. Listen to it!

    Resetting is as much about your mind as it is fueling your body. Trust the process and use this time for reflection. I have learned more about myself since finding EM2WL in June 2012 than I ever thought possible. I am comfortable with my body as it is now and I love every bit of it, including my fluffy tummy. The scale truly does not matter to me. When you can say that you love your body as it is, you respect it enough to fuel it as necessary, and you do not care what the scale says, your reset is over. Until then, keep at it!
  • WOW! A big THANK YOU to everyone! All of your insight, experience and words of encouragement are so helpful! As I said I know everyone is different, but just hearing some stories helps. I have also been reading, reading, reading the info on all of these forums. Amazing!! I'm so happy I found EM2LW!!! :smile:

    I have been half-heartedly resetting for about 4 weeks, without really knowing that was technically what I was doing. I began upping my cals because of other information I had come across while doing research to try to find out what was going on with my body. I have yet to eat to my full BMR, which I know I need to do, but I have been close. Next week I am taking the plunge and eating there for AT LEAST 4 weeks. I will listen to my body to see what it tells me after that.

    This is definitely majorly mental, as it goes against everything we have told ourselves, heard and engrained in our brains forever about weight loss, but my body is telling me it is time to do something.

    I strength train 4x week, with HIIT mixed in. Long gone are my long steady-state cardio sessions. With nice weather just around the corner I know that will change somewhat because my husband and I are avid bicyclists, BUT I know now how to eat back some calories to make sure I stay above my BMR. I'm all about the weights now. One thing my recent bout with more calories has done is made me a beast in the gym! I am LOVING how much stronger I am and feel. The tight pants...I'm not loving that so much!

    I do have another question..not sure if I should post it here or start a new discussion. I have BodyMedia Arm band and use MFP to enter my food. The two integrate pretty well, but it gets confusing with how MFP brings over exercise cals, the net and the remaining cals displayed in MFP when I upload from my arm band. Can anyone help? Should I be paying attention to Net - is that the indicator for my BMR??
  • Gapwedge01
    Gapwedge01 Posts: 494
    WOW! A big THANK YOU to everyone! All of your insight, experience and words of encouragement are so helpful! As I said I know everyone is different, but just hearing some stories helps. I have also been reading, reading, reading the info on all of these forums. Amazing!! I'm so happy I found EM2LW!!! :smile:

    I have been half-heartedly resetting for about 4 weeks, without really knowing that was technically what I was doing. I began upping cals because of other information I had come across while doing research to try to find out what was going on with my body. I have yet to eat to my full BMR, which I know I need to do, but I have been close. Next week I am taking the plunge and eating there for AT LEAST 4 weeks. I will listen to my body to see what it tells me after that.

    This is definitely majorly mental, as it goes against everything we have told ourselves, heard and engrained in our brains forever about weight loss, but my body is telling me it is time to do something.

    I strength train 4x week, with HIIT mixed in. Long gone are my long steady-state cardio sessions. With nice weather just around the corner I know that will change somewhat because my husband and I are avid bicyclists, BUT I know now how to eat back some calories to make sure I stay above my BMR. I'm all about the weights now. One thing my recent bout with more calories has done is made me a beast in the gym! I am LOVING how much stronger I am and feel. The tight pants...I'm not loving that so much!

    I do have another question..not sure if I should post it here or start a new discussion. I have BodyMedia Arm band and use MFP to enter my food. The two integrate pretty well, but it gets confusing with how MFP brings over exercise cals, the net and the remaining cals displayed in MFP when I upload from my arm band. Can anyone help? Should I be paying attention to Net - is that the indicator for my BMR??

    You said "I have been half-heartedly resetting for about 4 weeks, without really knowing that was technically what I was doing. I began upping cals because of other information I had come across while doing research to try to find out what was going on with my body. I have yet to eat to my full BMR, which I know I need to do, but I have been close. Next week I am taking the plunge and eating there for AT LEAST 4 weeks. I will listen to my body to see what it tells me after that."

    Are you confusing TDEE for BMR? Resetting is eating at TDEE, not BMR. Just checking because there is a big difference.:wink:
  • Hi there! I used the Scooby calculator and that put me at TDEE of 2346, with BMR of 1513. I have been eating to about 2100-2200 calories/day for about the last 4 weeks. I also use the BodyMedia arm band (and have been for 2-3 months) and it shows my average daily burn at around 2375. I don't think I am confusing them...am I? lol....

    I do get confused though when using MFP and my arm band as far as trying to make sure I don't drop below my BMR of 1513 each day....not sure if what MFP shows as Net is what I should be using as my guide to make sure I don't eat under my BRM. IE should my net on MFP always be above 1513? Thanks!
  • holleysings
    holleysings Posts: 664 Member
    WOW! A big THANK YOU to everyone! All of your insight, experience and words of encouragement are so helpful! As I said I know everyone is different, but just hearing some stories helps. I have also been reading, reading, reading the info on all of these forums. Amazing!! I'm so happy I found EM2LW!!! :smile:

    I have been half-heartedly resetting for about 4 weeks, without really knowing that was technically what I was doing. I began upping my cals because of other information I had come across while doing research to try to find out what was going on with my body. I have yet to eat to my full BMR, which I know I need to do, but I have been close. Next week I am taking the plunge and eating there for AT LEAST 4 weeks. I will listen to my body to see what it tells me after that.

    This is definitely majorly mental, as it goes against everything we have told ourselves, heard and engrained in our brains forever about weight loss, but my body is telling me it is time to do something.

    I strength train 4x week, with HIIT mixed in. Long gone are my long steady-state cardio sessions. With nice weather just around the corner I know that will change somewhat because my husband and I are avid bicyclists, BUT I know now how to eat back some calories to make sure I stay above my BMR. I'm all about the weights now. One thing my recent bout with more calories has done is made me a beast in the gym! I am LOVING how much stronger I am and feel. The tight pants...I'm not loving that so much!

    I do have another question..not sure if I should post it here or start a new discussion. I have BodyMedia Arm band and use MFP to enter my food. The two integrate pretty well, but it gets confusing with how MFP brings over exercise cals, the net and the remaining cals displayed in MFP when I upload from my arm band. Can anyone help? Should I be paying attention to Net - is that the indicator for my BMR??

    MFP gives you the BodyMedia adjustment based on the calories it thinks you burn at maintenance using the activity level you've chosen. What I do is I've picked the activity level nearest to my lowest burn per day (2500 for me). Then MFP gives me an adjustment if I burn over 2500 calories. I currently have MFP set to lose 1lb/week, so it gives me 2000 calories a day then gives me an adjustment when I burn over 2500. I just make sure to net above 1800 calories. So last night when I burned over 3000, I HAD to eat back some of those calories to net 1800. I'll friend you so you can see what I mean! It's sounds way more complicated than it actually is.
  • LOL thank you! Friend request accepted! :smile:
  • So is your BMR 1800??
  • holleysings
    holleysings Posts: 664 Member
    So is your BMR 1800??

    My RMR is 1771, so my BMR is a bit higher than that. I had it tested this week after a very wrong test last week...don't ask lol. :smile:
  • aliciab307
    aliciab307 Posts: 370 Member
    I thought bmr was lower than rmr? No?
  • holleysings
    holleysings Posts: 664 Member
    I thought bmr was lower than rmr? No?

    Calculators show them to be very close...http://www.caloriesperhour.com/tutorial_BMR.php

    RMR is actually what most people are talking about when they say BMR.
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    BMR is basal metabolism - dealing mainly with water level in cells, and life functions.
    RMR is resting, awake metabolism - dealing with higher level functions, repair, growth, ect.

    Here's difference on avg.
    RMR this much higher than BMR.
    0.4 x LBM + 130

    So basically 130 more, plus almost half your LBM.

    Indeed when people say they got BMR tested, they actually tested RMR. Some test reports even say BMR.