
treesh113 Posts: 1 Member
I cannot believe that my edamames were so bad for me! I was eating them ALL the time! An I was looking like crap and I couldn't figure out why. All the changes I have made in this diet have really made me look and feel better even though I only lost 3 lbs.


  • lindaw66
    lindaw66 Posts: 258 Member
    I didn't know they contain soy! Thanks for posting this. I thought they were a healthy snack!
  • michellyn
    michellyn Posts: 108 Member
    I think organic edamame can be a healthy snack (it is straight soybeans). However, much of processed soy can have big problems, both because a lot of it is GMO and because the processing makes it a worse-for-you product. I get that there are healthy foods we're not allowed right now that can be healthy long term--in moderation. I think *organic* edamame could be one of these.
  • MadeOfMagic
    MadeOfMagic Posts: 525 Member
    I think organic edamame can be a healthy snack (it is straight soybeans). However, much of processed soy can have big problems, both because a lot of it is GMO and because the processing makes it a worse-for-you product. I get that there are healthy foods we're not allowed right now that can be healthy long term--in moderation. I think *organic* edamame could be one of these.
    Organic or not soy is bad for you in large quantities, doesn't matter what form- especially of you consume it often, it increases your chanced of breast cancer. Soy foods such as edamame contain phytoestrogens (plant estrogens) that disrupt the balance of testosterone and estrogen which can effect your libido and for men cause cause sexual dysfunction. Based on dietary guidelines, eating more than 25 grams of soy per day is not recommended.Some studies]say that soy can be quite detrimental to your health, and that the isoflavones can interfere with your endocrine system and hormone balance. This can possibly reduce fertility in women, contribute to premature puberty, and has even been linked to certain cancers and conditions like gyecomastia (male breast development) when consumed in large amounts. Soy products are very high in phytic acid, which can interfere with mineral absorption.
    Limit how much you have it, never eat it raw, your body can't digest it when it's raw and it screws with your body big time, some people experience nausea/vomiting/etc. Do note that soy is used in many products you already consume, just look at the labels, soy is used to preserve burgers, etc, so you maybe be consuming more than you think.