How to adjust cals with an injury?

karaks Posts: 108 Member
Okay, so here's my story. I've been eating more (and loving it) for almost two months now. I had my RMR tested and base my daily cals on that, combined with the info from Heybales' spreadsheet and my BMF armband. I also started lifting heavy at the same time (2-3 times a week) and cut my cardio down to 2 days a week. I usually have one heavy cardio day (like Insanity) and 1 other light cardio day. While I've gained 6 lbs on the scale, I actually fit into a pair of jeans the other day that I haven't been able to wear for a little over two years. That was awesome! Lol.

Anyway, about 2 weeks ago, I started having a pain in my foot/ankle. I went to my ortho yesterday and he suspects a stress fracture. I'm having a bone scan done some time this week. Depending on where the stress fracture is, and how bad it is, best case scenario is a boot for a little while and worst case is crutches for 6-8 weeks,non-weight bearing. Either way, if it is a stress fracture, I won't be doing much cardio any time soon. I assume, though, that I'll still be able to lift, as long as I don't need surgery.

So, assuming I do have a stress fracture and will have to delete cardio for at least a little while, do I need to adjust my daily calories? Or keep them the same since I'll still (hopefully) be lifting at least 2-3 days a week?


  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    So the convenience of eating the same daily goal is ease of use and consistency, really needed in a diet usually for most.

    But you always have to remember it's about eating correctly for your level of activity.

    So you need to adjust. You'll find when you knock the cardio out, that TDEE will likely drop a decent amount. Now, 2 days a week, maybe not that much, but always good practice.

    Because at maintenance, you'll probably slip in to the more correct method of actually eating for the day's activities.

    Oh, you might want to bump this thread since you use the BMF device, update on spreadsheet I'd love to get your comment on. Almost ready, perhaps today.
  • karaks
    karaks Posts: 108 Member
    Sorry I'm just getting back to this thread. Thanks for replying! And I just downloaded your new spreadsheet to check out what you've added. I love the idea of adding the BMF info in! Your spreadsheet is so awesome! :drinker:

    Can I ask you another question? I think all this time I have been eating at TDEE rather than at a deficit. I've been eating more for almost 2 months now. I had adjusted BMF height to account for higher than average tested RMR. And as stated in my post above, cut back on cardio and started lifting heavy 3 times a week.

    Anyway, I decided to toss the scale away for 2 months and just wait and see what happens. Yesterday was my weigh in day. I had gained 10 lbs and my waist and hip measurements *seemingly* hadn't changed. Yet I fit into a pair of jeans that I haven't been able to wear for almost 3 years because they were way too tight. Yesterday, they fit perfectly.

    So, I've probably been eating at TDEE and at least part of that 10 lb weight gain is muscle. Correct?

    Then if I want to lose fat, I need to cut by probably 15%. Or should I just continue doing what I'm doing? I'm good with doing either one as long as I continue to get stronger and fit into clothes I haven't been able to wear in a long while......
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    So the spreadsheet linked in there is beta only, it will be deleted, and the final info will be incorporated once finished into the main spreadsheet.

    So, 2 months, maintenance, woman - not likely much muscle, maybe 1 lb if truly lifting heavy to almost failure.
    But some LBM gain (which is muscle and everything else NOT fat mass), and that's great, because increased LBM even without muscle is increased metabolism. I'll bet RMR went up.
    Since that gain though is water weight mainly in various ways, and some fat probably in other areas. So that's not your TDEE, but probably close.

    So you don't know if that 10 lb gain was fast water weight up front, slowly past that, ect?

    If you knew what part was water weight, and what part was gained in like last 3 weeks, you could estimate TDEE real well.

    But ya, time for 15% deficit from that number, though you are likely a tad above TDEE already.

    But in several weeks, you'll be able to figure out what it must have been.
  • karaks
    karaks Posts: 108 Member
    Awesome! Can't wait to see the final spreadsheet!!

    Okay, so that's what I figured. I knew there was no way I gained that much muscle mass, but didn't think it would be all fat since I'm fitting into clothes I couldn't fit into before. I forgot that I had weighed once before I made the first post in this thread, so 6 lbs of that 10 lbs was gained in the first 6 weeks or so and the last 4 lbs in the last week. So then at least the last 4 lbs must be water weight. I did up my weights quite a bit in the last week and a half for all of my lifting exercises.

    So I'll cut by 15% and then should be able to figure out in a few weeks what TDEE truly is. My bone scan was rescheduled to this Wednesday. If I'm put on crutches, then I definitely want to cut some calories since I won't be able to do much cardio. Although I do have a heavy bag I could punch around a little to get my heart rate up some. I have a bar stool I can sit on that would work, I think. I just won't be able to touch the one foot to the floor.

    But the doc has already said I can continue to lift, as long as I'm in a seated position (if put on crutches). I can do that either at the gym or at home, so that shouldn't be a problem. I know there are some things I won't be able to do while sitting, but I have a good friend who works at the gym, so I'll get some tips on how to modify or what other moves I can do to make up for what I can't do.

    So while either in a boot or on crutches and doing very little cardio, I'll continue to lift and cut by 15% and see what happens.

    Thanks again for all your help! I truly, truly appreciate it more than you'll ever know! :smile: