sometimes i think i am the poster child

bethlaf Posts: 954 Member
I look at myself in the mirror- i am 9 years out from my surgery...

i am the poster child for what not to do

i had no issues, no complications, a very few limited dumping sessions
no support or group meetings before or after, before we were required to attend 3 sessions,
after , my doctor moved his practice .. so after my 1 month post op visit
NOTHING in the way of support, other than online OH meetings and like maybe 3 monthly meetings with others closer to my home. all of whom lost so much better than me , so i had jealousy /envy issues, and didn't go after that..

i didnt exercise- again my mistake

have had 2 pregnancies since ( WHICH BTW they never tell you it can affect your Babies developing teeth! ugh)

and 3 more gorgeous kids, who i love with all my heart.
but after the first pregnancy, i stopped eating right, i slipped, and then slipped, then slipped some more,
the twin pregnancy was rough , being in bed for 5 months killed my metabolism , so did nearly dying after from eclampsia

and then being told to NOT exercise or exert myself for a year after.

now finally heart is working right, i am off the "endangered species" list, and able to move, and determined as hell to get better/thinner/follow the rules of the pouch

other than pregnancy i have only had 2 serious health issues related to the surgery, both were severe anemia..
which you never ever want to have, IV iron looks and feels like TAR being injected, it burns and hurts like hell!!
had 5 iv iron injections after twins were born ,

so thats me .
i love potato chips and fast food, and they both are killers for me, in more way than one.
i am trying to do my best with food and weight loss, its a struggle,
but i'm persevering,
and love to help others as well as myself.

i can tell you what not to do , because i know, i have done every wrong thing possible.


  • kiwidrop
    kiwidrop Posts: 222 Member
    A lot of our stories is the same. I'm 8 years post-op and working now to get off the weight I put back on. What happened with your children's teeth? My daughter is having some teeth issues (5 years old).
  • isthereafreeusername
    isthereafreeusername Posts: 10 Member
    And I thought I was the "poster child." LOL My story is very similar to yours, except for the pregnancies and the iron issues. I have had a few, but not had to take IV iron. I have a niece who does this following GBP. My son (age 33) also had GBP the same year I did (2003), and he is having the teeth problems. I assume this is due to lack of calcium, among other issues.

    Hang in there! Keep posting here for support - we all need that.

  • bethlaf
    bethlaf Posts: 954 Member
    all three of the post op babies have poor teeth, nothing else has changed, so - they are cavity prone etc, it might be coincidence, i dont know,
  • kiwidrop
    kiwidrop Posts: 222 Member
    all three of the post op babies have poor teeth, nothing else has changed, so - they are cavity prone etc, it might be coincidence, i dont know,

    My 5 year old daughter hasn't gotten cavities yet, but she has a discoloration in her teeth that the dentist doesn't know what it is or how she got it. She also will need braces and has jagged ends to her teeth. Another thing the dentist doesn't understand why her teeth are that way. Her baby teeth looked perfect, but her adult teeth have all sorts of problems.

    I also have a 3 year old. She is still on baby teeth, so we don't know about her adult teeth yet.