
ksellen1 Posts: 115 Member
Did anyone else fail this round? I did....AGAIN....but this time it wasn't ANY was wine. Damn wine. I just wasn't ready to give it up. BUT, it's started making me feel really crappy when I drink it, even one glass, so I'm off it. I'll finish out the month and continue into next.

I'm considering trying it again in May (without wine this time) but I have a big party for my 30th/graduation/house warming and I don't know if I'll be able to stay on plan! I already have paleo/whole30 food planned, but there will be plenty of beverages, including a keg.


  • LisaGNV
    LisaGNV Posts: 159 Member
    How about taking it easy till after the party then hit it with the big guns after that? I'm not a drinker so I won't offer tips about that specifically but whatever the temptations are (whether its sugar - my huge vice - or dairy or a beer) it's all about the choices we make. It's just 30 days. You do the best you can and know that it's still ultimately better than 90% of what most people consume!
  • kelr0110
    kelr0110 Posts: 213 Member
    lol i wish i were not a drinker. i do miss the ciders that everyone else loves here and some wine would be fabulous. what's weird is i really miss my milk and cereal - they were not my breakfast food, they were my comfort/craving foodz. a box of cinnamon toast crunch and a gallon of cold milk O M G.

    i don't think you should sweat it that you "failed" - i don't see it as that having some wine. you kept the food in check.

    I'm doing good for the most part so far - anything that i have "failed" on has been stuff that was snuck in, oh, and the bacon - which was fabulous. by snuck in i mean in meds or yesterday i noticed my vitamins even have sucralose listed in "other ingredients" - they are from GNC...i would have never imagined....ugh
  • GuamGrly
    GuamGrly Posts: 600 Member
    I admit it...I failed also!! :noway:
    I had a very emotional and frustrating day yesterday and caved! :sad: I'm hoping to take a few days to regroup and get back on the wagon. I'm still preparing healthy meals for the family and got plenty of healthy snacks ready for the kid's lunches this week so I'm still fairly proud of myself.
  • explore_live
    explore_live Posts: 9 Member
    there is not fail or not fail, there is the little steps we make to progress. Remember try something and see if it work for you, don't let someone tell you want you can or can't do. Every step left- right or backwards, made leads us three steps forward.

    Aweosme job, eat clean; meat, veggies, fat, and fruit.