Week 4!! Day 22- Day 28



  • beecee13
    beecee13 Posts: 194 Member
    I'm still here!! Haha...it's been a hectic end of week for me but I still got my workouts in! Haven't had much time to post to my groups, etc but now that things have cooled down I'll be back in full force! I finished day 26 (had to take Wed off cuz I was feeling too nauseous). Will complete day 27 instead of rest tomorrow and then recovery week!!

    Great job everyone! We are half way through :D:D:D
  • ShallaLovee1
    ShallaLovee1 Posts: 356 Member
    Plyo done! Day 27 complete!

    I did it late again because my best friend wanted to do it with me but when she got home she ate and went to sleep. But the good thing is I got it done before the day was over. Looking forward to my rest day seeing as though I've been working out like crazy this week. Pushed pretty hard tonight maybe because I had two 12 oz coffees earlier? And I didn't flash after my workout! Which is huge for me! Yay! Recovery week here we come!
  • IamSheaMc
    IamSheaMc Posts: 1,310 Member
    It's Sun the 28th 'off day'. Enjoy :happy: .

    Recovery Week starts tomorrow
  • beecee13
    beecee13 Posts: 194 Member
    Made up my missed Day 27 today. Enjoy your Insanity rest day everyone! On to recovery week ;)
  • stayceyoung
    stayceyoung Posts: 5 Member
    Fell behind a little and skipped cardio recovery day so today I completed day 26- core cardio and cardio abs. I actually felt great and I definitely see a change in my arms. I was even more excited when my friend told me my arms are looking good. She's been my cheerleader ever since I started.
  • xxowenscharxx
    xxowenscharxx Posts: 19 Member
    Absolutely gutted at the moment :( Meant to be on Week 4 now but I've had to take a break and didn't manage to finish the end of week 3 as I had an appointment with a client at the weekend and did a set of eyelash extensions, and not thinking about my 'form' was bent over in the wrong position for 2 hours and now can barely walk/move! :( I go away on a girls holiday on Thursday until Sunday so I'm just having to get as much rest as possible so I can still make the holiday!
    As of next Monday Ill be doing week 3 from the start to get back into it again, and will then carry on!
    Even though I can barely move I am missing my workouts massively!!
  • Daytonsmommy
    Daytonsmommy Posts: 162 Member
    I'm here, I'm here!!! I was out of town all weekend hosting my sister-in-laws baby shower but my husband and I are back on track. We completed Cardio Power & Resistance of Week 4 last night and are doing Plyo tonight....this is about where we fell of the wagon last time we tried Insanity, so we are really motivated to keep pushing through!
  • IamSheaMc
    IamSheaMc Posts: 1,310 Member
    Keep pushing ladies!
  • Daytonsmommy
    Daytonsmommy Posts: 162 Member
    Completed Plyo last night....Cardio Recovery tonight. Only a few more days till I'm at the Recovery Week!!! So excited for new routines :smile:
  • lildaug
    lildaug Posts: 90 Member
    I was on holiday in Italy for 10 days so I'm a bit behind. Just completed week 4. Looking forward to Recovery week.