To cut the cals again? Seriously stumped & seeking help :)

Hi there! :smile:

I joined MFP on Jan 1st and have been at it every day since. I saw some great scale success on a month of a VLCD, but I was miserable and my workouts suffered.

I started working towards the IPOARM method, gradually upping my calories. I'm currently set at 1900 cal/day.

I feel like I have been very open minded and very willing to try things recommended by veterans of MFP weightloss. I've upped my cals, I've started weight training and reduced my running... but the results on the scale (and in my jeans) seem to be reversing themselves. I am in this for the long haul and have tried to give each "change" a few weeks to let my body adjust, but I can't seem to get the scale moving in the right direction anymore. I will say -- my tummy looks flatter than it did four months ago. Huzzah!

I would LOVE some advice on what to do with my calorie levels and/or exercise routine. Is it time to cut back more of my calories?

THANK YOU! :flowerforyou:


Height: 64 in (5’4”)
Weight: 150 (+/- 2 lbs, really fluctuates from day to day)
Age: 23
Gender: Female
%BF: 27.5%


What's your current gross intake of calories, on average?

Currently, 1850 – 1900 per day.
> January, closer to 1200 – 1300.
> Upped in February to 1650. Would occasionally eat back 100 or so of my exercise cals.
> Upped in March to 1850 and stopped eating back exercise cals.
> Upped end of March to 1900. No eating back exercise cals.

When I posted about my stalled progress in late Jan/early Feb, MFP friends continually suggested that I needed to up my calories for my activity level. I did this in increments. I was getting comments that I was not consuming enough calories to fuel my workouts)

What's your current average intake of protein, carbs, and fats, in grams? (GRAMS, not percent!)

Protein: ~130 g per day. Usually a little higher on weekdays, a little lower on weekends.
Carbs: ~150 g per day. Usually a little lower on weekdays, a little higher on weekends.
Fats: ~60 g per day. I make an effort to get good fats in via flaxseed, almonds, nut butters, etc.

Do you use a food scale and measure everything?

Yes, I use a food scale and measure everything.

Do you track all of your intake, daily? (Everything?)

Yes, I track all intake daily. The good, the bad, and the ugly. :blushing:

My job involves a meal or two out at restaurants per week. I always try to look up the menu ahead of time and pre-log what I’m going to order. I know logging restaurant food is not a perfect science… I usually try to pick the option that estimates the highest amount of calories, just to be safe.

Do you take cheat days or days off?

Occassionally, but never more than 1 every couple of weeks. If I have a cheat day, it usually hits close to what I’ve calculated as my “maintenance” TDEE. I always still log my cheat days.

How much weight have you lost so far and over what time period?

January 2013 – Started at 151 on Jan 1st. Lost 7.5 lbs on a VLCD in 2 weeks. Water weight came back and scale crept back up to about 146 lb. Scale was reading 25.5%BF at the end of January.

February 2013 – Scale teetered at 146/147 for a couple weeks, down to about 144 mid month, and then back to 147.

March 2013 – Scale maintained 147 – 149 until I started lifting towards the end of the month.

April 15, 2013 – Scale today read 152 lb. I am just starting week 4 of Stronglifts 5x5. My jeans that fit in January - March are now uncomfortably tight in my legs/bum since lifting.

So, that actually puts me at a 1 lb gain since I joined MFP in January. :(

Describe your activity (exercise and non exercise) and did you change that activity within the last couple of months?

Non-exercise activity –
I live in NYC, so I walk and take stairs daily. I walk half a mile to the subway in the morning, climb subway stairs, and then walk half a mile back home in the evening. If I go anywhere other than work, it involves additional walking/stairs. I work a desk job from 8:30 am – 6 pm. I generally will use my hour lunch break to go to the gym.

Exercise activity- ( I have a HRM!)

-January 2013 – LOTS of cardio. Running 5K about 5 or 6 times a week, and 1 slightly longer run per week. Also, one or two dance or yoga classes per week. Was burning probably about 400 cal per day, and sometimes as high as 1000 if it was a dance day as well.

-February 2013 – Started alternating M/W/F/Sun 5K run days with Nike Training Club workouts T/Th (incorporated some light weights and strength training). Occassional dance class on T/Th evening. Burning about 300 cals per NTC workout, about 400 per run, and about 6-700 per dance class.

-March 2013 – Continued running, dancing, and doing Nike Training Club routine. Still no real change on the scale, so in late March I started Stronglifts 5x5.

-Past 3 weeks – M/W/F Stronglifts 5x5 (burning a little under 200 cal per lift session). T/Th/Sun running (usually about 300 - 400 calories). Often Tu/Th evening ballet or contemporary dance classes (about 700 - 800 calories).

Currently squatting 145#, OHP 70#, deadlift 125#, BP 75#, barbell row 80#.

How long have you been stalled and if it is not a complete stall please be very specific as to how much you have lost over the stalled period.

-Stalled (no drop on the scale) since late January. Hovered around 147 – 149 for all of February and March.

-Scale started creeping UP with the addition of weight training (past 3 weeks). Have been keeping at it in hopes that it’s muscles retaining water and adjusting to the new routine.

Are you breastfeeding?

Do you have thyroid issues/risks or PCOS?

Also, please ensure that you have your diary open.
Diary wide open!



  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    My initial thoughts are that the weight gain is due to lifting - glycogen and water in the muscles but that you may well be maintaining your weight taking this into account. Due to our cycles, I am going to ask you to give it one more week to even out water weigh fluctuations as much as possible so we can get a better base line. In the mean time, I will check out your diary and see if anything else pops out.

    Do you do running with a goal in mind other than weight loss?
  • SideSteel
    SideSteel Posts: 11,068 Member

    As usual I agree with Sara on this.
  • ArroganceInStep
    ArroganceInStep Posts: 6,239 Member
    How much water are you drinking? If you're seeing issues with muscle swelling from your lifts, increasing water intake may help.
  • sunshineallthetime4
    sunshineallthetime4 Posts: 21 Member
    Thanks so much for the response! I'll keep plugging away and see what happens.

    Really, I run because I enjoy it -- it gives me an endorphins rush that I just don't find I get from weight training. Also, it's a (free) way for me to get endurance training that helps my dancing when I can't get into the studio. I am also registered to do a few small 5K runs this summer/fall, and I may be registering for a half marathon, so I try to keep up at least a few runs per week.

    Regarding water... I drink A LOT of water during the week. It's not uncommon for me to drink 16 - 20 8 oz glasses, and more on days where I run and dance. I keep a 32 oz Nalgene at my desk and drink/fill it throughout the day. :drinker: On the weekends, I'm definitely not as great about drinking water. I always hit at least 8 8 oz glasses, but probably never much more than 12 glasses.

    Again, really appreciate you taking the time to help. I'll keep at the current routine and check back next week! :flowerforyou:
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    Just checking in to see how you are doing.
  • sunshineallthetime4
    sunshineallthetime4 Posts: 21 Member
    Thanks for checking in!!

    Unfortunately, still no real changes on the scale -- consistently fluctuating in the 150 - 152 range. Have cut down on the running a bit and am dancing a bit more. I have noticed the swelling in my legs/booty has gone down some, though jeans that fit pre-Stronglifts still feel a little uncomfortably snug.

    Noticing definite positive changes in body appearance, but would still like to lose 10 - 15 lbs of fat and just can't seem to get the scale moving.

    Wondering if my 1900 cal goal has me at maintenance.... Would you suggest I cut down a bit?
  • sunshineallthetime4
    sunshineallthetime4 Posts: 21 Member
    Hi again!

    So I actually did some number crunching in a spreadsheet -- you can see it here:

    The biggest question I took away was regarding my daily net calorie consumption. It averaged out to:

    Daily Net Cal Average:
    Week 1 - 1520
    Week 2 - 1410
    Week 3 - 1523
    Week 4 -1415
    Week 5 - 1513
    ^These are all below my calculated sedentary TDEE of 1860.

    Since my calorie burns are very, very different on alternating days (about 250 cals on a lifting day and often about 800-1000 cals burned on a dance day), should I instead set my calorie goals to my sedentary TDEE and aim to eat back exercise calories? That's a lot of "eating back" to do on dance days..

    I am currently set to 1900 cal and do not eat back for exercise. These numbers seem to suggest that I'm set "too low"....... can that really be right?

    Weekly Total Caloric Deficit:
    Week 1 - 2000
    Week 2 - 2769
    Week 3 - 1983
    Week 4 - 2736
    Week 5 - 2050
    ^With these deficits, shouldn't I have lost?


    Avg Daily Protein (g):
    Week 1 - 123
    Week 2 - 128
    Week 3 - 134
    Week 4 -118
    Week 5 - 129

    Avg Daily Fat (g):
    Week 1 - 74
    Week 2 - 63
    Week 3 - 67
    Week 4 - 58
    Week 5 - 55

    Avg Daily Carbs (g):
    Week 1 - 174
    Week 2 - 168
    Week 3 - 155
    Week 4 -148
    Week 5 - 169


    Looking forward to hearing your feedback! Thank you!!
  • ArroganceInStep
    ArroganceInStep Posts: 6,239 Member
    Hi again!

    So I actually did some number crunching in a spreadsheet -- you can see it here:

    The biggest question I took away was regarding my daily net calorie consumption. It averaged out to:

    Daily Net Cal Average:
    Week 1 - 1520
    Week 2 - 1410
    Week 3 - 1523
    Week 4 -1415
    Week 5 - 1513
    ^These are all below my calculated sedentary TDEE of 1860.

    Since my calorie burns are very, very different on alternating days (about 250 cals on a lifting day and often about 800-1000 cals burned on a dance day), should I instead set my calorie goals to my sedentary TDEE and aim to eat back exercise calories? That's a lot of "eating back" to do on dance days..

    I am currently set to 1900 cal and do not eat back for exercise. These numbers seem to suggest that I'm set "too low"....... can that really be right?

    Weekly Total Caloric Deficit:
    Week 1 - 2000
    Week 2 - 2769
    Week 3 - 1983
    Week 4 - 2736
    Week 5 - 2050
    ^With these deficits, shouldn't I have lost?


    Avg Daily Protein (g):
    Week 1 - 123
    Week 2 - 128
    Week 3 - 134
    Week 4 -118
    Week 5 - 129

    Avg Daily Fat (g):
    Week 1 - 74
    Week 2 - 63
    Week 3 - 67
    Week 4 - 58
    Week 5 - 55

    Avg Daily Carbs (g):
    Week 1 - 174
    Week 2 - 168
    Week 3 - 155
    Week 4 -148
    Week 5 - 169


    Looking forward to hearing your feedback! Thank you!!

    How did you calculate your weekly total caloric deficits? (sorry if it's explained in the ss I can't access dropbox from work)
  • sunshineallthetime4
    sunshineallthetime4 Posts: 21 Member
    Consumed calories - sedentary TDEE - exercise calories
  • ArroganceInStep
    ArroganceInStep Posts: 6,239 Member
    Consumed calories - sedentary TDEE - exercise calories

    What's your weekly average consumed calories?
  • sunshineallthetime4
    sunshineallthetime4 Posts: 21 Member
    Total Weekly Consumption Average: 13412 cal
    Total Weekly Exercise Average: 3078 cal
  • ArroganceInStep
    ArroganceInStep Posts: 6,239 Member
    Total Weekly Consumption Average: 13412 cal
    Total Weekly Exercise Average: 3078 cal

    Ouch. With a 1912 daily average that's pretty reasonable all around. Hopefully Sara and SS have some advice.
  • SideSteel
    SideSteel Posts: 11,068 Member
    Tagging. Sara and I will discuss this one soon.
  • SideSteel
    SideSteel Posts: 11,068 Member
    I'd set your intake to the following:


    Report back to us in a week with any changes, sooner if you feel like stabbing the neighbors dog and eating it.
  • sunshineallthetime4
    sunshineallthetime4 Posts: 21 Member
    Great, thanks for the input! I'll give it a whirl and check in next week. :smile:
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    Locking for now so we can keep track of open threads. Please could you PM either myself or SIdeSteel, including a link to this thread, and we will will unlock when you are ready to give is an update or if you have any questions.
This discussion has been closed.