So how do you want to be at age 70? Fit and Fabulous?

garlic7girl Posts: 2,236 Member

So, how do you want to be when you get old? Slow and can't move? Why not change now! You can it is never too late! Start now. You can still live a fun physical and fit filled life at 65!
All you have to do is keep it moving so today's challenge...exercise and for an hour! Make it level 10!

And do that for 5 days this week!



  • verdemujer
    verdemujer Posts: 1,397 Member
    This hits it on the nail! My Mom died at 71 - she didn't have to but she declared for herself at 48 that she would be dead in 10 years (she'd been diagnosed with diabetes at 47). I think she was very shocked to live to 71. She certainly spent the last 5 years of her life trying very hard to 'sucide by milkshake" as my brother called it. It was hard to watch. And it was really hard to deal with it. I decided when she died that my youngest, who will be 20 when I'm 60, shouldn't have to deal with his mom like that. So now I'm dealing with my life time of issues around weight and exercise. It does get easier as it goes and there is no end to it. It's my life and we will see if I can stave off some of the illnesses that may be my fate. But this article points out that its my kids' lives too. I didn't learn these lessons in my childhood but I sure want them to learn them,
  • aakaakaak
    aakaakaak Posts: 1,240 Member
    At age 70 I want to...

    Be able to go to the bathroom without diapers.

    Remember what I had for breakfast.

    Be able to get up if I fall down.

    Not have cancer.

    Be a dirty old man.
  • kriskerans
    kriskerans Posts: 92 Member
    70 is the New 60, I'm 59 and I have never been in this good of shape, My mother just turned 75, she walks everyday and logs her food on mfp every day, we talk everyday about what we did for exercise, she supports me in my running, walking events. So don't throw in the towel yet my friends, it's not over.. get up, get out side and walk... run.. play.. thats what life is all about...
  • WarriorCupcakeBlydnsr
    WarriorCupcakeBlydnsr Posts: 2,150 Member
    Fit and fabulous all the way!
    At my nephew's baptism I had the opportunity to talk with my 90 year old grandfather. He is blind from macular degeneration, mostly deaf (in spite of the cochlear implant), has had his heart intentionally stopped and restarted three times, and after the last surgery he had, due to the anesthesia they used, has memory problems. During our conversation, he said to me that, in spite of everything "wrong" with him, he's healthy now and he's got another 25 years left in him and he fully intends to live to 115 (he then told my step grandmother to shut up, he wasn't talking to her - she had started to say something about our conversation, it was a riot). I don't know if he really will or not, but I hope he does and I hope that I have that same positive outlook as he does when I get to that point (have to say I'm not too far off seeing as in spite of all the weight gain I've had even though I've been eating right and exercising and the problems with my ankle, I refuse to give up and stop just because these things have the better of me right now, I can over come them and carry on!)
  • threadlove
    threadlove Posts: 30 Member
    My maternal grandfather was active until the day he died at 100 years old. My paternal grandfather walked all over town every day. I'd see him miles from home and ask if he wanted a ride and he'd always say no. He lived until his late 80's. I feel better now at 50 than I did at 40 or even 30. My life is just getting started!
  • garlic7girl
    garlic7girl Posts: 2,236 Member
    At age 70 I want to...

    Be a dirty old man.

    LOOOOOOOOOL!! Sooo, does that mean you are a dirty young man now?!?!?
  • aakaakaak
    aakaakaak Posts: 1,240 Member
    If 38 is young, then I'll play your game.

    I'd like to think of myself as a dirty middle aged man...unfortunately that just sounds creepy. Dirty old man in training?
  • garlic7girl
    garlic7girl Posts: 2,236 Member
    Okay I don't know if ya'll did but I did exercise for an hour and I am so sore today! Whew!