Does Anyone Need ANYTHING?

Just checking in with any group members who might be quiet. I just want to be sure that if you are struggling with anything related to your fitness plan (exercise and diet) to let us know so we can help! We have so much awesomeness going on in our group, I don't want anyone feeling left out. So this is my way of checking in with the team to make sure everyone is doing great!


  • TheFabTam
    TheFabTam Posts: 88 Member
    So far so good for me. Finding some great friends with great ideas on here! Thanks so much!
  • tameekag
    tameekag Posts: 84 Member
    I need MyFP friends for encouragement (both ways)!
  • KathleenSweetie
    KathleenSweetie Posts: 136 Member
    I forwarded my end of week 1 progress pic to you. But I don't have access to the site yet. Could you please let me know if you got email? (Thanks!)
  • tinapunch
    tinapunch Posts: 65 Member
    If only you could help me pick those 6 magic numbers!!!! LOL

    Seriously, my workouts and healthy eating are going work - that's a whole different ball game!!!

    Been crazy busy.....always is at month end, but seems moreso this month. It's only Tuesday and it feels like 3 weeks in one!

    So, I haven't been too involved in these discussions so far this week, but know that I'm here and willing to offer all the encouragement and support anyone needs!
  • Em2je05
    Em2je05 Posts: 215 Member
    I need some one to help me grocery shop for healthy foods on the cheap...hahaha! But for real, NOPE! Love this group adn all the support everyone is giving. Hope your vacation was great! I'm taking my niece and nephew (9 and 5) to an indoor waterpark in Indianapolis this weekend, so I will be offline and will put my weight in on Monday! :)

    Have an amazing week everyone!
  • LBinSF
    LBinSF Posts: 81 Member
    Hello, Thanks for asking! I'm back on track after being off track for a couple of weeks.
    Sent a few emails yesterday to people in this Group - asking if they'd connect as friends. So I'm very excited to have a new MFP friends today!
    Exercised a bit this morning - and ate a healthy, high protein/ no carb breakfast (the dogs enjoyed a tiny taste too!), which has been the key to losing 75 pounds so far.
    For our 20 pounds in 75 day challenge - I just posted a daily chart above the microwave where I'll see it every morning. It's a simple xls chart with dates/ weight lines. So - amazingly - it seems that I'm now within 17 pounds of my 95 pound weight loss goal. That sounds VERY DOABLE!! :-)
  • krk5235
    krk5235 Posts: 220 Member
  • cricketdc
    cricketdc Posts: 60 Member
    My personal trainer gives me homework that I need to do when I don't see her. So I am covered. Thanks for asking.
  • PinkNinjaLaura
    PinkNinjaLaura Posts: 3,202 Member
    I'm one of the quiet ones, but I'm doing great! I haven't had time to comment on the daily challenges, but I started the C25K this morning, so that's my new challenge. Also got out for a walk at lunch, and took a Pilates class after work, so it was a good day.
  • abikinibyjuly
    abikinibyjuly Posts: 330 Member
    I need MyFP friends for encouragement (both ways)!

    Friend request sent
  • Ammebee
    Ammebee Posts: 34 Member

    Id like that too please. Just got mistaken for being pregnant my a member of staff in the bank :( It could be the extra motivation I need!
  • I forwarded my end of week 1 progress pic to you. But I don't have access to the site yet. Could you please let me know if you got email? (Thanks!)

    Ah, so sorry! Things got a little hectic with vacay and coming back to work. I will get that done today, promise!!!
  • If only you could help me pick those 6 magic numbers!!!! LOL

    Seriously, my workouts and healthy eating are going work - that's a whole different ball game!!!

    Been crazy busy.....always is at month end, but seems moreso this month. It's only Tuesday and it feels like 3 weeks in one!

    So, I haven't been too involved in these discussions so far this week, but know that I'm here and willing to offer all the encouragement and support anyone needs!

    That is okay, we all have a life!!! Glad to see you made it on here, just keep coming back as often as you can make it but I think we all understand that we all won't be here every single day...
  • Liposuction?

    Id like that too please. Just got mistaken for being pregnant my a member of staff in the bank :( It could be the extra motivation I need!

    D'OH! People should never ask a woman if she is pregnant.... Sorry! :(
  • I need some one to help me grocery shop for healthy foods on the cheap...hahaha! But for real, NOPE! Love this group adn all the support everyone is giving. Hope your vacation was great! I'm taking my niece and nephew (9 and 5) to an indoor waterpark in Indianapolis this weekend, so I will be offline and will put my weight in on Monday! :)

    Have an amazing week everyone!

    When you find cheap healthy foods, contact me so we can write a book on how to find it too lol. Seriously, I went to Costco the other day. I bought smoked salmon for the first time. It said 3.49 or something like that for a double package. I thought wow that is cheap, so I picked up two. LOL.. Yup, it was almost 50 bucks later for those two packages. Don't send me to the store to shop healthy lol.

    Enjoy your weekend!!!
  • I'm one of the quiet ones, but I'm doing great! I haven't had time to comment on the daily challenges, but I started the C25K this morning, so that's my new challenge. Also got out for a walk at lunch, and took a Pilates class after work, so it was a good day.

    Excellent! Don't be shy to post... Its fun to be active, literally with fitness goals then posting them on this board. I love reading what everyone is doing. It gives me ideas plus keeps me motivated and challenged.

    Great work on your fitness goals!! Woot Woot!
  • Liposuction?

    I'd do a tummy tuck lol.
  • Fit_Fox88
    Fit_Fox88 Posts: 410 Member
    This is long, sorry-

    First, for recipe ideas try Gina uses easy, everyday ingredients, though not always of the minimally processed, added additives kind. But you can switch out brands and the nutritional information is available for every recipe. Most of our recipes come from this site.

    As far as shopping, my husband and I recently started shopping at Earth Fare but we are going to have to go back to Kroger b/c we aren't sure how the $$ situation will be for a while w/him starting his new job. However, we ALWAYS buy a majority of fresh fruits and veggies no matter if organic or non-organic. If you can't afford organic start w/regular fruits/veggies. Try to eat more raw than cooked. If you have to have potato chips or pretzels spring for the bag that's a little more $ but offers better ingredients such as whole wheat, unbleached flour and non-processed or flavor additives... we've started buying Cape Cod chips when we want chips- the ingredients are mimimal and they're tasty. A little more expensive but I'll pay more for those than say Lay's or Doritos which have an ingredient list a mile long... also Cape Cod chips are available at most retailers. I have found dried fruit to be a very tasty, healthy and long-lasting snack when I need something sweet. It's rich enough that we only eat about 3 pieces at a time. We've been buying the dried fruit at Earth Fare and it's reasonably priced. Farmer's markets are also getting ready to open so getting fresh, mostly organic veggies/fruits/cheeses/meats will be easier. We've also started eating mainly portioned meals. This helps save quite of bit of food for lunches the next day or even leftovers for dinner. Plus, there's only 2 of us so I can usually 1/2 a recipe and buy less of the more expensive ingredients like meat and fish.

    I would say switching out a few ingredients at a time in your normal grocery shopping will help ease the price shock- that seemed to work for us. You may even find that you're spending the same amount or close to the same amount on healther options by leaving out the less-healthy choices. Plus it feels like a huge accomplishment every time I open the fridge and see fresh fruits, veggies and healther cheeses for snacks, as well as the pantry and seeing all the dried fruit, whole grains and minimal ingredient snacks. Add me as a friend and you'll be able to see my diary and I'd be more than happy to help keep you on track! :)
  • sophieburningham
    sophieburningham Posts: 56 Member
    I have the motivation, but I've been finding I keep having Tuesdays as an extra cheat day (as well as Sunday!) and I really need to stop this! My plan for Tuesdays has always been to go to the gym and workout between shifts, but last week I had it as a cheat day instead of Sunday, and this week I found I was so tired I didn't want to go to the gym, I'd also been a bit emotional which caused me to eat badly as well. My boyfriend isn't in in the evening on Tuesdays as well so it turned into a girly night with my lodger! I know I need to cut this down I guess I just need a little bit of a wake up call to stop it and keep Sundays as my treat day.

    I think that's the only difficulty I've had so far really...
  • jlynn_19
    jlynn_19 Posts: 35 Member
    I don't have access to the site yet either. Just wondering if you got the week 1&2 pics cause I am having a problem with my email. I sent a few emails to someone and they were never received and other ones were sent to junk mail. Is the site up yet? Thanks.