Challenge: No Weigh May!

Would anyone like to do this with me?

I get a little nuts around the scale, so I'd like to ditch it. I'm going to weigh in tomorrow and measure my upper arms, waist, hips, thighs, and calves. And then...not. For a month.

My plan is to eat at -1 lb per week calories for a sedentary person for whatever my weight is tomorrow (I don't know what I weigh right now because I also did a no weigh April). I will keep it keto as well as generally not eat my exercise calories.

What do you thinks, dudes and dudettes?


  • lilystipe
    lilystipe Posts: 5 Member
    Okay, I'm in!

    I do have a doctor's visit smack dab in the middle, but I'll do my best not to pay attention to the scale.

    I've been reluctant to do body measurements. As crazy as it sounds, I think those numbers would bother me way more than the number on the scale does. I would like to at least get a base measurement though.
  • HealthyHappyWealthyWise
    Here we are.

    252.4 lbs Upper Arms: 16.6" Waist: 46.25" Hips: 56.5" Thighs: 30.25" Calves: 17.75

    By the way, I've got this going on Reddit/r/keto as well, and I think some started it in xxketo.
  • lilystipe
    lilystipe Posts: 5 Member
    Yowza. I didn't realize the measurements were public. I think I'm going to keep mine private and just post the change on June 1.
  • HealthyHappyWealthyWise
    Don't feel like you have to post anything that makes you uncomfortable! I do it to make myself accountable, but that is me.