josiereside Posts: 720 Member
Hope I am not stepping on toes by creating a new topic but thought this would be a good place to post our daily workouts??

Today I will be doing Week 4, Day 4 of Jillian Michaels Ripped in 30. I usually warm up with a little stationary bike. I will also do my daily dog walk which is about 1.2 miles.
Going to try and get back into doing daily planks too, not sure how many or how long, but starting with a 30 second hold and going from there.


  • SniffyDoodle
    SniffyDoodle Posts: 129
    Today is a run/swim day for me. I am on W3D1 of C25K, and I will complete that and then jump in the pool for some laps. I usually spend anywhere from 15 to 25 minutes in the pool, depending on how I'm feeling.
  • missmayeb
    missmayeb Posts: 182 Member
    Today I have to do my pushup challenge, 2 walks during the work day, 60 squats, my 200 leg lifts from yesterday and my normal gym work out can't decide if I want to do strength or cardio today.

    Another goal for myself is to make an effort to sit up straight. I sit at a desk all day and I noticed in pictures from a wedding this past weekend that I stoop. So that has got to stop!!!
  • srcardinal10
    srcardinal10 Posts: 387 Member
    Hope I am not stepping on toes by creating a new topic but thought this would be a good place to post our daily workouts??

    Today I will be doing Week 4, Day 4 of Jillian Michaels Ripped in 30. I usually warm up with a little stationary bike. I will also do my daily dog walk which is about 1.2 miles.
    Going to try and get back into doing daily planks too, not sure how many or how long, but starting with a 30 second hold and going from there.

    Psh! There's no stepping on toes in this group! Feel free to start any discussions you wish!


    With regards to today's workout, today is a non-run day for me because I'm doing legs/plyometrics at the gym. I like to make sure that my legs are well rested before I put them through the pain of squats, lunges, burpees, deadlifts etc hehe.

    What's on everyone else's workout schedule?!?
  • kcaffee1
    kcaffee1 Posts: 759 Member
    Odd day for me. It's my last day with my trainer (I think) and it's in our deload week. I have no idea what they've got planned for me, except it will probably revolve around a medicine ball and body weight work.
  • DarkLightAngel
    DarkLightAngel Posts: 4 Member
    I like to switch things up depending on what I'm feeling up for. This morning I did a Pilates full body work out at a beginner's level. It was a good workout, but later on today I plan on making it to the gym to get in some cardio on the elliptical. I have a 6 month old lab and we sometimes go on long walks when the weather is nice. I just try to switch it up and stay interested in what I am doing! Same with foods (:

    P.S.- I could use some good, healthy recipes to try out ^^
  • ManduhPanda
    ManduhPanda Posts: 4 Member
    Today is my rest day from GFit (http://gfitwomen.com/), but I will be walking 20 mins at lunch and stretching out my sooooore muscles this evening.

    Tracking my exercise on MFP is hard because of what I do... does anyone have recommendations for a heart monitor or something to track calories burned during my workouts? :smile:
  • ManduhPanda
    ManduhPanda Posts: 4 Member
    Today I have to do my pushup challenge, 2 walks during the work day, 60 squats, my 200 leg lifts from yesterday and my normal gym work out can't decide if I want to do strength or cardio today.

    Another goal for myself is to make an effort to sit up straight. I sit at a desk all day and I noticed in pictures from a wedding this past weekend that I stoop. So that has got to stop!!!

    I'm bad at posture too! This is a great idea.
  • mylifemadelite
    Today is day one of my squat challenge which I will do while chasing the kiddo around this evening. I have to do 50 of those (yikes). It's also my cardio day so I started out with 30 minutes on the Stairmaster at 5 am and will take a 20 minute walk during my lunch break. I'm pretty pumped about my workout this morning because I am already doing intervals up in the next level. Three weeks ago when I stepped on that thing after a year off I thought 20 minutes on the lowest level was really hard.
  • josiereside
    josiereside Posts: 720 Member
    Today I have to do my pushup challenge, 2 walks during the work day, 60 squats, my 200 leg lifts from yesterday and my normal gym work out can't decide if I want to do strength or cardio today.

    Another goal for myself is to make an effort to sit up straight. I sit at a desk all day and I noticed in pictures from a wedding this past weekend that I stoop. So that has got to stop!!!

    I'm bad at posture too! This is a great idea.

    Me too! I sit all day for work (medical transcription). I find myself slouching constantly!
  • celinadiego
    celinadiego Posts: 21 Member
    I did my morning run before class today and was able to push myself a little further than usual (YES!), and I'll be joining one of my girls later for some bikram yoga
  • Bride2BFit
    Bride2BFit Posts: 3
    Today I started my crunch and squat challenge
    20 crunches and
    50 squats
  • srcardinal10
    srcardinal10 Posts: 387 Member
    I did my morning run before class today and was able to push myself a little further than usual (YES!), and I'll be joining one of my girls later for some bikram yoga

    Oh I want to go to Bikram now!
  • annemcharles
    annemcharles Posts: 194 Member
    Today's workout - walk the dog (30-min), run (4.7 miles; 9 min-mile) and yoga. Beautiful day to be outside and I took advantage of it!
  • kcaffee1
    kcaffee1 Posts: 759 Member
    Adding to my day: starting the May Squat challenge. Going to TRY due to knees acting up to get day one done with half or quarter squats.

    Tomorrow is a POOL DAY!!! I'll update when I get back from that.
  • deemartin2
    deemartin2 Posts: 168 Member
    I generally just run everyday but I am trying to start working in ab and strength building exercises. I was gone all day so my run was short.
  • Jewels_in_the_rough
    Jewels_in_the_rough Posts: 39 Member
    A 3 mile run. I really need to switch up my workouts more, and I'm planning to work on that this month, but I didn't have time to plan ahead for today, so I'm just sticking with what I know for now.
  • celinadiego
    celinadiego Posts: 21 Member
    I love it! It's so good for your posture and just stretching out your muscles. Plus it leaves you with a great cleansing feeling because you literally sweat out all the toxins! It's great for all the end of the semester stress =)
  • fitOsaurus_Rex_we_changed
    i've got LOTS of working out to do today! I decided to follow Cassey Ho this month but I didnt start it off on the right foot...as in I didnt workout yesterday :/ but i decided to make up for it today!

    I got up before work this morning and did 3/5 workouts from yesterday (i ran out of time) and I will do the other 2 after work as well as the other 5 I have to do for today. I also have the squat challenge of 55 squats today! get it!

    love seeing how active everyone is!
  • josiereside
    josiereside Posts: 720 Member
    Today is a run day for me.... Week 6 Day 2 of C25K... Since I have to go into the office for a bit (normally work at home), I am going to go run by the Susquehanna River! It will be a beautiful day.. Will be throwing in some planks today too and maybe some stretching!
  • tabbykat6802
    tabbykat6802 Posts: 233 Member
    Did 30 mins of yoga this morning and will be walking w/ coworkers on our breaks. Going to attempt to put together some commercial break exercises during tv time tonight. any ideas would be helpful! thanks!