Introduce yourself :)

This is just a little section where you can write a few sentences about yourself. I'll start..

Hey guys, I'm an 18 year old girl from Australia. I have suffered from an eating disorder for many years now but outside of that I work at a small little gift store and my favorite things in the world are photography, baby animals, reading, partying with my friends and my BF who I love to peices, my main goal in life is to help people in some way but when or how I haven't figured out just yet..

I started this group as I realised that My ED made me quite lonley a lot of the time and I always thought it would be helpful to have friends dealing with the same sort of thing and although on MFP we already have a way of making friends I wanted to make it more than just encouraging weightloss and calorie amounts.


    BRUISEDSILENCE Posts: 5 Member
    Hi everyone.. I'm Krystal I'm 16 and have dealt with an eating disorder just a little over 2 years now although I am really trying to recover after losing my twin to the same thing in the beginning of last year, I'm currently a student trying to finish year 11 but I'm not sure I'm going to stick with it.. I have only just joined here and would really like to make friends..