What medication(s) do you use?

And the dose?

I take Armour, 30mg (though I just started a few weeks ago)


  • charleschip
    charleschip Posts: 31 Member
    Hashi's with life style changes. I have been able to put my numbers back in line with eating differently, supplements and activity. So so far I don't take any thyroid meds, however, my supplements include doses of selenium and other additions thanks to Fatigued to Fantastic which has worked wonders for me. My eating life style could be more considered a "Mediterranean" way with a mix of "DASH" for save keeping. :)

    Kind Regards,
  • dancingdeer
    dancingdeer Posts: 378 Member
    I also take Armour 30g. I too started recently - going back on Friday for blood work to see where I am.

    And, I see we're neighbors - I'm in in Port Townsend! :smile:
  • pcournede
    pcournede Posts: 13 Member
    I take Synthroid 112 mcg. I will be seeing an ENDO end of May. Not convinced Synthroid is right for me.
  • lou_murphy
    I take Thyroid-S...7 grains. I took synthroid for 30 years and never felt well. Thyroid-S has been a life changer...I feel great and I'm off all other meds.
  • shvits
    shvits Posts: 249 Member
    Synthroid 88 mcg. once a day. Cytomel 5 mg. in A.M. and 2 1/2 mg at 1P.M. This works great and I don't take 2-3 hour naps anymore. I also only take brand name meds as the endocrinologist said that some of the generic doses are not accurate.
  • Mjsturg1
    Mjsturg1 Posts: 16 Member
    Thyroid S (ever since the Armour shortage a few yrs ago) Was taking 3 grains but that put me too hyper so now I'm on a half grain to raise my tsh ...at least my resting heart rate is normal now and I can do some cardio without feeling like I'm winded from the start .
  • LizGozza
    LizGozza Posts: 45
    I gotta ask, how many mg in a gram?
  • kitchen0nfire
    kitchen0nfire Posts: 22 Member
    1mg = 0.001 gram (google :P)

    Synthroid 125 mcg.... but I think I need to go higher again, I've been fainting a lot. I see my new endo on Monday.
  • LizGozza
    LizGozza Posts: 45
    Damn auto correct, I meant a grain :/ but found it, 65mg = 1 grain
  • indianarose2
    indianarose2 Posts: 469 Member
    I take Thyroid-S...7 grains. I took synthroid for 30 years and never felt well. Thyroid-S has been a life changer...I feel great and I'm off all other meds.

    Thyroid-S? I've got to look into that!

    I take compounded T4 and extended release T3. 150mcg T4 and 25 mcg T3.
  • LoraleiDean
    LoraleiDean Posts: 100
    I'm on 0.125 mg of Synthroid daily, but it's a real juggling act along with all the other pills for other health concerns! 5 years into this, and having a very hard time losing weight after never having had to be concerned about my size.
    Having this group available is extremely helpful for morale.
  • strawberrytoast
    strawberrytoast Posts: 711 Member
    Currently 175mg levothyroxine the only crap the doctor will give me. Taking a multi vitamin with iron and selenium from the store to see if this helps at all. Was trying the coconut oil but didnt notice any difference either and now everything oily tastes funny to me.
  • RicoHuerta
    RicoHuerta Posts: 18 Member
    I take Armour as well 105mg (90 + 15), metformin 1000, fortesta as well and doc trying to figure out why my cortisol level is still high (undiagnosed for now). Was on 175mg levothyroxine but changed to armour in december and doing a lot better
  • alexis49er
    alexis49er Posts: 16 Member
    I take 75 mcg of Tirosint and 5 mcg of Cytomel (generic). The Tirosint is a brand name version of levothyroxine that is in gel cap form. It's kind of awesome because it doesn't have a lot of the additives that the generic does.
  • pammee44
    pammee44 Posts: 49 Member
    I take 120 mgs of Armour, started out with 30 and have been upped over the past year.

    I need to go get my bloodwork done to see where i am at now.
  • OhDD65
    OhDD65 Posts: 180 Member
    Switched to Armour from one of the synthetic meds and I am doing real well. Lots of my symptoms disappeared. Started at 60mg, was dropped to 30mg and again adjusted to 45mg, which I feel is perfect. See the dr soon to see what he thinks now.