
RooMcDermott Posts: 105 Member
Thanks for making the group! My name is Christa, I am a married, 40 year old, full time working mom of 2 busy kids. My husband teaches 8th grade American History, coaches and officiates basketball, baseball and softball and helps coach my 12 yr old son's hockey team. My son is a 7th grader and plays just about any sport he can fit in his schedule- although his love is hockey. My daughter is 1st grade and is in dance, gymnastics, softball, tennis and swimming.

It's hard to fit "me time" into our schedules but as my weight creeps up and my self confidence goes down, I realize that I need to make the time for me again.

BTW- I am 5'3 and currently weigh 153. My weight goal is 135.

Can't wait to get started on Jillian again- I've done it in the past and love it!!


  • mamasabs
    mamasabs Posts: 4
    Hi! I'm Sabrina, I'm 31 and a stay at home mom to 3 kiddos, (6, 3, and 1). I just started on MFP today and happen to have this DVD already so I'm totally excited to join! I tend to ignore myself and take care of everyone else so I am looking forward to carving out some time for myself :)
  • knitwit0704
    knitwit0704 Posts: 376
    You're welcome. My name is Liza, I'm 18, currently doing college stuff from home, living with my family. My dad teaches piano and is a substitute teacher, and my mother currently works at a doctor's office. She keeps saying she'll lose the weight with me, so I'm hoping she will join me in some of the JM videos. When I was 12 I was at a good weight, but since then, my weight has gradually increased to what it is now.

    SW: 230
    CW: 220
    GW1: 200
    GW2: 150
    GW3: 140
    UGW (MAYBE): 130

    I'm 5'7.5".

    I agree, it is so hard to fit in workouts and relaxation time!!!

    I have an annoying (like all siblings) 11 year old brother (who's birthday is on Friday)... and he's bony and at a good weight, and just doesn't understand I can't do as much as him (he even wants a bench press for his birthday). My dad is 6 foot and at a good weight too, so same issue. I want to get in shape to be below the weight limit for a camp I'm going to go to, and also to show my brother and father I CAN do as much as they.
  • knitwit0704
    knitwit0704 Posts: 376
    I'm starting 30DS tomorrow. Today is a rest day; I worked out hard yesterday. :)
  • PecorinoRomano
    PecorinoRomano Posts: 33 Member
    Hi all! My name is Tina and I'm a 27 year old newlywed from NYC. I actually already started the program a few days ago, but I am giving myself a few rest days here and there so I am sure some of you will catch up with me!

    It can be tough finding time to work out -- I have a 1.5 hr commute from the city to our apartment in the suburbs. That's why I love JM's 30 Day Shred. 30 minutes and I'm done!

    Thank you for creating the group, I'm looking forward to shredding with all of you this month!
  • celtic0ne
    celtic0ne Posts: 216 Member
    I'm Yvonne and I'm getting married in September so I'm trying really hard to lose some weight and look good before the wedding and honeymoon! I've also got my fiance doing the 30DS with me so hopefully that will help keep me accountable :)
  • cristina9980
    cristina9980 Posts: 15 Member
    This dvd has been sitting on a shelf since a friend gave it to me years ago. I had completely forgotten about it until now. I'm hoping I will have time tonight to get started. I was thinking of waking up a little earlier every day and doing it first thing so I may wait until tomorrow to start.

    I'm 5'3" and currently 153.8. I have gained nearly 5 pounds since I left WW and joined MFP so I'm looking for something new to try. Maybe this will be the kick start I need.
  • LosingMyMarbles
    LosingMyMarbles Posts: 168 Member
    Hi! I'm Jennifer. 32 years old, married, mom of a 4 yr old boy, stay at home mom.

    I tried doing 30 Day Shred last month, got 8 days in, and then got side tracked. My son turned 4 last month and we had some other things going on (ie I didn't stick with it and am making excuses!). If I don't get a move on, literally, I won't make my goal weight by the end of July. So, I'm doing it again. This time I'm doing a chart on the fridge to help keep track.
  • Batesey35
    Batesey35 Posts: 30 Member
    So glad this is here, I have just done Day 1, Level 1. Wasn't too bad, which makes me think I was doing something wrong! I'll get day 2 and 3 in before taking a long weekend away, then back to it on day 7.

    I have two small boys, work 30hrs a week and take care of all after school clubs and other chores. I have found that straight after school when the kids are eating their snacks tends to free up 30 minutes or so where I can fit in a workout, seems predestined that I join in really doesn't it?

    I'll post measurements on the other relevant thread - not too sure about pictures though, I'm not that brave!

    Good luck to you all, feel free to add me if you want support through the pain barrier!
  • oceanblue6
    oceanblue6 Posts: 76 Member
    so glad i found this group! i was going back and forth about whether to start this and now i am going to piggyback on this group's energy and begin! will start day 1 this afternoon after i pick up the kiddos from school.
  • ashme579
    ashme579 Posts: 21
    Yayy!! My name is Ashley, I'm 24. I work full time about 50 minutes away from home, so by the time I drive ALL the way back to my home town, I NEVER want to go out again and go to the gym, so I thought I'd try out the 30DS. They should arrive via mail today, so my hope is to start tonight- if not, then tomorrow. I rarely, if ever, stick to diets or exercises, so I'm hoping all you guys can help keep me motivated to succeed with this. I've already been logging in successfully to MFP for over a week, so I'm on a roll lol. I have a wedding in October that I need to look darn good for. The dress is an arm fat displayer, and that is my worst trait. Also, my boyfriend is a muscle machine and I need to tone up to look as good as him lol.
  • LosingMyMarbles
    LosingMyMarbles Posts: 168 Member

    I'll post measurements on the other relevant thread - not too sure about pictures though, I'm not that brave!

    At least take pics for your own use :)
  • pengoala
    pengoala Posts: 9
    Hello hello everyone! I'm new to the 30 day shred and just started the 1st day today - holy cow, I'm DYING! I'm Katherine, and I just turned 30 in April, so just trying to get myself back into some decent amount of shape. I'm a little shorter than 5'1", and weighed in this morning at 122.4 pounds. My goal is to get down to 115, and eventually, 110. Hoping that this shred will help lose some of it!
  • alliek23
    alliek23 Posts: 14 Member
    Hi! My name is Allie and I'm a 22 year old single mom to a wonderful 2 year old boy. I work full time and go to school, so between all of that I find many excuses of why I don't work out. I've had 30DS at home for a while now and have started it multiple times, but never followed through with it. I gained qutie a bit of weight during my pregnancy, but actually weigh more now then I did when I was 9 months pregnant! I am 5'4 and around 190lbs. Hoping with a group to stay accountable to I can get fit!
  • rootsjodie
    rootsjodie Posts: 5
    Hiya all :)

    My name is Jodie and im 21.

    I work full time and own my own photography business... I'm on day 2 of the shred today and ache badly!

    I would like to lose 17lb ideally so fingers crossed this will help!

    I'm 5ft 7 and currently a size 12, weighing 157lb .. I've lost 11lb so far :)

    Good luck all xx
  • mslisatm
    mslisatm Posts: 154 Member
    yay! Sign me up! I did the first 5 days of Level one last week then got really sick for 2 days. Im going to start up again doing the remainder of the first 10 days today hopefully if I am physically up for it. I loved it so far. It is tough but it is only 20 minutes so I can easily psych myself into it when Im not feeling up to it. I am 43, 5' 5' 180. Goal is to be under 150. Ive yoyoed between 170 and 180 for 3 years now and Im sick of it!

    One you workout EVERY DAY for 30 days or do you take a rest day every 5 or so? Thats what my plan was. I need a rest day now and then to feel results.
  • mslisatm
    mslisatm Posts: 154 Member
    Pengoala, it does get easier after day 3 I found. I was really surprised at how beat I was because I work out with weights and row regularly. it is intense!
  • FightingMongeese
    FightingMongeese Posts: 17 Member
    Hello ladies. My name is Lorelei. I'm a 22 homemaker, working on overcoming male factor infertility.

    My primary MFP goal is to finish the 30 day shred! I got to L2D2 last time before crashing. While some people find it motivating to work out with their husbands, it failed for me. He's much stronger, and I kept trying to keep pace with him. This time around I'm taking less than 5 sec breaks to catch my breath. I did L1D1 without throwing up this time! Whee! (sad but true)

    My weight goals are 149, then 145, then..? I'm 5'4" btw. Can't wait to get to know you all and kick JM's butt together!
  • skcactusflower75
    skcactusflower75 Posts: 2 Member
    I'm just starting on my journey to lose 50 pounds or (hopefully) more! Hubby is deployed so I figured this was the perfect time to get focused and start losing weight! Starting with a low carb diet and the 30DS!:smile: I hope I can stay motivated and plow through it!
  • snorry
    snorry Posts: 9
    Hi everyone!! My name is Sara. I am 31 years old, work full time and feel like I have a part time job running my son to all his activities in the evening. I have been doing level 1 a couple times a week for about 2 weeks. I was just using it as an extra exercise in addition to the C25 I am currently doing. Thanks to some of the other threads that were showing before and after pictures, I am convinced to give the shred a chance and do it everyday.

    I will do my measurements and take pictures tonight. I was already planning on doing this workout tonight, so starting it today is just perfect for me. My goal is to lose about 50 lbs. I am looking forward to "shredding" with all of you!!
  • Daisygrl13
    Daisygrl13 Posts: 3
    Hey Guys,
    I'm Daisy, 27, mom to a 3 year old wonder named Emmy. Work a ful time job, plus 2 part time jobs. So far down 29lbs, goal 36, ultimate goal 41. Work behind a desk and busy busy busy, so get my 20 minutes in when I can.
  • TaureanWoman
    TaureanWoman Posts: 26 Member
    Hello! I'm 33 year old, work full time. I work out about 3 times a week but I would like to ramp it up to increase my weight loss and toning. I love JM 30DS because it is such a quick efficient work out. I plan to do this challenge in addition to running 2 miles a twice a week to my routine.

    My stats are as follows:

    SW: 166lbs
    CW: 156lbs
    GW: 138lbs
  • hegster23
    hegster23 Posts: 36 Member
    Hello all! I'm a 30-year-old mom of two that's sick and tired of being sick and tired! I started the C25K last night, and am hoping to start the 30DS tonight or tomorrow!
    Can't wait to see all of our results!:wink:
  • Beccalj
    Beccalj Posts: 3 Member
    Hi Everyone,
    I'm in my 50s and am looking to continue my weight loss efforts and improve my muscle tone. While doing the May challenge of 30 Day Shred, I'll also add an extra dose of cardio walking my dog (she's a pretty good motivator!) and some elliptical training or Zumba on selected days. Good luck to all!
  • iowa_cy_girl
    iowa_cy_girl Posts: 8 Member
    New to MFP and am thinking the groups will be a big help in my success (and YES, I will be successful this go round!!). I've had 30 Day Shred collecting dust on my shelf for several years...gave up after the first day when I did try it. With the support of this group, I know I can do this!! Looking forward to hearing how successful everyone in the group is 'shredding'! Good luck all!!

    Oh...I'm a 32yo mother of 2 busy girls, 10 and 3. I am changing my life for them...and myself of I can turn my husband's head like I once could, I'll have all I ever need :heart:
  • 212ackley
    212ackley Posts: 431 Member
    Hi fellow 30DS peeps! I'm Lisa, a 41 Y.O. married mom of 6 (granny of 1) from Michigan.

    I started my serious efforts at weight loss January 3rd and am down 19# overall (I gained 4 # back early in the month and am trying to get back down there!!) I was diagnosed as diabetic a few years back but went through the whole denial thing...I'm ready to get off the meds and to do that I have to lose the weight. I was doing Zumba 4-5 days a week from January through April, and I think I got burnt I decided for May I will be doing the 30ds and I got a membership to the local pool. I sure hope it shakes things up the way I need it!

    I did my w1d1 this morning and didn't do nearly as poorly as I thought I would! I only needed 2 breathers during the 1st course of cardio! I might even do repeat sessions (one in the am and one in the pm) on days I have time! I would love to see results similar to what others have posted pictures of on here!

    Good luck to everyone on your weight loss/maintenance goals!
  • babynun
    babynun Posts: 120 Member
    I'm very motivated right now and am just rolling with it. I'm a 34 yo mom (ages 10, 6, and 4). I currently work full-time but plan on taking this whole summer off to be with them. Then I'll be back in school starting my Master's full-time in the Fall. My biggest goal this summer is getting the body I want by staying active while having fun with my kids. I'm going to have to be creative which will be a challenge for me.

    I love Zumba and try to incorporate that several times a week in my workouts. Since the weather will be improving in Alaska, I plan on hiking more often and spending time outdoors. I've also been looking into workouts that incorporate weights (I hate weights, they're very intimidating).

    So MFPers, I'm looking forward to this journey with you.
    NESIBEAU Posts: 20
    I'm Annesia. I'm 28 years with two kids 3 years and 14months. Im struggling to get weight off. But Im strapped for time between job, kids and hussie. Started eating clean and walking. However babysitters was not cosntant. I have opted to start 30ds its short on time. I have already lost a few inches however did not take my measurement. Reached level two but missed a week as such Im starting week two again. Looking forward for your support
  • shuki_cotren
    shuki_cotren Posts: 328 Member
    Hi, I'm Amy. I'm a stay at home mom of an 8 month old baby girl. I started the shred 6 days ago. I'm still on level 1. I was hoping to find a group on MFP starting around when I did. Hope we can motivate each other to keep on going to the end!

    Current Weight: 189 (I'm 5'5")
    Goal Weight: 135
  • 4x4play
    4x4play Posts: 200 Member
    Hello I'm Ashley. I have had this DVD for years and it just collects dust. I have started and stopped so many times it's ridiculous. Today I want to start it and actually finish it. This month I will turn the big 3-0! I'm dreading becoming 30 but since it's happening no matter what I say I want to look sexy! I have certain goals I want to reach and so I'm on the journey trying to get there.

    I'm 5'10
    GW-135(or as long as I look sexy I don't care what the ending number is)
  • rednpnk
    rednpnk Posts: 55 Member
    Hello Everyone,
    I started yesterday and I'm so looking forward to seeing the end results.. My starting weight is 178, will take measurements later today.. I plan on going for 30 days straight, so this will be a challenge. But I am up for it... My birthday is fast approaching and I have this cute outfit that I am going to buy in a smaller size as my motivation to keep moving.. Best of luck to all of you!!!
