Howdy all!

Hiya. Total gaming/anime geek (if you couldn't tell by my hat). Just joined and saying hello :) Feel free to add me if you're looking for friends!


  • jbum68
    jbum68 Posts: 23
    Hi! New to the group also, just started on MFP a few weeks ago. Long time gamer, started with D&D as a lad (thought hit dice = hit points, boy were purple worms easy!). Did the PC games now into my true love, minis, with a smidge of RPG'ing on the side. Old age and cube work is catching up and I'm fending off the "typical gamer physique".
  • snowangeljo
    snowangeljo Posts: 11 Member
    Hello :)
    I am a sci-fi/gaming geek, tabletop and mmorpg mostly but LoL is a favorite too. Just thought i would say hi and see if there are any geeks on mfp hitting up fan expo vancouver this weekend :) cheers
  • dtroutman
    dtroutman Posts: 62
    Hi! Im also new to the group : ) Excited to see other geeky people like me lol
  • Hi all, just joined the group and I'm excited to see like minded people here!

    Comic and gaming for me. :)