May cycling challenge

Same goes here: Post your goal. Come back and update for accountability.



  • aeverton
    aeverton Posts: 359
    For May I'd like to get in 70 miles. Be it outside on my bike or at the gym.

    5/2: 7 miles

  • kathyazach
    kathyazach Posts: 22 Member
    We are going to the Zoo-De-Mack in 3 wks so I will have to say my goal should be more than 50mi since that's a 50mi ride. I will say 75mi to be on the safe side but plan on getting more than that! :)
  • Coolhand1969
    Coolhand1969 Posts: 821 Member
    80 miles! (just 30 besides zoo-de-mac)
  • jtgates44
    jtgates44 Posts: 1
    I set a goal for myself at the beginning of the summer to get 700 miles this year. I think it was a bit of a lofty goal, but I figured I could do 150 miles a month.

    So far for May I have 31 miles down.
  • gonto1067
    gonto1067 Posts: 28 Member
    Strava has a May challenge as well and I have set my goal at 100 miles. That may be a little conservative, I typically ride 15 to 20 miles a night during the week as I try to get myself ready for RAIN.
    Good Luck to everyone on hitting those goals!!
  • aeverton
    aeverton Posts: 359
    Goal 70 miles

    5/2: 7 miles (outside)
    5/5 14 miles (outside)

  • gonto1067
    gonto1067 Posts: 28 Member
    4 rides so far this month

    5/1 - 3.5
    5/2 - 14.7
    5/3 - 20.1
    5/6 - 20.3

    total so far 58.6 against a goal of 100.
  • kajpurdue
    kajpurdue Posts: 18 Member
    Goal: 50miles

    5/6: 5.75mi
  • aeverton
    aeverton Posts: 359
    Goal 70 miles

    5/2: 7 miles (outside)
    5/5 14 miles (outside)
    5/7: 5 miles (gym)

  • Coolhand1969
    Coolhand1969 Posts: 821 Member
    7 miles of my 80 so far...

    hoping to get some miles in this evening.
  • gonto1067
    gonto1067 Posts: 28 Member
    5/8 - 25 miles

    83.6 for the month
  • Coolhand1969
    Coolhand1969 Posts: 821 Member
    18.5 of my 80 done...
    That only leaves me 11.5 for the rest of the month assuming I finish the zoo-de-mac 50 mile ride... I think I set my goal too low.
  • gonto1067
    gonto1067 Posts: 28 Member
    9.8 this morning.

    Total for the month - 93

    My original goal was to hit 100 miles, but I'm now getting home from work much earlier in the evening and have been riding 20 miles per night, ( weather permitting), so I have redefined the goal, it might be a bit of a stretch but I'm now going to shoot for 250 miles. Guess I'll see if the legs can hold out!!
  • gonto1067
    gonto1067 Posts: 28 Member
    5/13 - 14.8 miles

    108 for the month.
  • gonto1067
    gonto1067 Posts: 28 Member
    5/18 - 43.5

    I rode the 42 mile loop at the Pedal for Parks event in Danville today. My legs are shot!!

    Total for month - 152
  • Coolhand1969
    Coolhand1969 Posts: 821 Member
    5/18 - 43.5

    I rode the 42 mile loop at the Pedal for Parks event in Danville today. My legs are shot!!

    Total for month - 152

    You're a machine!
  • Coolhand1969
    Coolhand1969 Posts: 821 Member
    67/80 completed... after Zoo-de-Mack this weekend... Should be no problem to meet goal... (too bad my running goal isn't doing as well)
  • gonto1067
    gonto1067 Posts: 28 Member
    5/20 - 26.9

    Total for the month - 179
  • aeverton
    aeverton Posts: 359
    Goal 70 miles

    5/2: 7 miles (outside)
    5/5 14 miles (outside)
    5/7: 5 miles (gym)
    5/8: 10 miles (outside)
    5/18: 30 miles (outside)

    4 miles to reach my goal

  • gonto1067
    gonto1067 Posts: 28 Member
    15.8 today

    194 total for the month