7 weeks until June 23

Cincypsych Posts: 116 Member
I know the plan is 15 down by then, but for me, I will be thrilled with 8 down. We leave for family camp on June 23rd


  • Sherriediva1
    Sherriediva1 Posts: 345 Member
    I just weighed in today and lost 3 lbs since Monday!! Insanity is kicking my butt....so is karate class and the walks I take my dog on (dog takes me on??!?) just so I can "cool down" from the Insanity workouts!! My Chassy girl is getting in shape right along with me! I'll put myself out there...I hope to be at 185 by June 23rd and maybe in my summer clothes that fit 2 summers ago!! :tongue:
  • karimyatt
    karimyatt Posts: 25 Member
    Lisa, 8 in 5 weeks would mAke me super happy too. I'd love to see 15 but would be happy with 8!!!
  • karimyatt
    karimyatt Posts: 25 Member
    Sherri, I'm there with you too. Have some summer skirts I haven't worn in years I want to get into too. Just was invited to a 40th b-day pool party on June 1st and am dreading it. 4 weeks! Really!! Hope to be down another 5 to 8 by then. May have to do some tanning to not look so pasty too, lol. Wish me luck. If I'm 170 by my b-day I will be ecstatic!!!