Introduce yourselves!!

blmiller22 Posts: 34 Member
Im Brooke I am an Army wife! My husband is currently deployed to Afghanistan and I wanted to lose weight to surprise him :) Im 20 yrs old 5'6" and weigh 198 pounds =/...... Butttttttt Idk if yall have this issue but I felt it very difficult to keep up my motivation when getting news from the Army like his coming home date changed or not being able to talk to him for days! The worst part was wanting to talk about it but having no one to do so! So I decided to make this!! :)


  • ellabelle0310
    ellabelle0310 Posts: 92 Member
    Hey! I'm Beth. My husband has been in the Army a little over 12 years, we've been married for 11. After 7 deployments, I feel your pain on the losing motivation bit when the Army changes their plans on things concerning our spouse! I'm always up to listen or offer advice/support/encouragement/a swift kick in the ***... and love the idea of having a group of people that understand military life! We may be civilians, but we deal with things that most spouses not married to military just don't get. Weight loss wise, I started at 242, down to 217, and still have a long way to go but I'm up for the challenge!
  • sroberts713
    Hi everyone! Im Samantha and Air Force wife! :) My husband is currently stationed here at home in Kansas City, MO. He will be stationed here the rest of his time in we think as he has some health issues now and should be either medically discharged with honors soon or retiring early!! Not sure which yet. A little more about me: I am 26 yrs old and weigh 165lbs now. I was 170lbs but spent a week in the hospital due to migraines and being so sick i couldn't keep anything down i was .on an all liquid diet. As soon as they figured out how to get rid of the migraines and they discharged me, i was sooooooooooooo hungry from only eating jello all the time that i came home and devoured EVERYTHING in sight!! LOL :P so i gained that 5lbs back REALLY fast! :( i was so VERY sad that i said, No, im NOT going to do this and decided to join the MyFitnesspal app on my iPhone. Since than i have lost the 5lbs and continue to work as hard as i can each week to keep my 1200 calories diet.
    Good Luck everyone on your diets! :)


    P.S. Brooke ((((or ANYONE))) if you need someone to talk to im here for you. :) i love meeting and talking to new people even tho i dont know what its like to have a deployed military husband but i know what its like to have them gone for long periods of time(even to another state) and not have anyone to talk to about it. :( it sucks!!!
  • emobarbie7
    I'm Christine. Married to A SGT in the Marines. We are PCSing to New Orleans in 2 months. trying to gain some weight back after losing way too much. I have 3 beautiful boys, and am a professional pet stylist
  • jelr
    jelr Posts: 98 Member
    I'm Angele, I am in another group with Brooke but a military spouse as well. My husband is Air Force Combat Search and Rescue. He's only been in 4 years but already has been on 3 deployments. I know how frustrating it is when things change but I learned after the first deployment not to get my hopes up on anything set in stone til I knew he was enroute home and even then expect delays such as transportation breaking down lol. The first deployment my husband's C-17 broke down in Diego Garcia for 5 days on his way home! We are stationed overseas in Okinawa Japan, we've been here since Sept 2009 and will be here until Sept 2015. Three years down 3 years to go!

    I want to lose about 40-50 lbs, SW 175 had dropped down to 165 but then in the past two weeks seem to be right back around 172! I started a second workout program that is mostly lifting so I think that is the main cause, plus we ate out a alot more then usual due to holidays and my husband ranking, seeing friends off who are deploying, etc.
  • mummy2m
    Hey ladies!

    Im Marnie, married to the Canadian military. My hubby has been in for almost 15 years, he has been away on course since Christmas, although we have been lucky enough to get some weekend visits with him :)

    I have a 4 1/2 year old daughter, and have operated a home daycare for the past 4 years.

    I just joined MFP this week, and am starting out at 211lbs, with a goal of 160.

    Hope to get to know you gals better.

    M :)
  • mnristvedt
    Hi everyone! Im mckinsie and im a navy wife! We are stationed in Norfolk, Va but my hubby is currently deployed :(
    I've been trying to lose weight for what feels like FOREVER!!! I'm dying to lose 25 pounds before his homecoming and all the support and motivation would be amazing!!!!
  • pinkstay
    pinkstay Posts: 61
    Hey eveyone!!!! Im Stayce, proud Marine wife! Stationed at Camp Lejeune in North Carolina. We have been married 9 1/2 months, but have been together off and on for almost 9 years. My husband is on his first deployment, and thankfully its a noncombat deployment, but it is still very hard. Im still trying to get used to military life as well as being away from him. I am also wanting to lose weight while he is gone, but got started before he left. Now I am just looking to really kick it into gear and make this happen. I am 5'8 and I started at 235, and have very slowly got to 193, although I didnt really start focusing on trying to lose until january when I was about 216. Right now my goal weight is 140, because that is in the middle of my healthy bmi range. I have NEVER been that small in my adult life, so I have no clue what it will look or even feel like. All i know is it feels amazing now being able to shop in the juniors section once again, and not having to go straight to plus size anymore. Being an 18 at my highest and now being able to wear a 12 from american eagle feels amazing, and now i have my eye on single digits :)
    I just want to feel like I look like i belong with my military husband, and at least I know all of you lovely ladies understand that! :)
  • chopzgurl05
    chopzgurl05 Posts: 84 Member
    Hey Everyone!
    Navy wife here, currently stationed on a Marine Corps Base Hawaii. My husband has been active duty for 7 years and we have rocked out a few deployments together. We have been married for 8 years and have 2 kids and 2 dogs. I am in the massage therapy field. :)
    Working on keeping my diet under control and staying active. My whole family eats a primal based diet and I enjoy running intervals, lifting heavy, swimming in the ocean, and going on long outdoor walks/hikes (2+hours), Goal weight of 150!
  • liz111006
    liz111006 Posts: 26
    Hi, I'm Liz. My husband is a Marine, we've been married for 3 years, and he is now on his first deployment. He is stationed at Lejeune tho. No kiddos, but we do have our furry babies lol. Trying to lose this weight before he gets back! Anyone, feel free to add me.
  • BreThomas51
    Hi! I'm Bre and I am an Army Wife. I am 24 years old and right now I would love to slim all of this fat off my body! My husband is now home from deployment and while he was away I went through that stage of having some motivation but not as much as I should have! I work full-time which means when I come home I go into lazy mode which is not good! We are currently in NY right now and he will be leaving again shortly and I would love to be the weight when we first met 5 years ago! (112 and I currently weight 121). Feel free to add me & let me know of any work outs or eating right tips!
    TRULYME31 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi Everyone. I am Ashanti, I am 29 years old. a Army wife. we are stationed at Fort Sill. Oklahoma. I am turning 30 soon and want to go into my 30's under 200 lbs. I am planning to run in a electric run or a color run when I lose the weight as I goal/treat for myself. :smile: