Welcome! Let's get to know each other! Tell me about you and your motivation for getting healthy and losing weight! :)


  • My name is Tiffany and I'm the creator/host of the Feel Great in 8 Challenge. I'm 31 and am a wife and mother to 4 incredible kids. I have a love for real food cooking and all things healthy, but I'm far from perfect! I'm currently working on losing the last of the baby weight from baby number 4. I want to be able run and play with my kids and their kids until I'm old and gray! :)
  • SharkTank2013
    SharkTank2013 Posts: 1 Member
    Hello my awesome FGI8 buddies! The name's Melanie and my husband Ashby and I are doing this challenge together and we are so excited to be in the company of great people! We don't know anyone in this group, but I'm sure that by the end of this program, we'll almost all be acquainted. Ashby and I have 6 kids. Our oldest is 10 and our youngest is 10 months. My personal story...I gained 82lbs. after having our 4th child (That was only 3 years into our marriage) which is the heaviest I've ever been. I was able to lose 54lbs and then I gained it all back after our youngest. I just barely turned 29 years old and I feel so much younger than my body actually feels. I want to be confident and have some kind of self-esteem restored. I want to teach my children to live a healthy lifestyle since both my mother and father-in-laws passed away from poor health. (Love them!) I want to be my child's role model.
  • smileymal3
    smileymal3 Posts: 1 Member
    Hey everyone! My name is Mallory and I am 27. I am a stay-at-home mom to 2 little girls, 1 and 3. I have had a weight problem my entire life. During my first pregnancy I went crazy and gained over 50 pounds and I still haven't gotten down to before baby #1. I've had a lot of ups and downs with my weight. Unfortunately, my wonderful husband has the biggest junk tooth I have ever seen in anyone. If he could eat an entire batch of cookies every day, he would. Thankfully, he has been really supportive of me, but he does like to mention all the things that we are "missing out" on. This time I am absolutely determined to make a change in myself, no matter what my surroundings are. I can't change the people/things around me, but I can change myself. I am looking forward to these 8 weeks and making myself and more dedicated, determined, and healthy me! My main motivations are my family (I want to do active things with them and not loathe every second of it.) I also want to not hate shopping with a fire-breathing passion because I can never find anything that fits right. I want to feel good in my skin and feel more confident in myself. I want to be a good healthy role model for my children and the people I come in contact with and be the type of person where others say, "I want to be like her." Here is to change!
  • Jcswaldron
    Jcswaldron Posts: 3 Member
    Hi! My name is Jill and I am 39.5 today. I just had my 5 th baby 2.5 months ago and I want to lose all my baby weight and then some, before I turn 40. I am a very busy mom and my maternity leave ends this week. So I am excited to have a support group to help me stay focused when the stress of work returns. (I work in cardiology). I am motivated to be an example to my family, to be a strong athlete personally, and to "walk the talk" at work.
  • I am Rebekah Larson, I am 25 years old and I have been married nearly 3 years. I had my first baby 3 months and 1 day ago. Ever since I got married I have been slowly putting on weight, but getting pregnant just put the pounds on that much faster. I now weigh nearly 50 pounds more than I did before I got married and I would like to return to my pre-marriage weight! I am excited about this Feel Great in 8 Program and I hope that I can stay focused and feel motivated to continue!
    I am currently trying to finish my bachelor's degree online at BYU-I in Marriage and Family Studies , take care of a 3-month old and manage the various duties of taking care of a household, and a husband (we can't forget that our husband's need us, too!) I am also looking for new hobbies to pursue (not that I have a ton of time on my hands!)- and I am hoping being a part of this program will help me deal with some of the stress I have had in my life.