After the 28 days

Fit_Housewife Posts: 168 Member
So I know I will want to loose more weight after the 28 days, I figure I will have to do it 2x to be near what I want to be. So my question is who is going past the 28 days? Is anyone going to follow her program but modify a little. Haylie says in her book lose the weight now or you will be struggling with those same last 10 pounds 5 years from now. So I want to do another 28 days but really miss things like my coffee, yogurt and bananas :(. So I was thinking of taking a week off after I complete my 28 days and then start all over.

What are you guys doing?


  • sundrop525
    sundrop525 Posts: 3
    I am on my last week of the 28 days. I will be going to the beach in the middle of June. So I have enough time to do another 28 days before I go. Which I am hoping that will put me close to my goal weight and if I haven't reached it I plan on starting over when I come back from vacation.
    I agree with you, I miss coffee and lots of other stuff. So far it has been working well for me sticking to the book and that is what I am going to continue.
    I guess what keeps me going is the end result of each week.
    Plus the vacation. :happy:
  • AmyJo6050
    AmyJo6050 Posts: 10
    I am going to do at least 2 more rounds. I agree that I need to get it all off now while I am already in it instead of thinking I will go back to it in a month or so. I know myself too well to think I will stick to that.
  • michellyn
    michellyn Posts: 108 Member
    I'm planning to do the program much more relaxed next month and then (depending on how next month goes) repeat it stricter the next month.

    Things I'm planning to keep:

    *Eating meals and snacks spaced about 3 hours apart
    *Keep protein portions mostly the same (maybe allow for a couple more meat choices on occasion)
    *Still avoid sugar--with possibly one splurge a week, but a small portion only
    *Lots of veggies and lots of fruit
    *Follow a basic pattern of P1, P2, and P3
    *Still avoiding oils on P1 and P2
    *Keeping same size grain and fruit portions

    Changes I'm trying:

    *adding butter to oil choices in P3 (but still keeping the healthy oils predominant)
    *allowing grapes and bananas on "P1"
    *maybe letting myself have 1 egg on P1 and P2 instead of just egg whites
    *maybe checking carb counts on P2--to allow a "splurge vegetable" in a small quantity that day
    *allowing myself 1-2 coffees per week on a trial basis (1 cup per time, no refills)
    *considering allowing a little more dairy on P3 and maybe fat free Greek yogurt on P1 or P2--in very small amounts. No cheesy dripping burritos or anything
    *maybe use my homemade old fashioned sourdough process bread in place of Ezekial bread once in awhile (true sourdough uses no yeast for leavening--only the sourdough starter; the length of the rising process and the healthy bacterias in the starter significantly reduce the amount of gluten in the resulting bread; many nutritionists think that all our wheat consumption should be either sprouted grains or true sourdough).

    I think I may have had another thought or two, but I can't remember them right now :) I'm getting Chris Powell's book on carb cycling from the library next week, as I'd like to compare his portions and high carb vs. low carb days (he allows dairy and wheat). I'd like to see what he says to help me figure out my tweaks.
  • nikkit321
    nikkit321 Posts: 1,485 Member
    I just started week 6. After the 28 days finished, I brought back my normal unsweetened ice tea and am quite happy to have it again. Yesterday was my second cheat meal since starting FMD and my stomach did not appreciate it at all. Back on plan today and am going to stick with it for the rest of this round. I am losing weight and inches so am going to stick with it for a while, only 15lb to goal.
  • barbymagic
    I just finished my first 28 days two days ago. Lost 14 lbs and my jeans are a little baggy. So far I've stuck w/ the Ph1 eating ~ last night I did have 6 small taquitos w/ guac and salsa. Should have had 4 was too full. I am sticking with only drinking water and notice that I almost carve it throughout the day. I am getting much better sleep and have more energy. My plan is to eat as close as possible to FMD but add in a few things ~ but will think about it before I put it in my mouth. I want to start exercising more. I have a friend who is very encouraging ~ who did FMD and lost 10 lbs took two weeks off and is starting it again. I was so run down and had bouts of nausea in Ph2 that I don't want to have those feelings again. Any words of encouragement or other thoughts I am very open to and would appreciate any feedback.