How do you deal with...

I am trying to get my hubby to go paleo/primal with me and my son is active enough that he can eat anything and get away with it. How do you deal with being the only one doing that. I told him it would make him feel better and help him lose weight. We don't have the money to buy our groceries separate, but we do eat more fresh veggies and fruit, I have cut out the breads almost totally, I bought almond milk and some small stuff for me, but that's about it. Any suggestions.


  • jenfitz
    jenfitz Posts: 66 Member
    I think everyone has to come by this on their own time and in their own way. Lead by example for awhile. Don't shove it down his throat but maybe suggest he reads a book or two.... Dunno- my paleo hubby did this for me. I'm finally on board but I would have resisted completely had he not let me find it myself.
  • AllanMisner
    AllanMisner Posts: 4,140 Member
    I've made sure when I cook dinner, it is a paleo dinner. My girlfriend has found that I'm not really "missing out" by not eating bread or rice. Sometimes, she'll add that to the meal, but more and more she's seeing it isn't needed.

    Eat the way you want to and when they see the results, maybe they'll join you. But don't sacrifice your principles.
  • MikeFlyMike
    MikeFlyMike Posts: 639 Member
    agree - you HAVE to do your thing. And I'm not sure how "buying groceries separate" changes the cost - the crap he might still eat will be less because you aren't eating it. Honestly everyone talks about how expensive this is - but I have really found that processed food is pretty expensive for what you get (and the fact there is little nutrition in it).
    Lead only by example. It took over a year before my s.o. decided to try on her own.
    At first, she even got mad at me for eating paleo because it "felt judgmental" for what she was eating. Then it became a "pain because I wouldn't eat what she wanted to eat (pizza burgers etc)". Eventually we found compromises where we both could get what we want.
    As far as your son.. (disclaimer I am not a parent and don't know how to raise a child ;)
    But I read so much about symptoms in kids leading to learning disabilities, growth problems, focus, ADHD - I wouldn't feed grains, soy, sugars to my kids if I had them. (I have dogs instead - and don't feed them those ;)

    I wonder how different I would have done in school and how my health might have been better if they had paleo when I was a kid. While I could burn anything off - my mental focus wasn't what it should have or could have been.
  • nancik1
    nancik1 Posts: 24
    Well he doesn't buy junk, he is working on his weight also, so we don't buy processed food. I guess what I meant by separate groceries was that he goes to get his food, I go and get mine. I am trying really hard to lead buy example with our son (11) on eating right, choosing the right snacks. I have been doing research on it and I mention things. He is slow to come around, but he has atleast quit buying junk. Thanks for the tips. I have found so many recipes that I want to try so it will be easy to get him to maybe switch him without him knowing
  • PrimalPixie
    PrimalPixie Posts: 69 Member
    When he notices results, he may start thinking about it. Hopefully, he'll come around. Don't stress about it though. Do your own thing! Rock on!
  • MikeFlyMike
    MikeFlyMike Posts: 639 Member
    highly recommend paleomg, nom nom paleo and well fed - also just got "gather" and really like it.
  • TS65
    TS65 Posts: 1,024 Member
    Your food doesn't have to be his/hers. If he's watching his weight, whole foods are good for him too. The easiest way to fix that is one person goes shopping for the family. What you cook, he eats. My hubby isn't paleo, but he eats what I make for dinner. If he wants fries with that, he makes them himself.
  • sallydurkin
    sallydurkin Posts: 211 Member
    I do all the cooking in our family my father in law (who lives with us) is not primal or paleo I cook the way I do and add a small side dish of rice or baked potato (easy to make, simple) if he chooses to eat that fine also same with my children they can have it if they want to. There is always a fruit plate with supper, they all have options. I will make slight variations in the meals if needed if I don't want the sauce on my meat (bbq) I just take it out a little before adding sauce for me, been doing that for years one child does not like sauces of any kind, including ketchup....
  • nynvilva
    nynvilva Posts: 54
    Agreed with the above. My BF is not Paleo but essentially defaults to it through my shopping and cooking. I do buy him snacks that I do not eat (pretzels, cereal, etc.) and sides that I do not eat (rice, cous cous, quinoa) – but he also enjoys the snacks that I am able to eat too. Often times at dinner, he doesn’t even want a side dish – just the protein and veggies.