Increase food intake? Help?!

Babarrosa1 Posts: 98 Member
Hey everyone!

I'm finding it really hard to come up with ideas to come up to even a minimum of 1500 calories and my aim is really 1800 on rest days with up to 2100 on workout days (I'm on a heavy lifting programme so I really need those extra cals!).

My issue is that the only thing I can ever think of it nuts to boost up my calories, but they always throw off my macros (esp my fat).

Any ideas?!


  • wffolkes
    wffolkes Posts: 186 Member
    I am also looking for healthy ways to boost my calories, I have found drinking two protein shakes a day helps me with protein and calorie intake.

    I do want to increase the calories healthily and apart from nuts and peanut butter which I haven't incorporated yet I don't have an idea without including some bad choices.
  • Aside from nuts and nut butters, avocado is a great choice for some healthy calories. Just one has about 270 I think, so even adding say, half to a sandwich or some scrambled eggs (with salsa! mmmm) is a good way to go.

    Oils are good too, though they wont' help with the protein. Choose a healthy, oil based dressing for salads.

    If you're eating bread, looking for the real hearty, whole grain stuff. Usually has a fair amount of protein in it. The bread I used to eat had 80 cals a slice. Now the one I eat has 110 per slice and it doesn't feel like eating too much more.

    I've also started eating hummus with veggies (before I found EMTWL I'd just have veggies or maybe fruit).

    Finally, greek yogurt has a ton of protein in it (22g a cup) and tastes great with a little fresh fruit and a honey. It's my favorite "dessert". Get the plain stuff though, you don't want the added sugars and crap with the flavored stuff.
  • berthabunny
    berthabunny Posts: 251 Member
    Don't worry much about more fat either, as long as they are healthy fats (nuts and avocados fall into that category). You need to make sure you get enough protein (read the thread on calculating protein needs a little ways down EM2WL, it is really helpful) and then having more fat is OK for most people, and lots even find that perfect protein, plus more fat and less carbs works better for them.
  • wffolkes
    wffolkes Posts: 186 Member
    Thanks I shall start adding half an avocado to my lunch salads and possibly greek yoghurts as something sweet in the evening.