water retention

kasslass2 Posts: 337 Member
Hello All. It is my understanding that as our muscles repair themselves we will retain more water after hard workouts. For any of you that are scale watchers (like me) I just wanted to make you aware so you don't get discouraged. I am also drinking water like a camel so I know my body is storing some thinking I am about to do something crazy. It will decide to release it once it figures out that I am going to continue to drink.

PS By the way I am trying to learn here as well so if I have an assumption wrong or if you disagree with me PLEASE let me know so I can research and make sure that I am doing whatever it is correctly. Definitely a learning curve to knowing your body's tricks :)


  • meli829
    meli829 Posts: 19 Member
    I've also heard this and believe it is true. This is the reason I put away my scale and refuse to weigh myself until Day 30 because even though I know logically that is the reason the scale might go up first, It would still discourage me so for me taking measurements and just feeling progress with endurance/stamina during the workout will be enough to let me know positive changes are happening.