larsensue Posts: 461 Member
I am looking for some friends for support. I am one of those who only has a few pounds to lose. I keep gaining and losing the same 4 lbs and can't seem to keep it off. HELP!!! All I want is someone who knows what this is like and will support me and would like support back.


  • redhead1910
    redhead1910 Posts: 304 Member
    Me too! I've been working on these last 10 pounds for what feels like forever. I will add you :)
  • Squamation
    Squamation Posts: 522 Member
    Hi! I am right there with you!

    I'm 130 and cannot for the life of me move the scale more than 2lbs, and then it comes right back on.

    I've seen measurement changes that stick and so I know I'm on the right path, but it's terribly frustrating to be stuck at 130 on the scale when a year ago (and before baby) I was less.
  • scc29
    scc29 Posts: 4
    Hi im 5ft 121lbs but my body fat is apparantly 72% over that last year I have put on astone due to an operation and not being able to do much. I eat healthy at around 1200 calories a day and excercise (walking dog) most days. I go up and down 2-3ilbs but it wont stay off and never any more... if anyone has figured out what i could be doing wrong... im listening :smile:
  • babynun
    babynun Posts: 120 Member

    I'm currently at 130 lbs (-2/+2 any given day) for about the last 4 months now. It's frustrating but the 14lb loss has been amazing. The problem now how to get toned by finding a routine that will work for me. I've been looking into lifting weights but still at a loss with how to start. I know there are great threads on this subject but I need something that I can keep up with.

    My ultimate goal is to lose 20 lbs

    *Feel free to add me*
  • hmparkes
    hmparkes Posts: 2
    I'm in the same boat.....I'm 5' 2" and can get passed the 132 mark.....I just want 5 more lbs to go bye-bye so I don't have to buy all new summer cloths....

    A year ago I weighed in at 119 lbs.....I was going thru a bad divorce. Then in August I met a wonderful man and regained me and my happiness back. Then the lbs started coming on. I do ok with my eating during the day but at home its another story. Ray is 6' 7" and 220 lbs. He eats more than any human should eat in 2-3 days at one meal. We're talking meat and potatoes and pasta. I love this food....I cut my portions....but I'm still stuck....

    Nice to meet the rest of you!:happy:
  • mamas0811
    mamas0811 Posts: 97 Member
    Hello Everyone.

    im currently at 135. I tried my hardest to get to this weight, im 5'2 and want to be at 130, although i want to tone up i think that should help. im stuck at the 135 mark, and its so hard.. i could use some support here too! i exersie 5 days a week for an hour, i have changed my eating habits way back, and im still stuck!
  • antxoable
    antxoable Posts: 86 Member
    Hi everyone, I am 5'9'' and 143pounds, i have lost 9 pound that i piled over the last months due to quit smoking. I would like to go down to 138 even i know is difficult for my size, i have wide hips and big legs and bum, dont want to lose volume, just few bits arround my inner things....anyone in my same condition?
  • Tonia184
    Tonia184 Posts: 94 Member
    Oh how I wish this was an active group!