Looking for Friends/Accountability Partners


My name is Al and for 2013 I have made a committment to myself to get healthy. As of 1/1/13 if have a goal to lose 266 pounds. I am looking for MFP friends/accountability/partners to team up with virtually to support each other.

For the few friends on my list already....thanks for your support so far.


  • johnm8703
    johnm8703 Posts: 118 Member
    Thanks for the friend request! I'm happy to help you out and support you! We're all in this fight together! Feel free to hit me up for anything.
  • katies2boys
    katies2boys Posts: 69 Member
    It's awesome that you're making the commitment to be healthy! I'm here everyday, even when I'm not using the message boards. It's always great to have friends with similar goals.
  • Motivation4KB
    Motivation4KB Posts: 68 Member
    Screaming from TEXAS kick some weight loss butt.. I'm here if you need to talk everyone feel free to ADD ME
  • dcaswell10
    dcaswell10 Posts: 37 Member
    I'm 38 and have about 244 to lose, so we are definitely in the same boat.
  • quiggley
    quiggley Posts: 32 Member
    Welcome commitment is the first big step feel free to add me and I am always around to talk if you ever need anyone to talk, complain, commiserate etc. I an doing this a 2nd time after losing almost 400 pounds and gaining a lot back.
  • sgoodell08
    sgoodell08 Posts: 4 Member
    Hi. I have spent the last year getting my mind prepared to make the changes needed to lose about 300lbs over the next two years. I have been working with a personal trainer in a private gym for the past three weeks and it is making a huge difference. My trainer has a lot of experience working with people my size and larger so the workouts are designed for what I can do not trying to make me use machines that I don't fit into. She has also given me a nutrition plan that is easy to follow and leaves me satisfied all the time. I'm here to help you in any way I can just reach out and I'll support you in any way I can. You can do this, it just takes commitment and a realization that this is a journey and there is no end point. It's about making changes to accomplish your goals and those goals will change as you continue to lose weight.
  • ssflbelle2012
    ssflbelle2012 Posts: 321 Member
    HI Al welcome to the group. With motivation, self control and support from others you will do it. If you would like to be friends please send me an invite. I have been trying for many years to eliminate 347 pounds and believe me I know it is not a easy task but it is possible.
    My highest was 497 in 1999 and by 2006 I had gotten down to 306. I am physically limited so I could not exercise. That is why it took me so long to lose the 191 pounds. in 2007 I met a man (a chef no less) who moved in with me and slowly over the next 2 years I gained back some of what I lost. He left in 2009 and I continued to eat and gained. This Jan 1st I started again at 378 and really need to get this weight off. In 3 years I will be 60 and don't want to be a fat 60 year old. Let's all support each other here and I am sure we will see good results come Jan 2014.
  • wimeezer
    wimeezer Posts: 404 Member
    Kudos to you for taking charge of your health and life! I'm here to get healthy and lose 290 pounds. I'm here every day..feel free to add me.

    We've totally got this!
  • svtrich
    svtrich Posts: 24
    you can add me as a friend, I also need to loose alot
  • sharonrandle
    I myself also have a lot to lose and welcome friend request~
  • mjg812
    mjg812 Posts: 9

    I too made my decision this new year that I was going to have a new me..Things are going okay but it is really hard when nobody around you understands how you feel or what you need to do and really why. I originally weighed in at 345lbs new years day, am now down to 321 lbs but still need to lose another 200.
    I would be happy to be friends,
  • kaseynaves
    kaseynaves Posts: 5 Member
    I need to drop 200 myself and live in Florida, I am doing zumba in the pool, good for those who cant do the gym yet, lots of fun also please feel free to add me as a friend or join me at the wellness center...we all need a support team
  • noregretexperiment
    noregretexperiment Posts: 11 Member
    I too am looking for some accountability partners. I made the decision to take my health seriously mothers day 2012 and just this week hit the 100 lb mark, just about 1/2 way there. The people in my life have no idea how hard it is to stay the course when you have so much to lose. I could use some friends who get that and can kick me in the pants when I eed it :) feel free to friend me.
  • patwhatley
    patwhatley Posts: 3 Member
    I want in! I've got to lose about 250 pounds, I'm working with my doctor to lose 200 pounds this year. He doesn't think it's possible but he's willing to give it a shot with me as long as my health levels stay where he wants them. I can survive the lower calories and the physical aspect of it...what I need are accountability partners who will call me out when I fall off the wagon and eat a months worth of calories in a weekend.
  • tydwbleach1257

    I am Liz I live in Oregon

    I used to weigh 535 lbs Now I am down to a svelte 370 But of course I would like to weigh 140 one day... so I have a ways to go. I lost the firt 165 by having surgery But now I have 230 left to go and I am trying to diet exercise and also be healthy. I am 48 years old Would like to get rest of it off by my 50th birthday January of 2015.

    I am married I have one son and he is 9 years old I live in Oregon. I was going to go PAELO but then that was really hard I am tired of WW but might try it again. I am trying TRYING to do 1500 cal every day which is hard but then if I go over its better than if I do 2300 cal a day. I belong to a gym where I can only do treadmill and lift weights I have a bicycle that I ride around the neighborhood. I got the bike 2 years ago because when I would would for a few days in a row my ankles or feet would start to hurt a lot.
  • MyQuest4HealthierMamaMichelle
    I am 35 with two girls (age 3 and 8). I've struggled with my weight all of my life. I have gone between feeling motivated and doing weight watchers or things on my own and the other extreme of giving up and figuring I was just fine with who I was. Enough is enough, I am hoping this is the last time I "start over"...I want to live a healthier lifestyle, not just for my girls but for ME! As women, mothers especially I think, we do so much for everyone else we don't always focus on ourselves. I'm so obese that I have been fearful, overwhelmed and embarrassed. I feel like I have so much weight to lose that it seemed impossible. I need to change my mindset and just focus on adding activity to my life and eating healthier. I started Monday with an 8 weeks to a healthier you program at our local Y. I think it will be a great jump start to my new lifestyle. I want to be a good example for my girls and want to feel more confident and have a better self-image. I knew for awhile now that I wanted to get back to exercising and stuff it’s just very, very overwhelming and hard to get started knowing I have to basically lose half of my body. I have to stop focusing on that and focus on just each day and small goals. I’m sick of feeling embarrassed and like having anxiety about if I feel like it’s safe to sit in a chair or if I will fit in a booth at a restaurant or whatever else. I hate feeling self-conscious all the time and don’t want to be an embarrassment for the kids. I hate sweating for the smallest activities. I want to be able to do stuff with the girls more comfortably and feel less lazy. I think getting my license renewed and seeing my HIDEOUS picture was partial motivation too! This time around I'm using all support I can find and putting myself out there more. Instead of feeling uncomfortable at the gym and feeling jealous and annoyed by all of the fit people and embarrassed to be around them, I plan to work really hard on feeling more comfortable and confident and knowing that I am doing the right thing for me and if they want to look at me negatively, so what. I'm there to improve myself. I think one of the toughest parts is taking away from family time. I work full-time so when I get home I want to hang out with my girls but know that if I want to see them grow up and want to enjoy more activities with them, I need to shape up! I also recently found out I have PCOS with insulin resistance, making it even harder to lose weight and keep it off. I know if we are to ever have a chance at having a third child, I need to get healthy and stay healthy finally! I'd love to have as much support as possible and support others in return!
  • breugel
    I am 48 and at my biggest I was 440 lbs. I was half-heartedly trying to lose weight and lost 10 lbs. in a month then in June I had a mild heart attack. Let me tell you that is some motivation. It is enough to make you rethink things. Even though I have always been big I was pretty active until the last few years when the extra weight caught up with me. I decided to change my lifestyle. A diet is temporary! I am eating well but I try not to eat out and measure and record everything. I have a Fitbit one and use Endomondo when I walk. Data is king for me. The more data I have the less cheating I can do. Don’t get me wrong I have little will power but if I can see what I am doing and not lie to myself I can adjust. So After cardiac rehab I started walking. I am now doing 40 to 60 min walking a day and want to do more. It’s getting to the point where I want to walk whenever I can. Well I am down to 367 Lbs and 6 month into my two year plan. If I can help anyone please let me know.
  • MandysChange
    MandysChange Posts: 40 Member

    I can totally relate to your post. I have always been the ones to eat everything that was in sight. When I started this journey to a better health on 9/1/13 I was 430 lbs, 5'7", 36 and couldn't hardly move. Now I am 403 lbs and in the gym five days a week and feeling amazing. I would love to have friends who are improving their health also to give each other support along the way. Feel Free to friend me if you are still looking for friends.

    Have a great day! :happy:
  • angjet
    Hope everyone is doing great! Please add me..I'm right there with you when it comes to needing accountability!

    I wish it came off as fast as it went on. I just re-lost the same 75 lbs for the 3rd time in 6 years....its not coming back this TIME!

    SW 421
    CW 345
    GW 150
    HT 5'8
    Age 37
