The Yellow Team Loft !



  • adancer59
    adancer59 Posts: 302 Member
    1/4 days of exercise
    1/1 something new - circuit training
    100/135 crunches, 100/135 squats, 50/135 push-ups
    1/7 days of 5-a-day fruits/veggies
    no recipe today

    Also, Taylor messaged me back, so our whole team has weighed in for the week, and we lost 3 pounds all together! Let's shoot for an even bigger number next week! Go yellow!!
  • yangi1
    yangi1 Posts: 91 Member
    Here is my stats so far this week. I'm hoping to try kickboxing as something new on Thursday.

    1/4 days of exercise
    nothing new yet
    45/135 crunches, 145/135 squats, 45/135 push-ups
    2/7 days of 5-a-day
    no recipe today
  • navywifeandmomof4
    navywifeandmomof4 Posts: 958 Member
    2/7 sessions of exercise 1lbs advantage

    nothing new

    1400/135 Crunches 155/135 squats 103/135 push ups

    2/ 5 a day foods -

    recipe - yes
  • adancer59
    adancer59 Posts: 302 Member
    Well, I had a pretty great day until about 15 minutes ago when I ate a bunch of pretzels. Oh well, I guess there are worse foods to have binged on...

    2/4 days of exercise
    1/1 something new - circuit training
    250/135 squats, 250/135 crunches, 100/135 push-ups
    2/7 days of 5 a day fruits/veggies
    no recipe yet
  • still_a_caterpillar
    I tried something new last night! There is this machine at my gym that is this INSANE combo between arc trainer, stair stepper, and elliptical...i could only do it for about 20 minutes though...i think I'm doing something wrong because everyone else I see doing it around me is having a grand ol' time.

    other things:
    1/4 exercise
    1/1 something new
    0 squats (but will likely do some tonight)
    0 crunches
    25 push ups (my trainer has me do them against the wall, though)
    yesterday I ate 4/5 5-a-day
    no recipe - going out of town this weekend for a long time, so I'm just eating all the fruit and cheese before it goes bad haha.
  • navywifeandmomof4
    navywifeandmomof4 Posts: 958 Member
    3/4 sessions of exercise 1lbs advantage

    something new--tae bo dvd workout

    1450/135 Crunches 180/135 squats 135/135 push ups

    3/ 5 a day foods -

    recipe - yes
  • adancer59
    adancer59 Posts: 302 Member
    As of yesterday 5/9/2013

    3/4 days of exercise
    1/1 something new - circuit training
    250/135 squats, 250/135 crunches, 150/135 push-ups
    3/7 days of 5 a day fruits/veggies
    no recipe yet
  • yangi1
    yangi1 Posts: 91 Member
    I tried kick boxing today and I absolutely loved it. There were only 3 of us so I had lots of one to one with the instructor ans she really pushed me. I think it my new favourite exercise.

    So far:

    2/4 days of exercise
    1/1 new -kick boxing
    100/135 crunches, 100/135 squats, 100/135 push-ups
    4/7 days of 5-a-day
    no recipe today
  • navywifeandmomof4
    navywifeandmomof4 Posts: 958 Member
    4/4 sessions of exercise 1lbs advantage

    something new--tae bo dvd workout

    2150/135 Crunches 280/135 squats 144/135 push ups

    3/ 5 a day foods -

    recipe - yes
  • TayPat24
    TayPat24 Posts: 131
    I'm sorry I haven't really been on this week. It is my first week of my second semester of nursing school. It has been very stressful and I will sadly admit I have not been keeping to my workout schedule. I have tomorrow off so I will be working out and I'll keep you guys posted!
  • navywifeandmomof4
    navywifeandmomof4 Posts: 958 Member
    5/4 sessions of exercise 1lbs advantage

    something new--tae bo dvd workout

    2850/135 Crunches 385/135 squats 154/135 push ups

    4/ 5 a day foods -

    recipe - yes
  • navywifeandmomof4
    navywifeandmomof4 Posts: 958 Member
    6/4 sessions of exercise 1lbs advantage

    something new--tae bo dvd workout

    3550/135 Crunches 495/135 squats 165/135 push ups

    5/ 5 a day foods -

    recipe - yes
  • navywifeandmomof4
    navywifeandmomof4 Posts: 958 Member
    7/4 sessions of exercise 1lbs advantage

    something new--tae bo dvd workout and dancing

    3550/135 Crunches 495/135 squats 165/135 push ups

    5/ 5 a day foods -

    recipe - yes
  • adancer59
    adancer59 Posts: 302 Member
    I started the week strong with challenges, but then I had a friend in town this weekend visiting from Houston. So the challenge success sort of slowed down. However, I weighed in this morning, and I finally broke through my plateau of 197!!! I lost 4.6 pounds this week!

    4/4 days of exercise
    1/1 something new - circuit training
    350/135 squats, 350/135 crunches, 150/135 push-ups
    5/7 days of 5 a day fruits/veggies
    no recipe
  • navywifeandmomof4
    navywifeandmomof4 Posts: 958 Member
    1/4 days worked out

    nothing new

    700/135 Crunches 130/135 squats 50/135 push ups ( I do 10 sit ups and 700 crunches 6 days a week plus I'm doing 30 day squats challenge)

    no rest day today

    1/7 no sweets

    recipe - not yet
  • yangi1
    yangi1 Posts: 91 Member
    Hi all, sorry I haven't posted much. I have exams next week and with 3 kids, work and revising its extremely busy so I probabbly wont post much this week but will make sure I post my week 4 challenge stats for the week on Sunday or Monday. This week I have actually gained 1lb and I'm now 128.5. I'm not happy but I was expecting it as I haven't exercised much and not tracked food very well. Hope everyone has a great week. Here are my final stats for wk 3 challenge:

    2/4 days of exercise
    1/1 new -kick boxing
    100/135 crunches, 100/135 squats, 100/135 push-ups
    7/7 days of 5-a-day
    no recipe this week
  • adancer59
    adancer59 Posts: 302 Member
    Hey everyone! Please post in the "merging teams" discussion if you'd like to still be a part of this challenge group. Participation has dropped drastically overall, so many are thinking of restructuring. So far only two yellow team members have responded (navywifeandmom and me). I hope the rest of you can continue on with us, but good luck to anyone who decides to continue on individually :)
  • navywifeandmomof4
    navywifeandmomof4 Posts: 958 Member
    3/4 days worked out

    nothing new

    2100/135 Crunches 275/135 squats 135/135 push ups ( I do 100 sit ups and 700 crunches 6 days a week plus I'm doing 30 day squats challenge)

    no rest day today

    3/7 no sweets

    recipe - not yet
  • navywifeandmomof4
    navywifeandmomof4 Posts: 958 Member
    4/4 days worked out

    nothing new

    2800/135 Crunches 425/135 squats 135/135 push ups ( I do 100 sit ups and 700 crunches 6 days a week plus I'm doing 30 day squats challenge)

    no rest day today

    5/7 no sweets

    recipe - not yet
  • adancer59
    adancer59 Posts: 302 Member
    Here's the link to the new joint group loft: