Weekly Chat Thread Mon 5/6 - Sun 5/12



  • dym123
    dym123 Posts: 1,670 Member
    Does everyone use a heart rate monitor to calculate their calorie burn? I use a cheaper one that I bought from Amazon and I feel like it calculates my burn so low, especially for the HIIT workouts I'm only burning 170 calories at best and I'm working my butt off at 191 lbs!! I've even tried leaving the monitor on for an hour or so after the workout since I know that the "afterburn" can go on for hours, but it usually only goes up about 20 calories...Maybe I'm not working as hard as I think I am?

    Are you at or above your target heart rate? Nothing makes me work harder than hearing the beeping on my HRM when I drop below my THR. Also think about adding some weighted gloves or wrist weights, that helped me when I started getting used to the workouts because even though I felt like I was working my *kitten* off, my HRM barely ticked up.
  • HeatherBrookmyer
    HeatherBrookmyer Posts: 41 Member
    Does everyone use a heart rate monitor to calculate their calorie burn? I use a cheaper one that I bought from Amazon and I feel like it calculates my burn so low, especially for the HIIT workouts I'm only burning 170 calories at best and I'm working my butt off at 191 lbs!! I've even tried leaving the monitor on for an hour or so after the workout since I know that the "afterburn" can go on for hours, but it usually only goes up about 20 calories...Maybe I'm not working as hard as I think I am?

    My 20 HIIT/10 Stretch workout yesterday with my Sportline 630 calculated 241 @ 166lbs. I believe you should be burning more. Maybe the HRM you purchased isn't as accurate as it should be. Does it have a chest strap and also ask age/height/weight?

    On a side note...my mom (who does not exercise) screwed up her rotator cuff this week and is "out of commission" for work until tomorrow at the least. I proceeded to show her Chalene's stretches and told her she should probably be doing those on a daily basis when her shoulder starts to feel better.

    It's my rest day today....anyone else feel crappy on rest days? I feel like I'm going to have to get out and do SOMETHING today. I can't not workout now......how the hell did this happen!?!?! :glasses:

    Yes it has a chest strap, but no it does not ask any of the questions. Maybe I should invest in a better HRM. Thanks for the input!
  • HeatherBrookmyer
    HeatherBrookmyer Posts: 41 Member
    Does everyone use a heart rate monitor to calculate their calorie burn? I use a cheaper one that I bought from Amazon and I feel like it calculates my burn so low, especially for the HIIT workouts I'm only burning 170 calories at best and I'm working my butt off at 191 lbs!! I've even tried leaving the monitor on for an hour or so after the workout since I know that the "afterburn" can go on for hours, but it usually only goes up about 20 calories...Maybe I'm not working as hard as I think I am?

    Are you at or above your target heart rate? Nothing makes me work harder than hearing the beeping on my HRM when I drop below my THR. Also think about adding some weighted gloves or wrist weights, that helped me when I started getting used to the workouts because even though I felt like I was working my *kitten* off, my HRM barely ticked up.

    My heart rate is always in the 160 - 170 zone when doing the TF workouts that I've been exposed to so far, I'm only in week 3 of the reg. schedule. I'm not really sure where it should be, I know my resting rate is around 75.
  • hlsours1
    hlsours1 Posts: 10 Member
    Week 2, Day 1. Has anyone else had a weight gain in the beginning? I noticed I'm up almost 3lbs. Don't know if it's just me or if it's normal.

    During week 2 I had a three pound gain, I repeated week 2 and lost the three pounds plus another 1/2 pound. I also raised my calories a bit during my repeat of week 2, I found that after my excercise calories were added in I was barely eating 1100 calories. I'm getting better, but still don't think I 'm eating enough.

    I'm so glad to hear that! I was really discouraged seeing my gain. I can't wait till my next weigh in now! I noticed MFP has me eating less calories than what the TF nutrition plan says. I wonder if that makes a difference also.
  • BGent
    BGent Posts: 112
    Hi! Just found your group and am so excited to join you all. I completed the prep schedule last summer, fell off track through the winter but am back on track. I am on the regular schedule now, week 2 day 3. I really love Chalene, she keeps me motivated throughout the workouts. I have tried this a few times in the past but feel energized, like everything is FINALLY clicking into place. Please feel free to friend me, I would love to add more friends for motivation and to offer motivation to others. :happy:
  • tara9blur
    tara9blur Posts: 41 Member
    Hi everyone! I just started week 9 - I can't believe it! I have really been enjoying the workouts, but I have not seen a change on the scale or in inches. I blame myself - I have had ZERO focus on my diet so far. AND I've just come home from a 3 week trip visit family overseas. (I kept up with my workouts, but did LOTS of eating.) So this week I'm doing a massive nutrition overhaul!!! Wish me luck!
  • WildcatMom82
    WildcatMom82 Posts: 564 Member
    Week 2, Day 1. Has anyone else had a weight gain in the beginning? I noticed I'm up almost 3lbs. Don't know if it's just me or if it's normal.
    I did! I forget how much, I think I was up something like 5 lbs the first few weeks. I had been pretty sedentary so that's normal (it is when you start a new routine, too). I find overall I haven't had huge weight loss, but a bigger change in inches. The loss is slow if you're building muscle at the same time.
  • WildcatMom82
    WildcatMom82 Posts: 564 Member
    Does everyone use a heart rate monitor to calculate their calorie burn? I use a cheaper one that I bought from Amazon and I feel like it calculates my burn so low, especially for the HIIT workouts I'm only burning 170 calories at best and I'm working my butt off at 191 lbs!! I've even tried leaving the monitor on for an hour or so after the workout since I know that the "afterburn" can go on for hours, but it usually only goes up about 20 calories...Maybe I'm not working as hard as I think I am?

    My 20 HIIT/10 Stretch workout yesterday with my Sportline 630 calculated 241 @ 166lbs. I believe you should be burning more. Maybe the HRM you purchased isn't as accurate as it should be. Does it have a chest strap and also ask age/height/weight?

    On a side note...my mom (who does not exercise) screwed up her rotator cuff this week and is "out of commission" for work until tomorrow at the least. I proceeded to show her Chalene's stretches and told her she should probably be doing those on a daily basis when her shoulder starts to feel better.

    It's my rest day today....anyone else feel crappy on rest days? I feel like I'm going to have to get out and do SOMETHING today. I can't not workout now......how the hell did this happen!?!?! :glasses:

    Yes it has a chest strap, but no it does not ask any of the questions. Maybe I should invest in a better HRM. Thanks for the input!
    My burns with the HIITs are lower because the high HR isn't being maintained as long as with the cardio (plus they're shorter workouts), but you will get more accurate estimations with one that uses your age/gender/height/weight to calculate burns.
  • rachpetersen
    rachpetersen Posts: 265 Member
    did fire 45 today + 230 squats...even though I only got 2 hours sleep last night and feel like crap. Glad I did it though!
  • tanya0324
    tanya0324 Posts: 86 Member
    Yes it has a chest strap, but no it does not ask any of the questions. Maybe I should invest in a better HRM. Thanks for the input!
    My burns with the HIITs are lower because the high HR isn't being maintained as long as with the cardio (plus they're shorter workouts), but you will get more accurate estimations with one that uses your age/gender/height/weight to calculate burns.

    What kind do you have? I use a Pyle. It's relatively inexpensive (compared to more popular brands) but does ask all those questions. I too wondered about the accuracy because of my weight and the amount of sweat. Last night I did the HIIT 20+Stretch 10 and I burned 229 calories total. I'm not sure if your friends with Kakes80 but she posted today that she did the same workout without the stretching and burned like 207. She uses the Polar brand. She does weigh slightly more than I do though. Here is the amazon link for the one I have: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B006QP0R2E/ref=oh_details_o05_s00_i02?ie=UTF8&psc=1
  • WildcatMom82
    WildcatMom82 Posts: 564 Member
    If you ever feel like you're cheating yourself with the resistance band do a workout with a 13 month old crawling around. All of a sudden it would be way harder and when I looked down he was pulling on the band lol. Fire 30 and Sculpt done today!
  • Fire 55 Stretch 10
    and I did barbell work out for 20 mins
    940 calories gone...according to the body bug.
  • HeatherBrookmyer
    HeatherBrookmyer Posts: 41 Member
    Yes it has a chest strap, but no it does not ask any of the questions. Maybe I should invest in a better HRM. Thanks for the input!
    My burns with the HIITs are lower because the high HR isn't being maintained as long as with the cardio (plus they're shorter workouts), but you will get more accurate estimations with one that uses your age/gender/height/weight to calculate burns.

    What kind do you have? I use a Pyle. It's relatively inexpensive (compared to more popular brands) but does ask all those questions. I too wondered about the accuracy because of my weight and the amount of sweat. Last night I did the HIIT 20+Stretch 10 and I burned 229 calories total. I'm not sure if your friends with Kakes80 but she posted today that she did the same workout without the stretching and burned like 207. She uses the Polar brand. She does weigh slightly more than I do though. Here is the amazon link for the one I have: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B006QP0R2E/ref=oh_details_o05_s00_i02?ie=UTF8&psc=1

    Mine is also a Pyle, but I never answered any questions, perhaps I didn't set it up properly...ha ha, I am slightly challenged in the IT area:) I'll check out your link, I do like that the Pyle has been so easy to use and it was really easy to set-up, or so I thought!!
  • Tomorrow will be day 1, week 1 for me, new adventure ready for it!!
  • thenapony
    thenapony Posts: 12
    Did HIIT 20 & Sculpt 30 today. Felt okay. I hate that band! The moves are so awkward. I took two days off this week instead of just one. I've noticed it's so much harder for me to workout again after two days off than if I just have one day off.
  • 5/9
    Turbo Fire 45
    HIIT 20
    Stretch 10
    20 mins light weight lifting
    890 calories burned according to body bugg

    I had a pitiful calorie day yesterday. Not enough to properly maintain today's work out. I went through the motions but couldn't give it my typical umph. Still great calorie burn. Also, with only 3-4 light weight lifting sessions and I can feel the muscle definition beginning. I LOVE lifting weights!

    Today I am HUNGRY. Calories are back up and I hope to add more to it tomorrow.

    Tomorrow's plan is ab work for 20 mins, Fire 55, and Stretch 10.
  • WildcatMom82
    WildcatMom82 Posts: 564 Member
    Took today off. Did my first 5K distance with the double jogger, 3 hills and no walking! I definitely have Turbo to thank for that leg strength.
  • tara9blur
    tara9blur Posts: 41 Member
    HIIT 15 and Tone 30 today. I felt like I didn't give it my all in the workout, and I think it's because I didn't eat enough yesterday! I need to do better at planning meals and snacks so I hit the right number of calories!
  • rachpetersen
    rachpetersen Posts: 265 Member
    Fire 55EZ this morning + 250 squats! and I am done the 30 day squat challenge!! I got some strong thighs and booty now let me tell you!!
  • Woot! Welcome to the group!