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Any Obese Moms?

DistantJ Posts: 155 Member
I see a bunch of skinny moms on the "How Much Weight Have You Gained" thread. Just curious if I'm the ONLY fat pregnant person in the world??

I am 5'6" and was about 243 when I got pregnant, and now at 26.5 weeks I am about 250. Trying REALLY hard to not gain but it has proved to be impossible even though I'm not really well enough to eat much.

This is my 8th pregnancy and will be my 6th live birth, God willing.


  • myfitnessisavirtue
    myfitnessisavirtue Posts: 673 Member
    I am obese still, although I have lost 50 pounds. I started this pregnancy at 5'4" and 230. I lost 8 pounds in trimester one and have been slowly gainly it back so I am now at almost 26 weeks and 228. I am having a harder time resisting sweets lately though. This will be my third child. I have two sons, 5 &7 and this one is supposedly a girl (by u/s), still wrapping my head around the idea of a daughter.
  • kcasey155
    kcasey155 Posts: 968 Member
    Hate the word 'obese' with a vengence! However my BMI says that's what I am. I started out at 208lbs and I'm 5'5". I'll be 14 weeks tomorrow and am currently at -12lbs. I have my calories set to maintenance however I rarely eat back all my exercise calories, so end up eating below maintenance. (Which for me is still about 2100-2500 calories a day). This is my fifth pregnancy (I have four boys already) and the first time I've tracked my weight and what I eat.

    I would say you were both doing really well. No one can complete a healthy pregnancy without gaining weight and you're both at the stage where baby is growing lots. Remember that just by giving birth you'll lose an instant 15lbs plus in the end.

    Right now concentrate on eating right and getting in as much exercise as possible. Eating better usually means ditching all the processed foods and cooking from scratch or eating raw. Also remember the more exercise you do the more you can eat (incuding sweets!). Extra trips to the park/swimming pool for the kids, walking to the shops and carrying/pushing/pulling the shopping home, getting that garden looking neat and tidy and weed free, ditching the car whenever possible or parking further away from where we want to be, etc. Not only do we need to lose or level off the pounds, but we need to be fit for birth, for ourselves and our babies. Being fitter will help us recover quicker and make those first few months a little easier.
  • Nope, you’re not alone! My name is Lorena and I am 13 wks along and am considered 'Obese' , I started at the same weight as you and so far have been able to maintain it. My doctor has given me the OK to continue working out w/out any restrictions & also said that it is not necessary that I gain any weight throughout my pregnancy. I am keeping my fingers crossed that thats what happens. Before getting pregnant I had lost 20 lbs and I really do not want to put them back on, especially knowing that I don't have too-my baby will get everything he/she needs. Glad to have found someone else that is feeling that same! :smile:
  • SamanthaAnneTowler
    SamanthaAnneTowler Posts: 17 Member
    I'm 5 weeks along now and just weighed in this am at 208.8 lbs and I'm only 5'3''. I've managed to lose 39 pounds since January but am still 'Obese'. I've lost 2.6 pounds since I found out I was pregnant last week. I'm trying to eat maintenance calories but between nausea and not wanting to stuff myself too full I'm having trouble hitting that mark. There is no way I can eat back my exercise calories so I'm pretty sure I will still be losing for the beginning of my pregnancy. I gained 47 pounds with my little girl and I just lost all of that a few weeks ago lol, just in time to get pregnant again so I'm determined to gain as little as possible with my second.
  • SouthernAngelK
    SouthernAngelK Posts: 6 Member
    I'm in the same boat ladies!! I am 5'9" and 275 lbs. Was down to 190 about 5 years ago, but I've definitely let myself get to an unhealthy point over the past few......

    Stressed about staying healthy for my baby, I'm 5w2d as of today. Glad to know I'm not the only one!! My first OB & U/S appt isn't until May 14th, but I'm sure he will tell me the same - not to gain ANY weight if possible. I am already -5 lbs since we found out, and I can contribute that to instantly cutting out all bad nutrition possible, including sugars not from fruit or other natural ways.

    I was lightly walking before pregnancy, and am afraid to start up anything too aggressive so I'm just going to continue trying to walk 30 - 60 minutes a day as long as it feel comfortable. Maybe my doc can shed some light on the subject and help give me some more tips for the journey :)

    When are ya'lls due dates?
  • lisapr123
    lisapr123 Posts: 863 Member
    I'm 8+ weeks and technically obese. At 5'4" I'm generally in the 190's. I run and cycle and walk and am very active so it's hard to wrap my head around the fact that I am obese. We had to do IVF to get here (and I had a miscarriage an January) so I haven't been as active so far as I'd like to be. I guess I'm holding out for the end of the first trimester. As of last Monday (my latest ultrasound) I'm measuring a couple days ahead and we have a solid heartbeat, so I'm trying to convince myself it's a regular pregnancy and I don't need to be so cautious! I teach so I'm on my feet all day, and walk the evenings that I am not exhausted. But still, I've gained a couple lbs already. To be fair, as my specialist has pointed out, I'm on mega-amounts of support medications for the first trimester and they cause excessive bloating.

    This coming Friday I graduate from my specialist to my nurse practitioner at my OBGYN's office so we'll see what she says about my weight gain. My specialist was never concerned about it, but I certainly don't want to gain a ton and end up significantly heavier.

    My due date is 12-5.

    Cheers to us all having healthy, happy pregnancies!
  • thecakelocker
    thecakelocker Posts: 407 Member
    I'm 36 weeks now, EDD May 27th. I started at 214lbs and climbed to 221lbs. I'm still lifting heavy weights at the gym and feeling pretty awesome. The only thing that gives me trouble really is walking at a fast pace, the weight of my belly kinda drags on me if I go too briskly.

    I also had to switch from my old OB to a super awesome midwife because my old OB coldly informed me at 27 weeks that both the baby and I were too big (baby is NOT too big, baby is on the large side but my measurements are totally normal) and I would have to have an "automatic C-section" and not be "allowed" to labor, and that she could tell I had diabetes just by looking at me (I don't, glucose came back perfect).
  • Feel pretty good to know that I am not alone! My due date 10-31-2013! :)
  • cmmoc
    cmmoc Posts: 13 Member
    I am 168cm and 88kg (5'6 and 195 pounds). I lost 20kg (45 pounds before I got pregnant but have already gained back 18).

    I am due mid November so just now hitting 12 weeks.

    When I first found out I was pregnant I kept up my fitness and didn't really increase my calories too much. But then I started bleeding and my doctor put me on bed rest and even when that was lifted banned me from the gym. Only now I have clearance to do light exercise and he has asked me to watch how much weight I am gaining as I have gained about 1kg (2pounds) a week! Ouch!

    So now I am back on MFP and trying to track my calories and figure out what a good limit is (thinking 1600 or 1800) and will start my light exercise tonight but still need to be very very careful.

    Ideally I would like to stay at this weight for the next month or so and then hopefully not gain more than another 5kg in total. Will do my best but the safety and health of baby is my first priority.
  • SamanthaAnneTowler
    SamanthaAnneTowler Posts: 17 Member
    I'm due at the end of December. So excited to have our second and last baby. Only ever wanted two so I'm sticking to it. My calories are still hoovering around maintenance and I'm keeping myself walking even if I am tired. So far I'm still losing but I'm just at the beginning of my pregnancy. Here's to us all having happy healthy babies!!
  • 1DayMarathonRnner
    1DayMarathonRnner Posts: 120 Member
    I am 25 weeks and 5 days along, 6ft and 252 before pregnancy. I am now 254. Definitely obese, but a lot better than I was in 2009 when I was at 360; My family and doctor are concerned about me not gaining weight.

    Honestly, I am beginning to worry that I may be getting an eating disorder. I wouldn't tell that to my husband or family yet but in the past few days I have been wondering. Before pregnancy I was able to work out 60 mins a day (alternating cardio and strength training) and I ate more but my doctor told me that I cannot work out now. Ever since I had to stop working out I worry about everything I eat. I count calories, carbs, and etc. I am eating about 1400 calories a day, which is not healthy for me, I know.

    Other attributing factors is that the baby has to be laying or leaning against my stomach because I get full soooo fast. Half a sandwich and I am done. Also I am an elementary school teacher, so eating snacks during the day doesn't work. If I am eating then all of my 30 students think they should be eating. After May 23rd I should be able to eat more but for now, it is what it is.
  • Taraanne76
    Taraanne76 Posts: 111 Member
    I am obese according to my BMI. So far I have gained a cpl lbs even though I'm still working out and watching carbs and cals. I hope to have control over my gain this (4th) time bc in the past I really ballooned. Good luck to us!
  • DistantJ
    DistantJ Posts: 155 Member
    Your stories are very motivating. I also hate the word "obese," but didn't know a more delicate way to put it.

    Thank you for sharing, everyone! You all have made me feel better! <3
  • ehmadore
    ehmadore Posts: 72 Member
    I'm 9 weeks pregnant and estimate I gained a pound so far. It's hard to know because I didn't realize I was pregnant till 2 weeks ago and my weight had been fluctuating around 216-218. I'm 219 now. I'd love to have more friends on myfitnesspal that are like me :)
  • cindymcd
    cindymcd Posts: 25 Member
    I'm starting out at 230lbs this pregnancy...right there with ya!
  • Jsperez94
    Jsperez94 Posts: 7
    I'm in the same boat as many of you. I started when I was 220lbs & am 5'4". I lost 17lbs and began training for a 5K when we found out the exciting, unexpected news. At 36, this was the last thing we expected. I was able to maintain weight but the past two weeks all I've wanted to do is eat. I was 212 when I became pregnant with my 6 year old and was 224 when he was born. I hope to gain no more than 15 lbs this go around, if any at all. The doctor has told me no exercise for the past week and a half with another week to go due to some complications. It's been a struggle not to eat everything in sight and still abide by the no exercise rule. It's a long way until December 14th so I'm trying to figure out how to do so without blowing it all.
  • BBeccaJean
    BBeccaJean Posts: 453 Member
    I'm 5'4" and after I had my son, I was 227 in Sep 2011. I got down to the 180s for a few weeks in Sep 2012 and then went back up to mid-190s, then found out I was preggo with baby #2! I'm 36w+2 and have gained about 25lbs...much better than the 50 I gained last time...I started taking Metformin after Baby #1 and that has helped a lot.
  • kristinc06837
    kristinc06837 Posts: 630 Member
    My Story is similar have been working to lose baby #1's weight for about a year and half, got down to 188 and then bam! lol I have been on a perpetual diet for the last year and a half hanging around 1200-1500 calories and am really at a loss what to do now as I really do not want to do the 65+ lbs again (Where I stopped weighing my self not where I stopped)
  • Rag_Doll
    Rag_Doll Posts: 49 Member
    Hello! I am! I'm about 6 weeks gone, 5'4" and 178lbs.

    Thanks for posting as I thought it was just me :-)
  • JennyV2013
    JennyV2013 Posts: 37 Member
    I'm not skinny.. I was 5'6" and 204 when I got pregnant. I'm 17 weeks and have gained about 7. This is my third and I am so much heavier this time around. First pregnancy I started at 145 and delivered at 220! Second pregnancy started at 150 delivered at 190. I have struggled big time pretty much ever since #2 was born, and he's 3!