Probably starting Monday...but...

sum1serin Posts: 32 Member
Question.... How much space do you feel is necessary to do everything?


  • astrampe
    astrampe Posts: 2,169 Member
    Not much - I did Chalene Xtreme before I took over the basement room for my home gym :bigsmile and I did it in my bedroom - in a small space between the bed and the wall....As long as you have enough space to lie down for push-ups, and can move your arms or do a lunge/squat without bumping into a wall, it's fine....
  • LisaGirlfriend
    LisaGirlfriend Posts: 493 Member
    yes I agree. not much space needed. I like to do the runners lunge and the pushups without hitting anything. You will love CLX!!!
  • fitktjo
    fitktjo Posts: 3 Member
    Not much space at all! The most space you'll need is for the pushups, workouts on your back and then possibly when you do the moves that require you to double the distance from side-to-side. You will love CLX though!! :)
  • sum1serin
    sum1serin Posts: 32 Member
    I'm super excited! I need to figure out how to take some decent before photos (finally got a workout bra that fit) Hooray!. I'll try and do it between my dresser and bed for now. May have to adjust the direction when I have to get into laying down chest fly's or whatever. lol. :D Poor UPS man had one hell of a time bringing my weights to me today.
  • astrampe
    astrampe Posts: 2,169 Member
    LOL for the UPS man - I ordered a set of kettlebells (altogether 60lbs) from amazon....The look on the guy at the mail services place when he gave it to me was priceless - and even more when he offered me the use of a dolly to get the box to my car...I thanked him, declined his offer and hitched to box up into my arms (hoping I won't fart or drop it on my toes....that was after Chalene Xtreme, so I did not - but it was hard to carry it outside and not giggle like a school girl looking at the poor guys face... ! ;-)