Day 1



  • dolphingrl2481
    dolphingrl2481 Posts: 60 Member
    L2d3 done :smile:
  • blaqpepa
    blaqpepa Posts: 67 Member
    Hi all,
    I started yesterday. Goodness, i woke up and my body was crying, lol.
    Did day 2 level 1, and feel sore but great :smile:
    Yay us:smile:
  • jumpermuffin
    jumpermuffin Posts: 27 Member
    Ok, I did this last night. I have to admit that when it was the side lunges with weights I could NOT make it through the reps. But that is okay and I'll do better tonight and eventually I will be able to make it through the entire routine without stopping at all. My legs are very sore today (the stairs up AND down kill me at work today haha) and my arms are fairly sore. I can do this though! :)
  • sprocida
    sprocida Posts: 3 Member
    I started day 1 today 5/9/13. Before this I was doing Spark People 28 Day Boot Camp but was getting bored and wanted more of a challenge. I have already lost 21 pounds (still does not feel like it though :( ) and a few inches here and there. I am 5'9 started at 205.5lbs and today I am at 185 goal weight of 175 and if I'm feeling crazy maybe even 165. I started Day 1 today, had to cheat with the pushups doing a table top version and took minor 2 second breaks for a quick sip of water. I wore a heart monitor and it logged the calories burned as 311. However, I think this is slightly inaccurate because the strap kept slipping during the jumping jacks. I checked during the minute of jumping jacks and it said my heart rate was 108 which is bologna... I had to reposition my monitor So I probably burned a few more. Looking forward to continuing the 30 Day Shred hoping to see some awesome results like everyone else!
  • alsaxon
    alsaxon Posts: 124 Member
    Just finished day 1. It looks easier than it really is. Those lunges with weights are killer! I won't lie. I took several breaks, my endurance is shot. But I'll keep on doing it everyday until I am able to finish level 1 without stopping even if I it takes more than the 10 days. I also want to be able to do push ups full out before moving on to level 2, but we shall see.

    This is a great workout. Beforehand I did do a little bit of strength training for my back and arms.
  • NavyMomLinda
    NavyMomLinda Posts: 3 Member
    I just started today. I had done level one at the beginning of April but quit when my daughter came to visit me for a week. So now I am starting over. Anyone else just start? Please friend me - I need the support! I have zero friends, lol! I am 5'5" and weigh 147 lbs. I would like to get down to the 120's. I am working out of state for a year and get to go home and see my husband for 2 weeks in July and I would love to be close to my goal by then!
  • alsaxon
    alsaxon Posts: 124 Member
    I just started today. I had done level one at the beginning of April but quit when my daughter came to visit me for a week. So now I am starting over. Anyone else just start? Please friend me - I need the support! I have zero friends, lol! I am 5'5" and weigh 147 lbs. I would like to get down to the 120's. I am working out of state for a year and get to go home and see my husband for 2 weeks in July and I would love to be close to my goal by then!

    I just started. I'll friend you.
  • benska
    benska Posts: 7

    Yeah, after the FIRST freakin' day only....I was destroyed. Then of course life interfered I haven't done any of it in a couple of weeks (stupid, I know...I'm sure I will pay big time when I start up again :-( I have downloaded everything I can find from Jillian, and am going to start again this weekend (taking some time off of going out of town to see the boyfriend, who can afford the gas?!) I have been swimming one kilometre, off and on, in the interim...let me tell ya, swimming is awesome!