CLX and C25k?

kiekie Posts: 289 Member
I'm hoping to receive my CLX in the next couple of days. I've been dying to get my hands on this programme since doing Turbo Fire and getting hooked on Chalene but wanting more strength training and I'm SO excited to start.

BUT, my friend and I are wanting to start C25k this week also and do our first 5k in July. I thought it would be perfect to run for my cardio portion during the spring and summer months and then switch to Turbo Fire for cardio when the weather starts to decline (I'm in England!). Although my CV fitness is ok through doing TF, I'm not a runner so I'm expecting it to be challenging on my body and I'm just wondering whether starting heavy lifting at the same time is a good idea.

My schedule will be something like this:

Mon - CLX
Tues - C25k
Wed - CLX
Thurs - C25k
Fri - CLX
Sat - C25k
Sun - Rest

Can anyone with experience of doing these two programmes together or separately offer any advice?


  • LisaGirlfriend
    LisaGirlfriend Posts: 493 Member
    I don't have experience with the two together, but I think if you did the CLX circuits (lifting) 3x a week, and used the running for your cardio 2-3 x a week, you would be just fine! Try to do the CLX Recharge once a week (20 minute yoga) for the stretch. It's great. I think you will LOVE CLX!! The lifting workouts are only 30-35 minutes each and they rock! Go heavy or go home.
  • kiekie
    kiekie Posts: 289 Member
    Thank you!

    I will certainly try out the recharge. I loved Stretch 40 in TF, which is mostly yoga, so it'll be great to have a shorter version to do weekly.

    I did Burn Circuit 1 last night with fairly light weights ranging from 5 to 12 lb, and I loved it! I was so pumped afterwards and so hungry this morning LOL!
  • LisaGirlfriend
    LisaGirlfriend Posts: 493 Member
    Thank you!

    I will certainly try out the recharge. I loved Stretch 40 in TF, which is mostly yoga, so it'll be great to have a shorter version to do weekly.

    I did Burn Circuit 1 last night with fairly light weights ranging from 5 to 12 lb, and I loved it! I was so pumped afterwards and so hungry this morning LOL!

    Glad you loved Burn. It just gets better and better!!! You will feel so awesome after. I just started the LEAN phase (3rd month) and it's so hard yet so great! I always feel like I look like Janelle when I do the circuits (ha ha)!!!!! Love CLX.
  • erinjleslie
    erinjleslie Posts: 10 Member
    I am new to this group and am starting week 3 of the burn phase. Love it so far, but I can't wait for it to get a little more intense. :) I have also been doing turbo fire, and just started c25k tonight! I will only be doing TF occasionally in the summer. I also like doing Ab training 3x per week.
    So next week my schedule is:

    M: run & Abs 10
    T: Burn Circuit 1 & Turbo 30
    W: run & Extreme Abs
    Th: Burn Circuit 2
    F: Burn Intervals & Ab Burner
    Sa: Burn Circuit 3 & run
    Su: Burn it off & Recharge

    I'll reassess at the end of the week and see if I feel the need for a rest day.

  • astrampe
    astrampe Posts: 2,169 Member
    I don't have experience with the two together, but I think if you did the CLX circuits (lifting) 3x a week, and used the running for your cardio 2-3 x a week, you would be just fine! Try to do the CLX Recharge once a week (20 minute yoga) for the stretch. It's great. I think you will LOVE CLX!! The lifting workouts are only 30-35 minutes each and they rock! Go heavy or go home.

    This...just make sure the three days of CLX are the weight lifting dvd's....I did it this way - three weight workouts and ran three more days for cardio per week - two 5km's and one long run...It worked well.....

    You should be fine, just take the C25K slowly and steady and enjoy!
  • aatlchavens
    aatlchavens Posts: 44 Member
    I am glad for some input on this as I was wondering if you'd still see good results subbing another form of cardio in for the Burn intervals and abs video. I hate the burn intervals workout. I feel clumsy and like I just can't keep up. I think I'll go back to running on those days, follow with the abs video, then continue on with the rest of the week as planned.
  • kiekie
    kiekie Posts: 289 Member
    Thanks for your input. I'm just going into week two and it's working really well so far. BUT I am assuming that as I'm only on week 1 of C25k and not actually running very much at this point, I'm actually missing out on a good ol' burn. I think I'm going to add a Turbo Fire cardio class once or twice a week after doing CLX just to bump up the burn. I'm also going to add in the abs class two or three times too.
  • LisaGirlfriend
    LisaGirlfriend Posts: 493 Member
    you guys have inspired me to add running in to CLX too. A co-worker asked me to do a 1/2 marathon with her in September!! At first I laughed and said no way. Now I"m seriously thinking about it. I used to run a lot. I downloaded the 21 k iphone app and am going to start today and see how it goes. I sometimes have a knee/foot problem, so I will have to see how my foot is. I'm also not sure how I can devote so much time to running 3 times a week... but I will see.

    Started week 2 of LEAN and finding it SO hard!! but great!!! I ordered P90X last night. I think I've completely lost my mind!

  • amomono
    amomono Posts: 106 Member
    Now that it is nice out again, I should do this also. I have done the C25k a few times... never actually got to the end =( I just restarted CLX, just did week two's Burn 1.... so I'll plan on running tomorrow and doing abs/yoga on the running days. Great idea!
  • kiekie
    kiekie Posts: 289 Member
    Now that it is nice out again, I should do this also. I have done the C25k a few times... never actually got to the end =( I just restarted CLX, just did week two's Burn 1.... so I'll plan on running tomorrow and doing abs/yoga on the running days. Great idea!

    We're on the same day then! I'm just off to do W2, BC1 also.

    The running is working out really well so far. But as I drive to pick up my friend, then to the park, by the time I get back I'm pretty cooled down and ready to re-fuel rather than start another workout, especially as it's been pouring with rain too and I'm shivering and eager to get into the shower! So I'm going to add the extra cardio and abs after my CLX workouts and do the yoga on my day off. Let's see what happens!
  • LisaGirlfriend
    LisaGirlfriend Posts: 493 Member
    I went running yesterday outside for the first time in years!! Did 5.5 km in 45 minutes. Burned 360 calories and felt that runners high I used to get when I ran all the time (before kids)!! I'm now trying to convince my 11 year old son to train for a 10 km race in September.
  • kiekie
    kiekie Posts: 289 Member
    I went running yesterday outside for the first time in years!! Did 5.5 km in 45 minutes. Burned 360 calories and felt that runners high I used to get when I ran all the time (before kids)!! I'm now trying to convince my 11 year old son to train for a 10 km race in September.


    I can't believe I used to think that runners were mad, out there in al weather etc. I get it now!

    I was never into lifting either and am enjoying CLX so darn much, it's unreal.
  • ShannonKelliG
    ShannonKelliG Posts: 70 Member
    I just signed up for a 5k in Sept, so I'm going to have to do this now. I'm in week 2 of push. After I'm done CLX I'll have to go whole hog in the running lol.
  • LisaGirlfriend
    LisaGirlfriend Posts: 493 Member
    I just signed up for a 5k in Sept, so I'm going to have to do this now. I'm in week 2 of push. After I'm done CLX I'll have to go whole hog in the running lol.

    If you have an iPhone there are some great 5 k training apps that start you really gradually. You could even start training while you're doing CLX. I like the combo of CLX circuits and running. I went running again yesterday but it was one of those days where I couldn't get comfortable and everything was bothering me. I walked more yesterday than I did the first time, but still did 5.8 k!
  • LisaGirlfriend
    LisaGirlfriend Posts: 493 Member
    So I went running 3 times this past week and lifted 3 times. Felt good. My body is holding up so far with the running. I signed my 11 year old son and I up for a 5 km race on August 31st so that should be fun. Just have to get him out there with me!! He seems into it but you know kids. :-)
  • maieranne77
    maieranne77 Posts: 191 Member
    Thank you for this thread!!! I have been re-starting week 1 of the push phase for about 3 weeks now...... and just re-started c25k last week and it would be great to mush these two together. I also am not a fan of the burn intervals.
    I'm using the bands and not feeling challenged enough = not much results = motivation draggggggggg. I kind of missed the slight discomfort I would get from running. Not pain but I felt like I did something.... I'm not getting that from CLX.
  • kiekie
    kiekie Posts: 289 Member
    I'm so glad I've found others doing these two programmes!

    Lisa - I've been doing 3x lifting and 3x running too and it feels so right, every other programme/combo I've tried has always been a slog but I honestly look forward to every single workout now!

    I've lost inches already. My weight jumped up two pounds right before starting and now shows I've lost those two so I don't know if it was just a fluctuation or not (and I don't care really!).

    maieranne77 - I can't imagine using the bands, are you going to switch to dumbbells? CLX has me dying on my feet when I have the courage to go one heavier!
  • maieranne77
    maieranne77 Posts: 191 Member

    maieranne77 - I can't imagine using the bands, are you going to switch to dumbbells? CLX has me dying on my feet when I have the courage to go one heavier!

    I know! Chalean always says "you should be dying right now" yeaaaaa I'm not. I went out and bought a medium tension band to use but even then I'm not sore. I get fatigued during the exercises but I think the dumbells would be more of a challenge. Hubby says no to dumbells but doesn't think it's enough of a challenge.....wants me to do P90X. :( maybe someday but the 60 minute workouts would not happen at 5am. 5:30 is pushing it for me to get the CLX in.
  • LisaGirlfriend
    LisaGirlfriend Posts: 493 Member
    You should definitely invest in some dumbbells. I have a cheap pair of adjustable ones that keep me going. I also have 8, 10 and 15 pounders and they get me through. I am dying during CLX. Hard!! Definitely enjoying the run/CLX combo. ;-)
  • amomono
    amomono Posts: 106 Member
    I'm loving the running, too! I'm finishing up week two tomorrow (well, week 1 of c25k).

    I used to use the bands, but switched to dumbells this time around. I had a light, medium, and a heavy band and I definitely used the heavy band on the lower leg workouts. Make sure you choke up if you can on the bands, because it adds a ton of resistance. I switched mainly because I didn't feel like I had a sense of how much I was actually accomplishing with them... knowing the actual weight I'm doing for bicep curls makes me feel bad *kitten*... or it did, when I finished the lean circuit last time. ;)