May 11, 2013

PamHealthMission Posts: 471 Member


  • auntsammy88
    auntsammy88 Posts: 401 Member
    I plan to do some major makeup work today.
    I already did:

    * 21 minutes of C25K (building up to running after sprain). I did a total of 8 minutes jogging/running and the rest walking.
    * 15 minutes of Jessica Smith's Barefoot Cardio Flow
    I'm getting ready for lunch with a good friend of mine. After lunch, I will be going to a 60 minute restorative yoga class.

    Then, at 4:00, I will be watching the Thunder basketball game! I'm thinking about doing one of those "Watching the game workouts."
    I found one for march madness that goes like this:

    Foul: Crunches until regular game-play resumes.

    Jump Ball: Do five jump-squats.

    Slam Dunk: 10 lunges each side.

    Technical Foul: Hold plank until regular game-play resumes.

    Three-Point Shot: Do three squats.

    Time Out: Get down and give us 10 push-ups!

    Two-Point Shot: Do two jumping jacks.
  • PamHealthMission
    PamHealthMission Posts: 471 Member
    Hi Sam and Everyone! It's Saturday and such we are having such pretty weather after an evening and night of thunderstorms. Decided to do an unscheduled walk outdoors for 30 minutes. Uphill downhill.

    Sam: what you've done already with workouts is an excellent start towards being "major":happy: Let us know how the "watching the game workouts" work for ya, too.

    Some of you may have already read or responded to what I put on the home page of MFP. Pondering over what fitness routines I want to do next week and possibly for the next 30 - 90 days. The first "structured" program that I did was Chalene Extreme in January 2010.Since then, I've mixed and matched some of the workouts with other program workouts. CLX was the "program" that caused me to fall in love with strength training and it gave me good results over the 90 day period... (8 lb loss, 10 inches loss)...and reshaped how my body looked overall. It gave me the strength to even try P90X workouts, too.

    The only question I have for anyone or myself is the workout schedule for this program gives rest days on Tuesdays and Sundays. My preference is rest days on Saturdays & Sundays. Those that are familiar with this program please give me your thoughts.

    Have a super Saturday and a MARVELOUS Mother's Day on Sunday!
  • FromHereOnOut
    FromHereOnOut Posts: 3,237 Member
    Hey folks! Just checking in. I've ended up with some illness today...sore throat and headache, etc. This is the first time this year for a sinus thing, since I started MFP & working out. :frown: So, rest day today.

    @auntsammy, the workout for watching a game sounds cool. Enjoy the game
  • ashsmile78
    ashsmile78 Posts: 3,528 Member
    hi guys
    i have been absent from mfp and this group for about a month. i became very discouraged because i had lost and gained the same ten pounds for several months now. i felt like i was investing a lot of time and energy into mfp and not getting the results i wanted. but trying to drop the weight without mfp and support from everyone on here wasn't really working either. so i am back.

  • LizardQueen4PointOh
    LizardQueen4PointOh Posts: 245 Member
    Sammy - WTG! You're killing it today.

    Pam - I'm not really familiar with that program, so I can't really say if the actual days of rest matter. I would think it wouldn't unless they're strategically spaced after especially strenuous workout days. I've been thinking of doing a second round of 30DS myself.

    Sherry - Hope you get to feeling better. I've been a boogery, congested mess the last week and my diet and exercise have been off.

    Ashley - Welcome back! I had a two week hiatus a while back also. Just jump back in and keep going!

    I worked a graveyard shift last night and used my one hour lunch break to do W1D3 of C25K on the treadmill at our work gym. I ended up doing around 2.5 miles and I was very pleased. I've always avoided the treadmill because I worry about flying off the back of it (I'm very clumsy / accident prone). As long as I don't try to look behind me while running, I think I'll be good! :laugh: I'm working another graveyard shift tonight, so I will try to get in my W2D1 of C25K. I need to get back in the swing of things after a week off from really any exercise.
  • PamHealthMission
    PamHealthMission Posts: 471 Member
    hi guys
    i have been absent from mfp and this group for about a month. i became very discouraged because i had lost and gained the same ten pounds for several months now. i felt like i was investing a lot of time and energy into mfp and not getting the results i wanted. but trying to drop the weight without mfp and support from everyone on here wasn't really working either. so i am back.


    Welcome back, Ashley.:flowerforyou: There are just so so many factors that come into play when we are doing things to improve our health and fitness. It took me a good long while to find that "thing" that got me off a plateau a little while back. For me it was adding more strength training versus cardio which is very key for post-menopausal women like me. I used to do mostly cardio and very very little strength training. Also, I had to take a really good look at how MUCH food I was consuming on a daily basis and the types during that time, too.

    It also may help to get a complete physical to rule out any "medical issues" and let your doctor know your plans. I ain't gonna lie to you and say losing weight in a healthy manner happens quickly. It can take a while but don't get discouraged or give up. You want to make this a "way of living" healthier for yourself....not looking for a quick fix. You are still very young and I admire the fact that your health is important to you. Wished I had your thoughts even just a little bit at your age. Stay the course dear lady and develop a habit of consistency for the longhaul...kwim?:smile:
  • PamHealthMission
    PamHealthMission Posts: 471 Member
    Pam - I'm not really familiar with that program, so I can't really say if the actual days of rest matter. I would think it wouldn't unless they're strategically spaced after especially strenuous workout days. I've been thinking of doing a second round of 30DS myself.

    I worked a graveyard shift last night and used my one hour lunch break to do W1D3 of C25K on the treadmill at our work gym. I ended up doing around 2.5 miles and I was very pleased. I've always avoided the treadmill because I worry about flying off the back of it (I'm very clumsy / accident prone). As long as I don't try to look behind me while running, I think I'll be good! :laugh: I'm working another graveyard shift tonight, so I will try to get in my W2D1 of C25K. I need to get back in the swing of things after a week off from really any exercise.

    Liz, :laugh: We sure don't want you flying off the back of a treadmill!! That is so cool that you are able to use your lunch break at the work convenient.

    The CLX is a high intensity circuit training program. This is what the schedule looks like:
    S - rest
    M - strength (arms, chest, shoulders, abs, legs)
    T - rest
    W - strength (arms, legs, hamstrings)
    Th - combination cardio/strength with intervals of intense and light activity
    F - strength (arms, shoulders, glutes, legs)
    S - pure cardio

    I was thinking about doing it this way:
    S - rest
    M - strength
    T - combination cardio/strength with intervals of intense and light activity
    W - strength
    Th - pure cardio
    F - strength
    S - rest

    I will stop by a CLX forum and see what kind of feedback I can get, too. Thanks for your input.:smile:
  • JulesX1982
    JulesX1982 Posts: 151 Member
    Well good day to all!!!

    I got an early morning wake up call at 4:30am to go to work and I have been busy all day so I was not able to get any exercise in. I am still going to watch what I eat throughout the day though. I am going to be short 6 miles this week of training but I know that next week I will be right on target or maybe even more miles than required! Going away this weekend with my mother so I am packing my running shoes and workout gear. I am going to be committed and stick to my running schedule if it kills me!

    Sammy- Wow that sounds like an awesome day of exercising I envy you!

    Pam- I am in the same boat as you I dont know or have any concrete workout program and it is getting nicer outside so I am more inclined to exercise outside via biking or running. I think I am going to get Jillian Michaels Body Revolution this winter and follow that one. But my fiance informed me that he would like to start trying for a baby this August so we will see what happens. I am trying to lose weight in order to get pregnant! GEEZ but I am going to workout throughout the pregnancy if possible.

    Sherry- Hope you feel well and take care of yourself, drink lots of water or fluids the worst is to get dehydrated!!!!

    Liz- You should give yourself a pat on the back for having the drive to workout during your lunch at work. I totally understand what shift work is all about and having to get your exercise in wherever and however you can. You are doing awesome!!!!

    Well I have to drive home now 3 hours in the car and then another 7 tomorrow URGH!

    Have a great Mother's Day to all the Mother's out there!!!!!
  • Hurdisnie1
    Hurdisnie1 Posts: 218 Member
    Wow..great post today ladies....and Ashley even if you have those moments it really is ok. We expect a lot from ourselves, you will find what works best is just not giving up. For me it is accountability. Even though I have good reason to just sit and cry sometimes... and sometimes I do.... Now I'm trying something small to recover from my mini Hiatus, I had 2weeks in a row where working out seemed impossible. I was a little bummed but I just started small and slowly started increasing my workouts. Good thing about this thread we are all working together at our own pace...just jump back in we're here....;-)
  • steadybutsure
    steadybutsure Posts: 153 Member
    Ashley i completely understand how you feel. i read success stories that occur within 2months and i've been going hard at it for over 4months. We all have our moments and its normal. i still haven't found a solution yet i will let you know once i find one.