Confused! Fitbit, tdee, and nursing!

rekite2000 Posts: 218 Member
I just bought my fitbit one (love it!). But now I am lost again! I was doing TDEE-15% plus 500 for nursing and moderately active for 2650 calories. (BMR 1620). So with the fitbit, I put my numbers in and said sedentary which gave me 1660. So I know I have to net at least this. I add nursing as cardio (1minute) and any non-walkin/running exercise into MFP. Before, I would eat about 2650 a day, should I just still aim for 2650 in food and ignore the fitbit adjustments? Can I use fitbit more efficiently with EM2WL? Hope this made sense to someone!


  • hayles333
    hayles333 Posts: 105 Member
    I am in the same boat (only difference is that I enter nursing as a negative adjustment in my food diary so that it deducts from my macros to account for protein/carbs/fat that I need to eat back)...I have been ignoring my fitbit adjustments (really just using them as a guide to see whether I should be moving more throughout the day and/or whether I need to change my activity modifier when calculating my TDEE). Would love to hear what others have to say though, as it never occurred to me to do otherwise!
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    If you know you have workouts the FitBit is no good at measuring calorie burn with (spin, running fast, lifting, elliptical, ect) and days that are valid (walking dog, walking kids, ect), then you have 2 options.

    1 - Find FitBit estimate of average non-exercise days TDEE.
    Change MFP activity level to come to same result.
    Manually change your eating goal to non-exercise TDEE - 15%.
    Eat back FitBit adjustments to the valid activity, eat back MFP adjustments to manually entered workouts minus same 15%.

    2 - Find FitBit estimate of average valid days TDEE, not the days it is no good at.
    Change MFP activity level to have same result.
    Manually change eating goal to that TDEE - 15%.
    Eat back the fewer FitBit adjusts that come across, and the manually entered workouts minus 15%.

    To do either one, what you'll need.
    Those FitBit TDEE values for which ever method you want to do.
    Your MFP - Apps - BMR Calc result.

    TDEE divided by that MFP BMR is your multiplier.
    Select the Settings - Diet/Fitness profile activity level that is closest to your multiplier, doesn't matter if over or under, closest.
    1.25 - Sedentary
    1.35 - Light Active
    1.45 - Active
    1.55 - Very Active
    Change weight loss goal to Maintain. Change Fitness goals to 0's. Save.
    Manually change your eating goal to that TDEE - 15%. Change macros to what you want to. Save.

    So now, on average, MFP will be as close as it can be to what your FitBit TDEE is found to be - which means no adjustments. You should set positive, but no negative adjustments.
    If you do workout more than average, you'll get adjustments over your 15% deficit goal.
    If you log a workout FitBit can't calc correctly, you get MFP credit too (subtract 15% on that too).

    You eat those adjustments back.

    Now add on the nursing calories each day as needed or you have worked out. Those do not get added on before the math happens. Baby doesn't need a deficit, right.
  • Imaan2012
    Imaan2012 Posts: 156 Member
  • phillygirl
    phillygirl Posts: 1 Member
    So is the above help in general to get the most out of your fitbit? Trying to figure out if I would have to change settings when done nursing.
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    So is the above help in general to get the most out of your fitbit? Trying to figure out if I would have to change settings when done nursing.

    Since the nursing calories should ALWAYS be added on after any multiplying or dividing, it doesn't matter.

    You just stop adding on nursing calories when you stop doing it.