Anyone here workout with The Rack?

Hello, my name is Leland and I have been using Fitbit for my walking/hiking/running, etc exercises.

Now I use "The Rack" workout, it is several DVD's each DVD being something different, (you have to buy equipment that looks like a walker as well.)

Now i would like to "add" The Rack workout into my "exercises" but the problem I am having is, it is "mostly" strength training, with a little bit of cardio thrown in as well. Now there is no "certain" amount of reps you have to do, it's all about time, so does anyone know how I can enter this info in to the "exercise" area?

For example The Rack, In the Zone is 20:00 minutes. (not including warm ups, or stretches) it's full body, going from "chest" wearing your chest out...then wearing your legs out, etc. All about progressing to one part of the body to the next, very fast pace.

Can anyone help me here?

Thank you!


  • srk369
    srk369 Posts: 256 Member
    I just finished my first workout. This is my husbands but since he wasn't using it, figured I'd put it to some use. I was just searching for what others logged too. I think I'm going to log as Calisthenics (pushups, sit-ups) vigorous effort and just edit say The Rack. I think that will be a good calorie assumption. For me it says 163, so I'll round down to 150. When I do Jillian Michaels workouts I log those as Circuit training but this is less cardio than those, I think. Great workout though!!
  • USAAirman
    USAAirman Posts: 18
    I just finished my first workout. This is my husbands but since he wasn't using it, figured I'd put it to some use. I was just searching for what others logged too. I think I'm going to log as Calisthenics (pushups, sit-ups) vigorous effort and just edit say The Rack. I think that will be a good calorie assumption. For me it says 163, so I'll round down to 150. When I do Jillian Michaels workouts I log those as Circuit training but this is less cardio than those, I think. Great workout though!!
  • USAAirman
    USAAirman Posts: 18
    I just finished my first workout. This is my husbands but since he wasn't using it, figured I'd put it to some use. I was just searching for what others logged too. I think I'm going to log as Calisthenics (pushups, sit-ups) vigorous effort and just edit say The Rack. I think that will be a good calorie assumption. For me it says 163, so I'll round down to 150. When I do Jillian Michaels workouts I log those as Circuit training but this is less cardio than those, I think. Great workout though!!

    Thank you so much! Did you "add it" to where I could use that "exercise" as well?

    Thank you!

  • srk369
    srk369 Posts: 256 Member
    I pulled up the calisthenics to see the calorie burn and then added "The Rack" so that I could track when I do that one. Now I'll always see this when I pull up my exercises. Good luck with this. I will be doing it a lot more. I'm trying to talk my husband into starting it...he keeps putting it off until "later!!"
  • USAAirman
    USAAirman Posts: 18
    I pulled up the calisthenics to see the calorie burn and then added "The Rack" so that I could track when I do that one. Now I'll always see this when I pull up my exercises. Good luck with this. I will be doing it a lot more. I'm trying to talk my husband into starting it...he keeps putting it off until "later!!"

    I'm still trying to figure out how you added it. Will keep trying, maybe I'll figure it out tomorrow.